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Iranian Jews’ Customs and Traditions in The Works of Dorrit Rabinyan (A Study in The Alley of Almond Bushes in Omerijan ): מסורת ומנהגים יהודי אירן ביצירותה של דורית רביניאן " עיון ברומן סמטת השקדות בעומריג'אן "
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The orient culture and heritage has directly influenced ,in a way or another , the literary works which recently have been noted by the oriental  Jews inside and outside of Israel. Several Jewish writers, who came from the orient  (especially from Iran ), have written their works while influenced by traditions and customs of the Iranian society, in which they were born , lived , and raised, and by the writers who were born in that society and then moved to Israel and lived there as a result of the Zionism and its notorious promises to gather Jewish people from all over the world to establish their national home at the expense of the Palestinian   land and people.

       That final goal was to find a nationality for a dispersed group of people who came from different traditions and customs , ways of expressions and languages, to form a nation. They do not    have but religion and Zionism , a set of religious traditions related to worship rituals, and stories about religious heroes and stories voiced by prophets and wisemen which have become proverbs . The latter is looked upon with doubt by many researchers as they think that Jewish people have taken from other nations (Mursi , Folklore and Israelites , p 62 ).

      Accordingly , it is a necessity to explore this culture with its traditions, customs, and popular beliefs adopted ,in particular from Iran  the birthplace of the parents of the Israeli writer and author Dorrit Rabinyan , who is of Judaism religion ,Iranian origin ,and Israeli existence through her novel (Persian Brides). This novel carried customs , traditions, folklore thoughts , and popular culture that influenced the Jews , their thoughts and behavior  which still exist in the Israeli society nowadays . It is well known that popular culture is the  science that includes beliefs and customs of any nation as long as those beliefs and customs related to the Collective behavior (James Fries, Folklore  in the Old Testament p 21).

Despite that the author was born and raised in Israel but her novels , as critics see, packed with folkloric and legendry  concepts and  thoughts as well as popular beliefs which prevailed in the Iranian Jewish society that she knew from her family and Iranian Jews in Israel ; she tried to reflect in her novel focusing on the popular landmarks.

תרבות המזרח והמורשת שלו השפיעה ישירות על היצירה הספרותית שפורסמו בשנים האחרונות של המאה הקודמת על ידי יהודי המזרח בארץ ומחוצה לה ... סופרים רבים מהמזרח ובמיוחד איראן כתבו את יצירותיהם הספרותיות שהושפעו מן המנהגים, והמסורת של החברה האיראנית שבה נולדו וחיו, או מי שנולד באיראן ועלו ארצה והתגוררו שם בגלל הציונות העולמית והבטחותיה הנוראות לאסוף את התפוצות היהודיות מזוויות העולם במולדת לאומית על חשבון ארץ פלסטין.

המטרה האולטימטיבית היא ליצור זהות לאומית עבור קבוצה מגוונת של אנשים, שמקורם במנהגים, במסורות, בדרכי ביטוי ובשפות שונות, והם נועדו להיות עם, אין דבר שרק דת, ציונות וקבוצת מנהגים דתיים קשורים בטקסים של פולחן. על סונה של הנביאים ושל החכמים הם ביטויים של מהלך פתגמים, אשר חוקרים רבים ספק, הם רואים את היהודים לקחו אותם מן המורשת של עמים אחרים ( د. احمد علي مرسي ، الفلكلور والاسرائيليات ، ص 62 ) . כאן היינו צריכים לחשוף את התרבות הזאת עם מסורותיה, מנהגיה ואמונותיה העממיות, במיוחד בהשאלה מאיראן, מקום הולדתם של הוריה של הסופרת הישראלית דורית רביניאן, עם הדת היהודית, המוצא האיראני והקיום הישראלי ברומנה " סמטת השקידיות בעומריג'אן " שנשא בתוכו את המסורות, האמונות, הרעיונות הפולקלוריים והתרבות העממית שהשפיעו על היהודים, על רעיונותיהם ועל מעשיהם, אשר עדיין קיימים בחברה הישראלית כיום: ידוע כי התרבות הפופולרית היא המדע הקולט את אמונותיו ומנהגיו של עם, כל עוד האמונות והמנהגים הללו נובעים מהתנהגות קולקטיבית( جيمس فريزر ، الفلكلور في العهد القديم ، ص 21 ) .

על אף שהכותבת נולדה וגדלה בישראל, הרומן שלה, כפי שמבחינת המבקרים, מלא ברעיונות, פולקלור, מיתולוגיה ואמונות עממיות ששלטו בקהילה היהודית באיראן ( ישראל יעל , בכרך קטן וציורי , עמ' 12 ) מה שהיא הכירה ממשפחותיה ומהקהילה היהודית האיראנית בישראל וניסתה לשקף מה היא תרבות פופולרית שירשה בקהילה היהודית האיראנית התרכזה ברומן שלה על מונומנטים פופולריים.


