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Some of the Grammatical Rules of Writing: Zu einigen grammatischen Erscheinungen im Schreiben
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    Language contains various kinds of grammatical rules that are used to express thoughts and feelings. The present paper studies some of the German language grammatical rules as being the most important basics needed to master and develop the art of writing for the German language learners. Writing is one of the productive language learning skills that transform thoughts into a written form. Hence, constant exercising on the use of the language to master the grammatical rules enables German language learners to develop their creative writing skills.

     The present study discusses the importance of grammatical exercises in developing the language learning abilities. The study provides a general view of the writing skills in “Delfin” , the book  that discusses, in all its units, the grammatical rules of German Language. Besides stressing on the learners writing skills, the book, also, focuses on the use of grammar, dictation, comprehension, and communication. The present study sheds light on the importance of the grammar exercises as an educational method of developing the language learners’ writing skills.

       In der sprachlichen Kommunikation werden verschiedene grammatikalische Phänomene verwendet, um Gedanken und Gefühle auszudrücken. Diese Forschung fügt sich in den Rahmen der deutschen Sprachwissenschaft ein und beschäftigt sich mit den Phänomenen der Grammatik als Grundphänomen der Schreibausbildung und der Entwicklung dieser Fähigkeit für Anfänger in Deutsch als Fremdsprache

       Die Schreibfertigkeit ist eine sprachliche Produktivfertigkeit, die es dem Autor ermöglicht, seine Ideen und Informationen in einen geschriebenen Text zu übersetzen und mit anderen zu kommunizieren. Durch Training und Übung können Sprachlerner diese Fähigkeit meistern. Der Schüler kann das kreative Schreiben nicht beherrschen, ohne die Grammatik zu lernen und sie gut zu üben.

       Die Bedeutung dieser Studie besteht darin, die Realität der Anwendung von Grammatikübungen zu untersuchen und die Wirksamkeit dieser Methode beim Erwerb und der Entwicklung von Sprachkenntnissen zu bewerten.

       Ziel der Recherche ist es, einen Überblick über die Schreibfertigkeit als Kommunikationsmittel in "Delfin" zu geben. Dieses Buch enthält in allen Kapiteln die Grammatik als Grundlage für alle Sprachkenntnisse. Diese Studie konzentriert sich auf die Wirksamkeit von Grammatikübungen bei der Entwicklung der Schreibfertigkeit als Werkzeug und Mittel des Wissenstransfers. Das Entwickeln von Schreibfertigkeit beinhaltet das Üben von Grammatik, Diktat, Verstehen und Konversation. Sie werden zusätzlich zum Grundfach Schreiben unterrichtet.


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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Taibah University Medical Sciences
Histological evaluation of the effects of bone morphogenetic protein 9 and angiopoietin 1 on bone healing
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Publication Date
Mon Dec 20 2021
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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The variability of Candaharia levanderi (Simroth, 1902)(Gastropoda, Stylommatophora, Parmacellidae) in two biotopes (southern and northern slopes, the Kampirtepa gorges, the Kugitang Tau ridge) has been investigated using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with the implementation of primers, the 18S DNA of the region is amplified, the variability (sharply differing in color) of two populations of C. levanderi is studied .
The first population is in the suburbs of Namangan, (Namangan Region); the second population is in Kampirtepa gorges, Kugitang Tau ridge (Surkhandarya Region). It is established that, most often, the variability of morphological signs is observed on the coloration of mollusks. The development of body coloration is an ad

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2023
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Prediction of the Bending Strength of a Composite Steel Beam–Slab Member Filled with Recycled Concrete
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This study investigated the structural behavior of a beam–slab member fabricated using a steel C-Purlins beam carrying a profile steel sheet slab covered by a dry board sheet filled with recycled aggregate concrete, called a CBPDS member. This concept was developed to reduce the cost and self-weight of the composite beam–slab system; it replaces the hot-rolled steel I-beam with a steel C-Purlins section, which is easier to fabricate and weighs less. For this purpose, six full-scale CBPDS specimens were tested under four-point static bending. This study investigated the effect of using double C-Purlins beams face-to-face as connected or separated sections and the effect of using concrete material that contains different recycled

