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The composition of the vocabulary and passages in the poems of Saadi: بررسی ترکیب‌ سازی در قصاید و قطعات سعدی
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The importance of research and study of classical Persian literature is not overlooked.  So far, there have been many studies in this area.  But there are still some things that need more research.  Persian grammar is one of the most important branches of Persian literature.  This section has always been converted at different times.  One of the issues that has been neglected in the studies of classical literature is the study of the technical tales of past and past poetry.  These texts can be studied from different perspectives.  Because Persian is a mixed language, it is possible to combine language terms with each other or to add prefixes and suffixes to express new concepts. They can be used by examining nonlinear terms (derivative, compound, derivative) in the past,  And used it to form new words.

         Saadi Shirazi has created valuable works in the field of Persian language and literature. Many scholars have tried to examine his works from different points of view.  At the same time, sheikhs and cuttings were taken lightly.  In this paper, the author attempted to study the composition of sati and parts.

     اهمیت تحقیق و پژوهش و واکاوی متون کلاسیک ادبیات فارسی بر کسی پوشیده نیست. تا کنون پژوهش های زیادی در این زمینه صورت گرفته است. ولی هنوز مواردی را نمى توان  یافت که بررسی بیشتر درباره ی آنها ضروری به نظر می رسد. دستور زبان فارسی یکی از شاخه های مهم زبان فارسی است. این شاخه در ادوار مختلف همواره دستخوش تحول و دگرگونی بوده است. یکی از مواردی که در پژوهش های مربوط به ادب کلاسیک کمتر مورد توجه قرار گرفته است  بررسی مباحث دستوری متون منظوم و منثور گذشته می باشد. این متون را می توان از نظرگاه های مختلف دستوری مورد مطالعه و مداقّه قرار داد. از آن جا که زبان فارسی زبانی ترکیبی است ؛ یعنی می توان از پیوستن واژه های زبان به یکدیگر یا افزودن پیشوندها و پسوندها به آن برای بیان مفاهیم تازه بهره گرفت ، می توان با بررسی واژه های غیر بسیط ( مشتق ، مرکب و مشتق ـ مرکب ) در آثار گذشتگان ، الگوی ساختواژه را از آنها استخراج کرد و در ساختن واژه های جدید از آن ها بهره برد.

سعدی شیرازی آثار ارزشمندی را در حوزه ی زبان و ادبیات فارسی خلق کرده است .پژوهشگران بسیاری

کوشیده اند تا آثار او را از دیدگاه های مختلف بررسی کنند. نگارنده در این مقاله کوشیده است تا به بررسی ترکیب‌سازی در قصاید و قطعات سعدی بپردازد.


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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
مجلة كلية الاداب | جامعة بغداد
Thematic characteristics of modern vocabulary of state correspondence in Russian
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
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Marine And Petroleum Geology
Chemical and isotope composition of the oilfield brines from Mishrif Formation (southern Iraq): Diagenesis and geothermometry
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 22 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Heritage in Abdul Wahab Al-Bayati's Divan Collection of Poems: Oriental Texts
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Heritage reflects peoples' memory and essence of nations. Thus, this divan was really the material and tool for writers in general and poets in specific both in their artificial innovations . Accordingly, modern writers have endeavored to bring heritage back in all its details and occurrences. Abdullwahab Al-Bayati's experience had reflected his innovative and strong link with the humanitarian heritage, in that heritage in view of Al-Bayati means both the humanitarian expertise and gains that are able to extend from past to future passing through the present.From this, the poet had not disconnected his strong link with the Arab poetic heritage .Thus, the poet had utilized the Arab poetic heritage in expressing on the Arab contrary realit

