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Iranian Jews’ Customs and Traditions in The Works of Dorrit Rabinyan (A Study in The Alley of Almond Bushes in Omerijan ): מסורת ומנהגים יהודי אירן ביצירותה של דורית רביניאן " עיון ברומן סמטת השקדות בעומריג'אן "
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The orient culture and heritage has directly influenced ,in a way or another , the literary works which recently have been noted by the oriental  Jews inside and outside of Israel. Several Jewish writers, who came from the orient  (especially from Iran ), have written their works while influenced by traditions and customs of the Iranian society, in which they were born , lived , and raised, and by the writers who were born in that society and then moved to Israel and lived there as a result of the Zionism and its notorious promises to gather Jewish people from all over the world to establish their national home at the expense of the Palestinian   land and people.

       That final goal was to find a nationality for a dispersed group of people who came from different traditions and customs , ways of expressions and languages, to form a nation. They do not    have but religion and Zionism , a set of religious traditions related to worship rituals, and stories about religious heroes and stories voiced by prophets and wisemen which have become proverbs . The latter is looked upon with doubt by many researchers as they think that Jewish people have taken from other nations (Mursi , Folklore and Israelites , p 62 ).

      Accordingly , it is a necessity to explore this culture with its traditions, customs, and popular beliefs adopted ,in particular from Iran  the birthplace of the parents of the Israeli writer and author Dorrit Rabinyan , who is of Judaism religion ,Iranian origin ,and Israeli existence through her novel (Persian Brides). This novel carried customs , traditions, folklore thoughts , and popular culture that influenced the Jews , their thoughts and behavior  which still exist in the Israeli society nowadays . It is well known that popular culture is the  science that includes beliefs and customs of any nation as long as those beliefs and customs related to the Collective behavior (James Fries, Folklore  in the Old Testament p 21).

Despite that the author was born and raised in Israel but her novels , as critics see, packed with folkloric and legendry  concepts and  thoughts as well as popular beliefs which prevailed in the Iranian Jewish society that she knew from her family and Iranian Jews in Israel ; she tried to reflect in her novel focusing on the popular landmarks.

תרבות המזרח והמורשת שלו השפיעה ישירות על היצירה הספרותית שפורסמו בשנים האחרונות של המאה הקודמת על ידי יהודי המזרח בארץ ומחוצה לה ... סופרים רבים מהמזרח ובמיוחד איראן כתבו את יצירותיהם הספרותיות שהושפעו מן המנהגים, והמסורת של החברה האיראנית שבה נולדו וחיו, או מי שנולד באיראן ועלו ארצה והתגוררו שם בגלל הציונות העולמית והבטחותיה הנוראות לאסוף את התפוצות היהודיות מזוויות העולם במולדת לאומית על חשבון ארץ פלסטין.

המטרה האולטימטיבית היא ליצור זהות לאומית עבור קבוצה מגוונת של אנשים, שמקורם במנהגים, במסורות, בדרכי ביטוי ובשפות שונות, והם נועדו להיות עם, אין דבר שרק דת, ציונות וקבוצת מנהגים דתיים קשורים בטקסים של פולחן. על סונה של הנביאים ושל החכמים הם ביטויים של מהלך פתגמים, אשר חוקרים רבים ספק, הם רואים את היהודים לקחו אותם מן המורשת של עמים אחרים ( د. احمد علي مرسي ، الفلكلور والاسرائيليات ، ص 62 ) . כאן היינו צריכים לחשוף את התרבות הזאת עם מסורותיה, מנהגיה ואמונותיה העממיות, במיוחד בהשאלה מאיראן, מקום הולדתם של הוריה של הסופרת הישראלית דורית רביניאן, עם הדת היהודית, המוצא האיראני והקיום הישראלי ברומנה " סמטת השקידיות בעומריג'אן " שנשא בתוכו את המסורות, האמונות, הרעיונות הפולקלוריים והתרבות העממית שהשפיעו על היהודים, על רעיונותיהם ועל מעשיהם, אשר עדיין קיימים בחברה הישראלית כיום: ידוע כי התרבות הפופולרית היא המדע הקולט את אמונותיו ומנהגיו של עם, כל עוד האמונות והמנהגים הללו נובעים מהתנהגות קולקטיבית( جيمس فريزر ، الفلكلور في العهد القديم ، ص 21 ) .

על אף שהכותבת נולדה וגדלה בישראל, הרומן שלה, כפי שמבחינת המבקרים, מלא ברעיונות, פולקלור, מיתולוגיה ואמונות עממיות ששלטו בקהילה היהודית באיראן ( ישראל יעל , בכרך קטן וציורי , עמ' 12 ) מה שהיא הכירה ממשפחותיה ומהקהילה היהודית האיראנית בישראל וניסתה לשקף מה היא תרבות פופולרית שירשה בקהילה היהודית האיראנית התרכזה ברומן שלה על מונומנטים פופולריים.


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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The intellectual Umbrella for the strategic scenario in business organizations - The Opinions and the Spotlights
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Today, more than ever before, the business organizations’ initiatives should seek to design themselves and delivery them to the environment because of its change, and the increasing of uncertainties and the growing opportunities. What is required by the business organizations is that to adopt good approaches to stimulate the modern thinking and non traditional thinking and exploit the valued concepts and overcome the old thinking. Substantially, the scenario planning is the art of thinking about what is unexpected.