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 13 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The effect of intracrevicular injection of fucose on serum interlukine -1beta and tumor necrosis factor alpha
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Background: ?-L-Fucose is a methyl pentose sugar, had the ability to kill bacteria, controlling infection and normalize immune function. The objective of this study is to determine the effect of sulcular injection of fucose on rabbits periodontium , throughout measuring the level of some proinflammatory cytokine ; interlukine 1beta ( IL-1beta) and tumor necrosis factor ( TNF-alpha) in sera of rabbits before fucose injection and at 3 days after fucose injection. Materials and Methods: The study was carried on using ( 20 ) male rabbits of the same species weighted (1-1.5 kg ) , the blood samples were collected from hearts of 20 rabbits before fucose injection and consider as( non injected group) , and after 3 days of fucose injection and con

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The inhibition effect of crude juice of olive Olea europeae on cancer cell line Rhabdomyosarcoma (RD)
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The inhibition effect of crude juice of green and black olive on cancer cell line (RD) in vitro has been studied by depending on micro titration system . Eleven different concentration starting from (916-960) mg/ml of crude juice respectively ,for three periods of exposure(24-48-72)hours. The resulted showed that the inhibition effect dependent on type of olive fruit juice ,concentration of dose ,time of exposure and the high concentration of both type of olive juice increased the growth of cell line while other concentration caused decrease in different rates ,moreover the black juice was more effective than green and 48 hours' time exposure was the best for inhibition.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Structure of sex and age for population in the district of Tuz Khurmatu for (1997-2012)
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The study of sex Structure and age characteristics of an important element of the
follow-up changes between different population groups, which are connected to a large degree
the demographic, social and economic characteristics, particularly since each population
group varying characteristics in terms of age, sex entail social, demographic, cultural and
economic implications, and from that the researcher has taken from Structure of sex and age
for population in the district of Tuz Khurmatu for (1997-2012 ) the subject of consideration
and maintain compared to see the contrast between them. Qualitative Research for installation
and the age of the urban and rural areas has touched the judiciary, as well as its respects

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Publication Date
Thu May 05 2022
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Evaluation of podophyllin and Trichloroacetic acid for the treatment of genital warts in Iraqi female patients
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Background: human paillomavirus infections (genital warts) are the most frequent sexually transmitted viral infections. a wide range of treatment options is available with different efficacy.

Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of podophyllin, trichloracetic acid (TCA) in the treatment of genital warts and side effects of them.

Subjects and methods: a total of sixty patients with genital warts were randomly selected, 30 in each group, in the Department of Dermatology, medical city for a Duration of 11 months from January 2009 to December 2009 treated with 35 % podophyllin in the tincture of benzoin or 50%  TCA) .Forty-eight patients were followed up for three months.

Results: wart

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 20 2012
Journal Name
North Africa Technical Conference And Exhibition
Comprehensive Model for Flash Calculations of Heavy Oils Using the Soave - Redlich - Kwong Equation of State
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Abstract<p>One of the main techniques to achieve phase behavior calculations of reservoir fluids is the equation of state. Soave - Redlich - Kwong equation of state can then be used to predict the phase behavior of the petroleum fluids by treating it as a multi-components system of pure and pseudo-components. The use of Soave – Redlich – Kwon equation of state is popular in the calculations of petroleum engineering therefore many researchers used it to perform phase behavior analysis for reservoir fluids (Wang and Orr (2000), Ertekin and Obut (2003), Hasan (2004) and Haghtalab (2011))</p><p>This paper presents a new flash model for reservoir fluids in gas – oil se</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2020
Journal Name
European Journal Of Dental Education
Evaluation of technology‐based learning by dental students during the pandemic outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Pure And Applied Microbiology
Mixture Design of Experiments for the Optimization of Carbon Source for Promoting Undecylprodigiosin and Actinorhodin Production
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