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A Study of Feminist Stylistic Analysis of Language Issues of Gender Representation in Selected Literary text
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Stylistics is the analysis of the language of literary texts integrated within  various approaches to create a framework of different devices that describe and distinct a particular work. Therefore, feminist stylistics relied on theories of feminist criticism tries to present a counter- image of a woman both in language use and society, to draw attention , raise awareness and change ways that gender represents. Feminist stylistic analysis is related not only to describe sexism in a text, but also to analyze the way that point of view, agency, metaphor, and transitivity choices are  unanticipatedly and carefully connected to issues of gender(Mills,1995:1)                                                                  

       The study tries to discuss matters of gender representation in stylistic analysis and how questions and messages of gender are deducted and exposed when reading and interpreting a text. Moreover, the concept of transitivity and how meaning is encoded and adopted by different patterns      of transitivity will be analyzed and investigated.                                    

  The study has shown that transitivity patterns are used as a device to analyze gender representation as well as to describe the ideational meaning which involves the experiential realization of the world. The results of the analysis of transitivity choices of the selected romantic scene have shown that the whole number of processes are nineteen, the female does five processes in her role as an actor, whereas male shows fourteen which are  the highest number in his performance. The male appears to be the active participant agent who is conscious and in control of his action, whereas the female appears to be passive in her quality, volition and being affected or recipient actor. Also, it is seen that feminist analysis tries to create a new message and picture of woman position; this is depicted by the essential role of the readers' assumption and contextual factors of the text in the process of interpretation.                                             

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Topic Management in Selected Dementia Patients' Speeches: A Clinical Discourse Analysis Study
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Topic management is the awareness of how speakers deal with initiating, developing, changing, and ending a topic and how they fix the relationship when a misunderstanding occurs. It is such an important unit of conversation as it includes the transition from one strategy to the other to be accomplished in a systematic and orderly manner. These strategies are impaired in dementia patients thus lead to communication breakdown. This study aims at detecting the dementia patients' topic management strategies in selected speeches and answering the questions of which of these strategies are fully or partially detected in these speeches. The researchers use a qualitative method to examine the speeches of those patients and they adopt an eclectic

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 28 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The gender implications of Facebook pages and their role in prioritizing women issues
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Gender has considered and become a new trend in women's studies, as it reflects the behaviors, roles and attitudes imposed by society on its members in accordance with their biological nature,with focusing on gender rather than on concentration on women, which is closely linked to the vision that concentrates on women's problems which are not primarily according to their biological differences But rather to a greater extent to social, cultural, historical and religious barriers and Obstacles.
Therefore, the qualitative division due to the concept of "gender" is not a rigid biological division, but is relied on the broad general context through which the social division of work is done. Thus, content in the pages of Facebook with high-

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The stylistics of expressive structure in Al-Sayyab's attempt- A textual study
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Our research tends to study the poetic attempt of  Badr Shakir Al-Sayyab and examine it stylistically, and we suggested his mature collection '' Rain song'' as a pattern for our textual analysis of the poet's attempt.

   In the beginning , we confirm that branches of applied structures meet to produce poetry such as narration , drama , cinema , mythology , allegory , various religious and historical texts , previous events , and special cumentary events related to work production. If all above-mentioned was complicated and disregarded throughout a single text , the text writer would not secure positive results that might keep open continuity between him and his readers.

   Therefore , this issue w

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 20 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Community Innovation and Its Role in Gender Mainstreaming and Development Issues
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Gender mainstreaming is a goal for building a society characterized by justice and equality. Gender mainstreaming requires a clear understanding of the concept. Therefore, the research focuses on the concept of gender and how it was addressed in the literature through which the concepts related to gender were extracted which is represented by the role and social status through which the relationship of gender can be measured. In order to find out the basis for the different status and roles of both sexes in societies, the interpreted theories of gender were addressed, through which the most important factors affecting gender relations, such as biological, social and economic factors, as well as political systems, were discussed. Due to t

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Publication Date
Mon May 02 2022
Journal Name
Lark Journal
Iraq Wars: From A literary text to Social Context
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This article investigates Iraq wars presentation in literature and media. The first section investigates the case of the returnees from the war and their experience, their trauma and final presentation of that experience. The article also investigates how trauma and fear is depicted to create an optimized image and state of fear that could in turn show Iraqi society as a traumatized society. Critics such as Suzie Grogan believes that the concept of trauma could expand to influence societies rather than one individual after exposure to trauma of being involved in wars and different major conflicts. This is reflected in Iraq as a country that was subjected to six comprehensive conflicts in its recent history, i.e. less than half a century; th

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 14 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Education College Wasit University
On the deviation of literary language
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DBN Rashid, Journal of Education College Wasit University 1(1):412-423, 2007

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Theoretical And Applied Information Technology
Graph based text representation for document clustering
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Advances in digital technology and the World Wide Web has led to the increase of digital documents that are used for various purposes such as publishing and digital library. This phenomenon raises awareness for the requirement of effective techniques that can help during the search and retrieval of text. One of the most needed tasks is clustering, which categorizes documents automatically into meaningful groups. Clustering is an important task in data mining and machine learning. The accuracy of clustering depends tightly on the selection of the text representation method. Traditional methods of text representation model documents as bags of words using term-frequency index document frequency (TFIDF). This method ignores the relationship an

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Scopus (15)
Publication Date
Sat Nov 27 2021
Journal Name
Route Educational & Social Science Journal
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BN Rashid

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 28 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Effectiveness of Digital journalism in developing political awareness among Iraqi feminist activists "A survey study"
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The paper aims to reveal the effectiveness of digital journalism in developing political awareness among Iraqi feminist activists. This paper is descriptive, and it adopted the analytical descriptive survey method. A snowball sample composed of (102) respondents of Iraqi feminist activists was adopted and questionnaire was used to collect data. The research has reached the following conclusions: The rate of Iraqi Feminist Activists dependence on digital Journalism have increased; to develop their political awareness, and their preference - in this regard - (the pages of journalistic institutions to social media) in a way that exceeds other types of digital journalism. (Variety of languages) has topped the priorities of Iraqi feminist act

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Studies In Humanities And Educational Sciences
Unlocking the Language of the Heart: A Stylistic Analysis of EmotiveTechniques in Paulo Coelho's By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept
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This paper presents an in-depth stylistic analysis of the linguistic artistry andliterary techniques employed by Paulo Coelho in his novel By the River Piedra ISat Down and Wept. A close reading approach guided by stylistics and linguisticsframeworks reveals Coelho's extensive incorporation of imaginative metaphors,vivid imagery, poetic diction, and resonant symbols across the narrative. Analysisspecifically elucidates how Coelho adeptly manipulates various stylistic features toconvey thematic content, shape characterization, and produce aesthetic impacts.Findings provide critical insights into Coelho’s linguistic mastery and contribute toresearch in stylistics and literary linguistics through rigorous examination of anentire contemporary

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