       Therefore the research’s problem is reflected to answer the following questions:

  • What

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Study on Heat Transfer and Flow Characteristics in Subcooled Flow Boiling in a Microchannel
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The current study presents an experimental investigation of heat transfer and flow characteristic for subcooled flow boiling of deionized water in the microchannel heat sink. The test section consisted of a single microchannel having 300μm wide nominal dimensions and 300μm height (hydraulic diameter of 300μm). The test section formed of oxygen-free copper with 72mm length and 12mm width. Experimental operation conditions spanned the heat flux (78-800) kW/m2, mass flux (1700 and 2100) kg/m2.s at 31˚C subcooled inlet temperature. The boiling heat transfer coefficient is measured and compared with existing correlations. Also, the experimental pressure drop is measured and compared with microscale p

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Recantation By The Al-Zaher People And Its Effects in Derivation
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nouns , because deriving these names will lead to eternity which is impossible, and restrict the derivation only in agent nouns from their verbs, and the adjective names from their adjectives with the condition of truth in derivation.
The derivation of “Allah” names was denied due to a creed thoughts, because saying that “Allah” names is derived will not describe the eternal essence of “Allah”, and if it were derived this will make “Allah” is a Compound from his essence and Attributes.
The Al-Zaher people had recant the derivation of the agent nouns by preventing the derivation of “Allah” names because it will make “Allah” is a Compound from his essence and Attributes.
The Al-Zaher people had recant from

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 04 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of the Interaction between the Use of the Improve Strategy in Teaching Mathematics and Achievement Levels on the Acquisition of Algebraic Concepts and Habits of Mind among Tenth Grade Students in Oman
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The current study aims to investigate the effect of the interaction between the use of the improve strategy in teaching mathematics and the level of academic achievement on the acquisition of algebraic concepts and habits of mind among tenth-grade students in Oman. The study adopted the experimental method, based on a quasi-experimental design with two groups: experimental and control groups and pre-post-measurement. The study sample consisted of (28) 10th-grade students as an experimental group and 26 of 10th-grade students as a control group in Al-Tufail bin Amr School in South Al Batinah. The differences in the pretest and posttest gains were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, ANCOVA, t-test, effect size (eta-square), and two-wa

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 23 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Innovation, Creativity And Change
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DBN Rashid, International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 2020

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Sustainable leadership and its impact on organizational happiness Analytical research in the General Tourism Authority in Baghdad
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      The current research aims to test the relationship of the impact of sustainable leadership as an independent variable in organizational happiness as a dependent variable, in the departments and divisions of the Tourism Authority, to come up with a set of recommendations that contribute to raising the level of organizational happiness in the authority. And based on the importance of the research topic in the General Authority, and the prominent role that this body plays in society, the researcher adopted the descriptive and analytical approach in carrying out this research, by collecting data from the departments and divisions staff of (160) respondents in an exclusively comprehensive

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Anatomical study of the Carissa macrocarpa (Apocynaceae family) in Iraq
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This study was conducted to examine the anatomical aspects of Carissa macrocarpa, of stem, leaf and leaf venation. The results obtaind showed that the tissue of the studied parts have important anatomical characteristics in terms of the shape of the cross-sectional of stem and vertical-sectional of leaves. The stem section appeared in circular and the midrib was crescent shape and the stomata appeared on the upper surface of the leaf only, Tetracytic in type. Druses crystals and Aleurone granules appeared on both surfaces of leaves. The venation type was Brochidodromous in which the secondary veins do not end at the edge of the leaf, and each secondary race is connected with the higher rac

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Theoretical Study on Heat Transfer in the Presence of Fouling
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The fouling depositions of crude oil stream were studied theoretically in a shell and tube heat exchanger to investigate the effect of depositions on the heat transfer process. The employed heat exchanger was with steam flowing in the inner tubes and crude oil in the shell at different velocities and bulk temperatures. It is assumed that fouling occurs only on the heated stream side (crude oil). The analysis was carried out for turbulent flow heat transfer conditions with wide range of Reynolds number, bulk temperature and time. Many previously proposed models for fouling resistance were employed to estimate a new model for fouling rate. It is found that the fouling rate and consequently the heat transfer coefficient were affected by Rey

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 06 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Survey Study on the Prevalence of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Iraq
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Human cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is caused by Leishmania sp. parasite and endemic in Iraq. The current study was including analysis of available database from Iraqi CDC to determine the distribution of CL cases for the period (2008-2015 years) in Iraq. Total reported cases for this period were 17001 (range 2.9-10.5 per 100,000 individuals). Highest reported cases were recorded in the year 2015 (4000 cases). Male infections cases of CL (50.8%) were more than female infections (49.2%). Highest infections of CL were observed in the age group (5-14yr.) as (34.6%), While the lowest infection of CL were observed in the age group (>1yr.) as (4.3%). Highest infection case of CL was observed in the middle and west of Iraq (53%). In contrast,

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study the spectroscopy of samarium encapsulated in silica Xerogel matrices
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The sol-gel preparation technique of transparent silica monoliths containing up to 0.5 M of samarium have been described. The sol-gel processing parameters are: acid catalyzed hydrolysis and controlled drying. The prepared monoliths are analyzed by X-ray diffraction, pycnometer measurements, Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy and optical spectroscopy. The oscillator strengths of the Sm3+ ions in the silica monoliths are calculated. The results show a linear concentration dependence of some Sm3+ transitions in UV/Vis absorption spectra and formation of Sm3+ clusters inside the pores structure of silica monoliths at high Sm3+ concentration

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