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The composition of the vocabulary and passages in the poems of Saadi: بررسی ترکیب‌ سازی در قصاید و قطعات سعدی
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The importance of research and study of classical Persian literature is not overlooked.  So far, there have been many studies in this area.  But there are still some things that need more research.  Persian grammar is one of the most important branches of Persian literature.  This section has always been converted at different times.  One of the issues that has been neglected in the studies of classical literature is the study of the technical tales of past and past poetry.  These texts can be studied from different perspectives.  Because Persian is a mixed language, it is possible to combine language terms with each other or to add prefixes and suffixes to express new concepts. They can be used by examining nonlinear terms (derivative, compound, derivative) in the past,  And used it to form new words.

         Saadi Shirazi has created valuable works in the field of Persian language and literature. Many scholars have tried to examine his works from different points of view.  At the same time, sheikhs and cuttings were taken lightly.  In this paper, the author attempted to study the composition of sati and parts.

     اهمیت تحقیق و پژوهش و واکاوی متون کلاسیک ادبیات فارسی بر کسی پوشیده نیست. تا کنون پژوهش های زیادی در این زمینه صورت گرفته است. ولی هنوز مواردی را نمى توان  یافت که بررسی بیشتر درباره ی آنها ضروری به نظر می رسد. دستور زبان فارسی یکی از شاخه های مهم زبان فارسی است. این شاخه در ادوار مختلف همواره دستخوش تحول و دگرگونی بوده است. یکی از مواردی که در پژوهش های مربوط به ادب کلاسیک کمتر مورد توجه قرار گرفته است  بررسی مباحث دستوری متون منظوم و منثور گذشته می باشد. این متون را می توان از نظرگاه های مختلف دستوری مورد مطالعه و مداقّه قرار داد. از آن جا که زبان فارسی زبانی ترکیبی است ؛ یعنی می توان از پیوستن واژه های زبان به یکدیگر یا افزودن پیشوندها و پسوندها به آن برای بیان مفاهیم تازه بهره گرفت ، می توان با بررسی واژه های غیر بسیط ( مشتق ، مرکب و مشتق ـ مرکب ) در آثار گذشتگان ، الگوی ساختواژه را از آنها استخراج کرد و در ساختن واژه های جدید از آن ها بهره برد.

سعدی شیرازی آثار ارزشمندی را در حوزه ی زبان و ادبیات فارسی خلق کرده است .پژوهشگران بسیاری

کوشیده اند تا آثار او را از دیدگاه های مختلف بررسی کنند. نگارنده در این مقاله کوشیده است تا به بررسی ترکیب‌سازی در قصاید و قطعات سعدی بپردازد.


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Publication Date
Sun May 10 2015
Journal Name
The concept of eliminating and relating in the Paintings of the artist Mahdi Mutashar: جواد عبدالكاظم فرحان الزيدي
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This research main goal is to identify the concept of relating and eliminating in visual arts and how does work as a philosophic and aesthetic concept of great importance in visual arts, specially in abstract field, for it is related to ornament (geometrical or botanical) for its rising is a sign for the operations of adding and deleting, and studying art products with such trend in their configuration and the boundaries of utilizing this concept. Then taking the art works of the artist Mahdi Mutashar as a research sample for procedural analysis. And outputs that tend in this direction in it's formal being and know the limits of the concept of work -related dialectically interconnected. And then deal procedurally with the works of Iraqi

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Use Of Computerized Curriculum Individually and Cooperatively In the Achievement of Ninth Grade Students in Mathematics
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The study aimed to investigate the effect of using the intructional computer individually or through the cooperative groups on the achievement of the ninth grade students in mathematics compared to the traditional method. The experimental method adapted three groups out of three schools were chosen, two groups of the students where applied the computer method. The comtrol group used the simple random method, and it used the diagnostic test as tool for the study.The result showed that there is a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the experimental groups and the control group on the post-test for the two experimental groups.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
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The art of adornment and make-up in the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia and the old country of Yemen as a model
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This research sheds light on those discrepancies in the use of ornaments, adornment and perfumes, as well as the art of cosmetics, in two important civilizations, namely, the Mesopotamian civilization as the earlier civilization, and the civilization of Yemen, which represents the first Arab civilization. Through the foregoing, our research includes two topics, the first topic included the history of the use of decorations, ornaments and perfumes in the civilization of Mesopotamia, while the second topic included the study of ornaments, adornment and cosmetic art in the ancient civilization of Yemen. And then the research came out with a number of conclusions that the researcher considers very important to highlight the differences and f