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Classical and Statistical Optimization of Medium Composition for Promoting Prodigiosin Produced by Local Isolate of Serratia Marcescens
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Prodigiosin is a ‘natural red pigment produced by Serratia marcescens which exhibits immunosuppressive and anticancer properties in addition to antimicrobial activities. This work presents an attempt to maximize the production of prodigiosin by two different strategies: one factor at time (OFAT) and statistical optimization. The result of OFAT revealed that sucrose and peptone were the best carbon and nitrogen sources for pigment production with concentration of prodigiosin of about 135 mg/ L. This value was increased to 331.6mg/ L with an optimized ratio of C/N (60:40) and reached 356.8 with pH 6 and 2% inoculum size at end of classical optimization. Statistical experimental design based on Response surface methodology was co

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Effect of Genderism on the Process and the Product of Translation
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    Many studies have been made and still concerning the field of translation. Since the mid-90's a considerable amount of researches has tackled the problem of gender and its effect on the process and the product of translation. Simon (1996, p 508) points out that when comparing women and men as translators and writers through history, women seem to be the weaker side. This paves the way to feminist movements which produce prominent studies concerning gender as a concept and translator's gender as practice on the quality and the accuracy of the translation.           

     Flotow (in Meschia, 2012, p 1-4) outlines several issues that can be

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 17 2011
Journal Name
Environmental Earth Sciences
Geochemistry and mineralogical composition of the airborne particles of sand dunes and dust storms settled in Iraq and their environmental impacts
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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Synthesis, Characterizations, and Recent Applications of the Silica-based Mobil Composition of Mesoporous Material: A Review
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Silica-based mesoporous materials are a class of porous materials with unique characteristics such as ordered pore structure, large surface area, and large pore volume. This review covers the different types of porous material (zeolite and mesoporous) and the physical properties of mesoporous materials that make them valuable in industry. Mesoporous materials can be divided into two groups: silica-based mesoporous materials and non-silica-based mesoporous materials. The most well-known family of silica-based mesoporous materials is the Mesoporous Molecular Sieves family, which attracts attention because of its beneficial properties. The family includes three members that are differentiated based on their pore arrangement. In this review,

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Estimating the chemical composition of secondary compounds of Iraqi wild Agaricus bellaniae characterized morphologically and genetically
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   This study, which is considered the first of its kind in the world and the Arab homeland, was carried out in the laboratory of mushroom production belonging to the Medicinal Plant Unit/ College Of Agricultural Engineering Sciences/ University of  Baghdad during the period from July 21, 2016, to December 30, 2018, aiming to isolate and purify the mycelium of the wild isolation in addition to the genetic and morphological identification of the mushroom Agaricus bellaniae. The obtained pure isolation was tagged in the American National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) with symbol MF987843.1, thus Iraq would be the second country in the world in which the mushroom is grown following the United States of America. The

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Creating a Conductive Surface of the PMMA by Laser Cladding with DWCNT and MWCNTS
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This work studied the electrical and thermal surface conductivity enhancement of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) clouded by double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWCNTs) and multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNTs) by using pulsed Nd:YAG laser. Variable input factors are considered as the laser energy (or the relevant power), pulse duration and pulse repetition rate. Results indicated that the DWCNTs increased the PMMA’s surface electrical conductivity from 10-15 S/m to 0.813×103 S/m while the MWCNTs raised it to 0.14×103 S/m. Hence, the DWCNTs achieved an increase of almost 6 times than that for the MWCNTs. Moreover, the former increased the thermal conductivity of the surface by 8 times and the later by 5 times.

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Nouns and attributes And what the Kalamayons termed it
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Many people, especially among the youth or scholars, wonder about the position of Islam or the scholars of faith on the terminology used by scholars of theology in a certain period of time, and then circulated by people throughout the times and to the present day, such as the terms (the old, the maker, the updated, the cause and the cause) and so on, and this What I felt myself while teaching this subject from some of the students, some of whom consider it blasphemy, and some of them consider it an innovation of speech, and so there were many questions about this subject, which led me to write and research it, after relying on God Almighty, although the research is not long due to the nature of This topic on the one hand, and because I d

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