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The morphological and syntactic grammes of the category of temporality: Морфолого-синтаксический состав категории темпоральности в русском языке
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The present paper discusses morphological and syntactic structures of time in Russian language. The morphological and syntactic structures are considered part component of time category in Russian language.

The morphological categories of time are formed through a various types of expressions .Tenses generally express time relative to the moment of speaking. In some contexts, however, their meaning may be relativized to a point in the past ,present or future which is established in the discourse .Some languages have different verb forms or constructions and that are opposed in meaning not in syntactic category. Hence, the present study traces and compares the syntactical and morphological categories of time that connects the sentence with the reality of the actual time.


В статье проанализированы морфологические и синтаксические граммемы категории темпоральности, определен их статус в составе этой категории. Отмечено, что морфологическую категорию времени формирует система формальних средств выражения настоящего, будущего и прошлого времени, особенный статус прошлого времени (давно минувшего) влияет на проблематичность его определения. Акцентировано внимание на том, что глагольные формы времени, противопоставляясь между собой временными значениями, при этом не противопоставляются по синтаксическими свойствам. Прослежена особенность синтаксической категории времени, состоящая в сравнении с морфологической категорией глагольного времени. Прослежено, что в синтаксисе, в структуре его основной единицы – предложении, категория времени одновременно с категориями особы и модальности является средством реализации предикативности, связывая высказывания с действительностью и реальным временем.



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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
جهود جُهُودُ عُلَمَاءِ العِرَاقِ في تَدْوِينِ الف هَ ا رِسِ والكَ ش ا فَاتِ والمَ جَ ل تِ المعْ ن يةِ بال ت راثِ
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The scholars of Iraq in the modern and contemporary era have been interested in the definition of tremendous knowledge treasures left by the successive Iraqi civilizations on Mesopotamia and around the cities, through the census and extrapolation of manuscript heritage and even printed, they compiled indexes,evidence

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 23 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
قيود الختام او حرود المتن دراسة تطبيقية بالاستناد على نماذج مختارة من المخطوطات الاسلامية من القرن(10-13هـ/ 16-19م) في المكتبة المركزية بأربيل:
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     Islamic manuscripts are considered an identity for the civilizational, cognitive and cultural development of nations and the Islamic world as a whole, and to identify this identity

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 03 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
أثر تطبيق الضريبة الانتقائية على السجائر في زيادة الحصيلة الضريبية: The effect of applying the selective tax on cigarettes on increasing the tax revenue
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The increasing rates of consumption of cigarettes harmful, to health in the world in general, and in Iraq in particular, and because of the costs borne by individuals, and the state as a result of addressing its damage, as well as Iraq's commitment, to international conventions against cigarettes, and demands of the World Health Organization, to raise prices to reduce consumption. Therefore, the tax Selectivity is one of the most important ways of regulating the consumption of this commodity on the one hand and increasing the tax revenue on the other. The research aims to shed light on the issue of selective tax on cigarettes and the impact of their application in increasing tax revenues and identify the effectiveness of the application

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 26 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
قيود الختام او حرود المتن دراسة تطبيقية بالاستناد على نماذج مختارة من المخطوطات الاسلامية من القرن(10-13هـ/ 16-19م) في المكتبة المركزية بأربيل:
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     Islamic manuscripts are considered an identity for the civilizational, cognitive and cultural development of nations and the Islamic world as a whole, and to identify this identity, the closing statement usually written at the end of the manuscript helps us with this, meaning that the closing entries serve as the identity document of the manuscript

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 13 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
استخلاص عامل التلزن ( اللكتين ) من بكتريا لخلايا Enterococcus faecalis EM1 وتأثير العوامل البيئية المختلفة عليه ودوره في تلزن أنواع من البكتريا السالبة لملون غرام
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استخلص عامل التلزن من E. faecalis EM1 بعد تكسير الخلايا بعدة طرق واختيار الطريقة التي تعطي اعلى قيمة تلزن والترسيب بالكحول الاثيلي , واجري فحص التلزن وقياسه للمستخلص  مع انواع من البكتريا السالبة لملون غرام تضمنت     Escherichia coli  و Klebsiella  pneumoniae  و Serratia

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
Journal Name
Full Text Book Of Minar Congress10
مستوى الافصاح عن المعلومات المالية المتعلقة بالاستدامة على وفق معيار (IFRS-S1) وتأثير على أداء الشركة - بحث تطبيقي في عينة عن المصارف الاسلامية العراقية
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Ecofriendly Control for Stored-Product Pest, Oryzaephilus surinamensis (Order: Coleoptera, Family: Silvanidae)
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Dates are considered one of the most important foods consumed in Arab countries. Dates are commonly infested with the sawtoothed grain beetle, Oryzaephilus surinamensis. Consequently, the date yield, quantity, and quality (economic value and seed viability) are negatively affected. This study was designed to investigate the effectiveness of air evacuation as eco-friendly and safe control method against adult O. surinamensis. Insects were obtained from the infested date purchased from a private store in sakaka city, Aljouf region, Saudi Arabia. Air evacuation (using a vacuum pump) and food deprivation were applied to O. surinamensis, and insect mortality was observed daily in comparison with the control group (a

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Dec 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Generative Adversarial Network for Imitation Learning from Single Demonstration
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Imitation learning is an effective method for training an autonomous agent to accomplish a task by imitating expert behaviors in their demonstrations. However, traditional imitation learning methods require a large number of expert demonstrations in order to learn a complex behavior. Such a disadvantage has limited the potential of imitation learning in complex tasks where the expert demonstrations are not sufficient. In order to address the problem, we propose a Generative Adversarial Network-based model which is designed to learn optimal policies using only a single demonstration. The proposed model is evaluated on two simulated tasks in comparison with other methods. The results show that our proposed model is capable of completing co

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Effective Hybrid Deep Neural Network for Arabic Fake News Detection
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Recently, the phenomenon of the spread of fake news or misinformation in most fields has taken on a wide resonance in societies. Combating this phenomenon and detecting misleading information manually is rather boring, takes a long time, and impractical. It is therefore necessary to rely on the fields of artificial intelligence to solve this problem. As such, this study aims to use deep learning techniques to detect Arabic fake news based on Arabic dataset called the AraNews dataset. This dataset contains news articles covering multiple fields such as politics, economy, culture, sports and others. A Hybrid Deep Neural Network has been proposed to improve accuracy. This network focuses on the properties of both the Text-Convolution Neural

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Scopus (10)
Crossref (4)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Dec 28 2022
Journal Name
مجلة التربية الرياضية
إدارة درس التربية الرياضية لدى الطالب المطبق وفقا المهارات التدريسية من وجهة ً الهم نظر اعضاء هيأة التدريس في كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة جامعة بغداد
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