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role Of Intellectual Capital In The Performance Of Small And Medium Enterprises Research filed In Small And Medium Enterprises In Baghdad
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The Research aims to determine role of The Intellectual capital in the performance of small and medium enterprises , to achieve this goal through a researcher from the theoretical literature and studies related to the construction of the scheme shows the hypothetical relationship between the variables, which was adopted by the independent variable intellectual capital, distributed four variable are:( human  capital, structure capital ,customer capital, innovation capital) as well as four variable (the financial perspective, the customer perspective, process perspective ,the learning & growth perspective) The  study were getting to  many results as bellow :the intellectual capital in the small and intermediate p

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Internal control and its role in the reform of the tax work: Applied research in the General Commission for Taxes
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That internal control is particularly important in improvingperformance and tax reform، they play an important role in the regularity ofwork and development and the anti corruption and activating the decisionsand tax legislation، as contained in the organizational plan and the means،procedures and components designed from which to ensure a policy andimplementation plans The research aims to review the reality of the internalcontrol in the General Commission for Taxes and stand on the deficiencies init, with the strengthening of the role of internal control in the GeneralAuthority for taxes based on the laws and regulations and by using modernmeans to work as well as developing the performance of employees in thebody، including helpin

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of some of the success factors and product strategies Applied Research in the industrial sector of the Iraqi
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This research deals with the study of the relationship between the success factors as the independent variable and product strategies as the dependent variable , has reacted to these variables to form the frame , which is the research which centered research problem about the extent to which industrial companies the vision and knowledge of Muslim women survive and develop in the business market , which can be expressed about the extent of awareness of corporate success factors and the use of product strategies and what the relationship between the factors and strategies , while expressing the importance of research to make the focus on the product occupies a paramount importance in the industrial sector companies in relation to t

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 06 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Neurosis of Blackness and Psychological Trauma in Edward Albee's The Death of Bessie Smith
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      Edward Albee, as a playwright, indicates that art should be useful and have a message. Therefore, his work foregrounds and critically examines issues concerning the Neurosis of Blackness and psychological trauma. Albee uses cruelty of racism in reflecting psychological trauma and emotional abuse of American black identity in his plays. Race, social inequality, and gender still sustain to engender controversy audience consciously. Racial discrimination is one of the major issues that affect the American Society. Albee challenges and exposes the presumptive dreams of equality of American society and institutional racism. Therefore, one of the main problems of the twentieth century in America is skin color. It

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Problem of Paradox and its Manifestations: A Study in the Titles of Najm Wali's Novels
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The irony pushes us to inquire about what is in the text of contradiction, irony, suspense, and other acts of paradox, as well as a departure from what is logical, or familiar, that attracts the attention of the addressee, and this is what drives us to introspect the text and interrogate it in order to get to know the intended product of the text or its real or metaphorical intent. On the other hand, the irony is more in the literary text than in the scientific texts. Therefore, critics add the word literature to it in their definition.

 As it is represented by the paradox, we will seek to study the paradox of the title and the problematic that it may pose as the beginning of the text, and i

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of the Strategy of Cognitive Discrepancy in the Achievement of Literature and Texts among the Fourth-Stage Students
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The present research aims at identifying the effect of the cognitive discrepancy strategy on the fourth-stage students’ achievement in literature and texts. The researcher adopted the null hypothesis: there is no statistically significant difference at the level (0.05) between the average grades of the experimental group who study literature and texts following the discrepancies strategy, and those who follow the traditional method. A post-achievement test of (60) paragraphs was administered to (6) students as the study sample. The results showed that the experimental group who studied literature and texts with the strategy of cognitive achieved better than the control group who followed the traditional method in the post-achievement t

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Impact of Anticyclones Merge on the Temperature in the stations of Mosul, Baghdad and Basra for the Period (2005-2015)
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           The Anticyclone Merge affects Iraq’s climate clearly through its impact on the different climatic elements. where it appears while they pass through special and distinctive weather . and most of this affection appears in temperatures, Therefore, this research study the relationship between the repetition and the survival period of the Anticyclone Merge and temperature average by using coefficient correlation (Pearson) that shows there’s strong inverse relationship between the integration of Anticyclones and temperatures average.                        &nbs

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