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Publication Date
Tue Mar 20 2018
Journal Name
Mustansiria Dental Journal
A comparative Study in the Antibacterial effect of Eugenol as Hand Wash Material with two Types of Soap
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Hands have consistently been an important vehicle in the transmission of disease (1). Thus, thorough hand-washing remains the single most important factor in preventing infection specially in hospitals and labs.Twenty-nine non-clinical volunteers (do not work or come in contact with a clinical or hospital setting) that lacked visible skin injuries, eczema or apparent skin disease were used, those subjects were all tested by a material of each of the three used in the study weekly and laboratory tests were done pre- and post washing.All three material were effective , Eugenol extract as effective as the bar and lotion soap. And this was confirmed statistically.Eugenol has a great antibacterial action even in small concentration and t

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
application of business managment in the field of football with studuy of the case of spanish club (Real Madrid) و (Barcelona
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Football has progressed from being a ritual and a celebration to become an amateur sport, a professional sport, and now, increasingly, a commercial sport. In the analysis of football business model, the systemic approach should be adopted. If sport is regarded as one of the business sectors, then the application of business system methodology can be fully justified. The interest to create strong football business system calls for the search of the ways of popularizing football business model and boosting the economic potential of its participants. In the research literature tend to ignore the business processes within the sports business. Besides, the systemic approach in football business is usually limited to p

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effectiveness of the organization in the philosophy of the most prominent theoreticianAdministrative thought
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This paper discuses the mindset contribution of the organization Science in organizational effectiveness (OE), and the most valuable thoughts they introduced in this subject, starting from the pre- classical era, through classical era to present time. This paper has identified the main contribution in OE. The concept of OE didn’t arise until what had been introduced by Chester Barnard, although Max Weber mentioned this concept in his bureaucratic theory, but he didn’t explain it as Barnard does. After that no clear focus was pointed to this subject until Peter Drucker did so, which considered as the main participant in OE after Barnard. After that many researchers be interested in OE and they start studying this subject like

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
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The authority of identification and alienation of existence in the theater of the oppressed: عبلة عباس خضير التميمي
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This research is represented by exploring the experience of "the theater of the oppressed" by (Augusto Boal) as an experiment that represents a different aesthetic pattern in the presentation of theatrical performance which is in contrast with the Aristotelian and Brechtian patterns, and as a result of the increasing problems of the individual in societies according to his needs and an attempt to express the suffering of human and the loss of his rights in general.
The research also tries to uncover the power of identification and the alienation of existence in the theater of the oppressed as that power, with its diversity of legal, legitimate, religious, political, economic and social capabilities has become a burden instead of being

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Similar and different between Arabic and Arabian peninsula Accents balance linguistic Study Voice of the Sein typically
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    Languages were not found in our life in a way utter coincidence , and it’s not flounce on people’s tongue randomly ‚ but laws are the controlling in languages‚ these laws could be lift to the same level of natural laws‚ phonetics form the main part in producing those languages‚ the Arabic language is one of those languages ‚ it’s largest dialects in Arabian Peninsula according to speakers number ‚ Arabic language link with these dialects through properties and phenomena sound and grammar‚ from this point my topic search is came Similar and different between Arabic and  Arabian peninsula Accents balance linguistic–study voice of the Seine typically ) . and  Similar and different of the ph

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 05 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Bacteriological and Chemical Study on the Effect of Lead in Blood and Saliva of Workers at Batteries Industry in Baghdad
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Objectives: The study aims at:
1- Measuring the level of lead in workers’ saliva and blood in the factory.
2- Studying the correlation between the saliva lead level and the infection that caused by microorganisms, isolation and
3-Studying the influence of high blood lead level on the total white blood cells.
Methodology: This study has been conducted for the period from March 15th, 2010 to May, 20th
, 2010. A total of (60)
saliva and blood samples were collected from workers in batteries industry factory in Baghdad and another (20) samples
were collected as a control group. Lead level had been measured in blood and saliva samples, then microorganisms were
isolated the from the saliva samples.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Investment in Human Resources According to the Requirements of Work Markets in Iraq
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Investment in Human is one of the best and most important investments as it is renewed and developed resource over time in comparison with depleted material resources. Human resources is considered the part of the population that could be employed economically to contribute in increasing production energies as it is the support pillar of the society and have great energies that construct the society and raise of nations as well as he is distinguished with characteristics of ambitions to freedom.

Iraq is one of the countries that has large number of population in age of work and production and reduce in age dependent classes (children and old people).This dynamic in population led to step

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Electoral appeals and the separation of organic health In the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for the year (2005)
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تعد الانتخابات بمثابة الطريق المؤدي إلى الديمقراطية كونها النمط الأكثر شيوعاً لمشاركة المواطنين في الحياة السياسية للبلدان واختيار ممثليهم في المجالس التشريعية، حيث أن مطلب إجراء انتخابات حرة ونزيهة لم يعد مطلباً داخلياً فحسب بل مطلباً دولياً يصرّ المجتمع الدولي على الوفاء به وهذا يلقي على عاتق كل دولة أن تضع من الضمانات ما يكفل ممارسة هذه الانتخابات ب

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 16 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Empowering Women in Palestinian Society from an Educational Perspective: an Analytical Study
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The study aims to identify the concept of empowering women from the point of view of experts in the Palestinian society, specifically in Gaza, as well as to explore the foundations of their formation of this concept. Additionally, the study seeks to clarify the most important challenges facing the empowerment of women in Palestinian society. The study used the design of a grounded theory that seeks to build the theory through deep analysis of the data, as qualitative data were collected through holding two focus groups and six in-depth interviews with the study sample, who were selected by the method of targeted sampling. The sample included (16) individuals (9 female experts, 7 male experts) holding academic and community leadership pos

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 28 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Kinetic Study of Polymerization Isopropylacrylamide in Aqueous Solution
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An experimental of kinetics investigation of the solution free radical polymerization of isopropylacrylamide (IPAM) initiated with potassium persulfate (PPS) was conducted. The reactions were carried out at constant temperature of 60 °C in distilled water under unstirred and inert conditions. Using the well-known conversion vs. time technique, the effects of initiator and monomer concentration on the rate of polymerization (Rp) were investigated over a wide range. Under the conditions of our work, the orders 0.38 and 1.68 were found with respect to initiator and monomer, respectively. However, the rate of polymerization (Rp) is not straight forwardly corresponding monomer concentration. The value 46.11 kJ mol1 was determined as the o

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