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The Labyrinths of the Contemporary French Novel Through the Texts of Patrick Modiano: Les Labyrinthes du Roman Français Contemporain à travers l’Œuvre de Patrick Modiano
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The current paper aims to study the different forms by which the theme of labyrinth imposes itself as a preferred narrative structure in the novels of the French writer Patrick Modiano. Theoretically speaking, the current research paper will limit itself to the theoretical framework of the textual poetics which relies on the study of literary texts without paying much attention, neither to the context, nor to the life of its author. The analysis of the strong and varied links that Modiano's novels establish with labyrinth represents a field which has not received adequate attention by the critical studies dedicated to this French writer. As it will be shown throughout the current paper, Modiano views labyrinth both as a form and a subject to be a very vital, dynamic, and infinitely renewable inspiration.


Cette recherche a un objectif précis : étudier les diverses modalités selon lesquelles le motif du labyrinthe se pose comme principe privilégié de l'esthétique du récit chez Patrick Modiano. Cela se fera, dans la généralité, à la lumière de la méthodologie de la poétique textuelle sans pour autant omettre le rôle que pourrait jouer le contexte sur les choix thématiques de l'écrivain. Dans les romans de Modiano, le labyrinthe à plusieurs modes d'existence. Nous en avons discernés trois : le labyrinthe ontologique, dont l’évocation est liée à l’identité du personnage. Le deuxième devrait s’appeler le labyrinthe mémorial dont la présence est en rapport avec le caractère spécifique doté à la mémoire des personnages. Le troisième mode du labyrinthe concerne l’espace labyrinthique dans lequel errent les êtres romanesques de Modiano. Analyser les liens forts divers et multiples que le roman de Modiano établit avec le motif du labyrinthe est un domaine qui n’a pas pris l’intérêt qu’il méritait dans les travaux critiques consacrés à l’écrivain français. Comme nous le verrons au cours de cette recherche, Modiano trouve dans le labyrinthe, en tant que forme comme en tant que sujet, une source d’inspiration extrêmement vitale, dynamique et sans cesse renouvelable.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Approvals of the Imam nuclear for Iraqis Through the student platform
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The research was titled: Approval of the Imam of the Nuclear of Iraqis through the curriculum of the students.
The research revolves around the study of the weight of the imam nuclear jurisprudence in which the views of the Iraqi jurists of the Imam Shafi'i agreed through the book of students' approach to the nuclear imam, the research included a brief translation of the nuclear imam, and the definition of his place in the Shafi'i school, and then the definition of Iraqi jurists and then study the jurisprudence The course of research is only three issues, and compared with the views of imams, and the statement of the most correct opinion, and God and the conciliator.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The concept of sohba when the Golden Imam Through his books
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Scientists were interested in the statement of the concept of companions and the definition of the companion in terms of his status or his novel or inherent to the Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him) and was for those who did not walk in the translations and the abundant share in this work, and among these scientists Hafiz Shams al-Din al-Dhahabi, which was translated to the companions His books, indicating their status and effort, and who had a novel of them - what we will see in the folds of the research, God willing -

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2022
Journal Name
Sustainable Studies
Description of the word formation system in contemporary Russian
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This paper deals with the description of the system of formation and derivation of words in the Russian language. In this work, we will present recent trends in the study of the Russian language that deal with vocabulary formation. The lexical system of the Russian language is associated with a common (or opposite) meaning; similar (or opposite) in stylistic characteristics; united by a common type of word formation; related to a common descent and belonging to a vocabulary of much or little use, etc. The results of the most prominent linguists and specialists who dealt with this topic will be presented, in addition to presenting their different views on word formation. The words of the Russian language consist of mor vimat that participate

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Constituents of Active Structure in Contemporary Architectural Products
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The structure is considered in its scientific formula one of the concepts which complete the architectural image that seeks to take out an effective and attractive structure in contemporary architectural production, especially that the structure -in general- represents strength in addition to delight and functional benefits according to Vitruvius trinity. So, the role of structure depends on making its aesthetical properties able to give efficiency within architectural product. That has come through adoption of intellectual mechanism of structural means and details –as a whole or parts- and focused on structure with the recipient's needs, aesthetical, and sensory purposes in addition to its fundamental role of stabilit

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The contemporary role of administrative accounting Renewal or threat
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The contemporary role of administrative accounting Renewal or threat

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 21 2024
Journal Name
Magazine Aldhakwat Albedh
Ideals and values in the texts of the second century AH - Visit forty examples - Technical objective study
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Values and ideals are two basic pillars in human life, and high societies have been keen throughout their ages to adhere to and establish them so that man can distinguish good and evil, right and wrong, as they are a balance of actions that give man a higher value. Many of the followers of Abbasid literature, poetry and prose – it is noted that many imams and writers have been keen to highlight these values and make them material for their poetry and literature, courage, generosity, chastity and....All meanings of human values and there is no doubt that one of the texts abounding in this field is what was reported from the people of the house of infallibility pure (peace be upon them), including we touch it in the visit of Imam Jaafar al-

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2005
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Le developpement du theatre romantique
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Le developpement du theatre romantique

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Formal Characteristics of the Architectural Type of contemporary Mosques within the concept of Topology
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Mosques could be considered as one of the most powerful architectural types throughout historical ages. With their highly symbolic formal legacy, Mosques  play an essential role in providing the Islamic city with its special identity. Nevertheless, the advent of digital technology and its ubiquity at different levels of architectural design marked the emergence of new tendencies in the Architecture of Mosques, represented by various models added to the storage of this architectural type. Consequently a review of these tendencies would be needed, aiming at pointing out the formal transformations and new suggested characteristics.

The paper investigates the surviving and the disappearing formal components of&n

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Factores lingüísticos y extralingüísticos de la evolución semántica de los términos Linguistic and non-linguistic factors of the semantic evolution of terms
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La disciplina sémantica siendo una rama de la lingüística y relacionada con los significados que residen detrás de los vocablos sería muy intereseante ser estudiada y investigada, sobre todo cuando tratamos de penetrarnos dentro de la evolución semántica y los motivos por los que se suceden estos cambios. Pues, es injusto dejar de dar una definición aclaratoria sobre esta disciplina y sus componentes.

El significado de los léxicos que se forma por un conjunto de semas o rasgos significativos mínimos. Sin embargo, no todos esos semas son igualmente intervenidos por los hablantes de una comunidad lingüística, sino que hay algunos de ellos que siempre están presentes, mientras que otros varían. Es decir, el significado

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Analyse der Hauptgestalten in Wielands Roman Geschichte des Agathon
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Wielands Hauptwerk die Geschichte des Agathon (1766/73,1794) ist

der wichtigste Roman der Aufklärungsepoche (1720-1785). Die Verlegung der

Handlung in die Antike widerspiegelt die kulturelle Blüte der vorbildhaften Zeit

zwischen 5. und 4. Jhd. v. Chr.

Beim Lesen des Romans findet man unzählige (über 70) Namen aus der

Antike; von Herrschern, Strategen, Philosophen, Dichtern, Künstlern . . . etc,

woüber man unbedingt informiert werden muss, um deren Zusammenhang in der

Geschichte zu verstehen. Vorübergehend erwähnte Personennamen gibt Wieland

meistens als Beispiel für eine Situation oder ein Verhalten. Dies gab mir den

Anstoß, die wichtigsten Figuren

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