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Some of the Grammatical Rules of Writing: Zu einigen grammatischen Erscheinungen im Schreiben
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    Language contains various kinds of grammatical rules that are used to express thoughts and feelings. The present paper studies some of the German language grammatical rules as being the most important basics needed to master and develop the art of writing for the German language learners. Writing is one of the productive language learning skills that transform thoughts into a written form. Hence, constant exercising on the use of the language to master the grammatical rules enables German language learners to develop their creative writing skills.

     The present study discusses the importance of grammatical exercises in developing the language learning abilities. The study provides a general view of the writing skills in “Delfin” , the book  that discusses, in all its units, the grammatical rules of German Language. Besides stressing on the learners writing skills, the book, also, focuses on the use of grammar, dictation, comprehension, and communication. The present study sheds light on the importance of the grammar exercises as an educational method of developing the language learners’ writing skills.

       In der sprachlichen Kommunikation werden verschiedene grammatikalische Phänomene verwendet, um Gedanken und Gefühle auszudrücken. Diese Forschung fügt sich in den Rahmen der deutschen Sprachwissenschaft ein und beschäftigt sich mit den Phänomenen der Grammatik als Grundphänomen der Schreibausbildung und der Entwicklung dieser Fähigkeit für Anfänger in Deutsch als Fremdsprache

       Die Schreibfertigkeit ist eine sprachliche Produktivfertigkeit, die es dem Autor ermöglicht, seine Ideen und Informationen in einen geschriebenen Text zu übersetzen und mit anderen zu kommunizieren. Durch Training und Übung können Sprachlerner diese Fähigkeit meistern. Der Schüler kann das kreative Schreiben nicht beherrschen, ohne die Grammatik zu lernen und sie gut zu üben.

       Die Bedeutung dieser Studie besteht darin, die Realität der Anwendung von Grammatikübungen zu untersuchen und die Wirksamkeit dieser Methode beim Erwerb und der Entwicklung von Sprachkenntnissen zu bewerten.

       Ziel der Recherche ist es, einen Überblick über die Schreibfertigkeit als Kommunikationsmittel in "Delfin" zu geben. Dieses Buch enthält in allen Kapiteln die Grammatik als Grundlage für alle Sprachkenntnisse. Diese Studie konzentriert sich auf die Wirksamkeit von Grammatikübungen bei der Entwicklung der Schreibfertigkeit als Werkzeug und Mittel des Wissenstransfers. Das Entwickeln von Schreibfertigkeit beinhaltet das Üben von Grammatik, Diktat, Verstehen und Konversation. Sie werden zusätzlich zum Grundfach Schreiben unterrichtet.


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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Investigating Adverbs' in Vatan yahut Silistre by Namik Kemal: Namık Kemal'ın ''Vatan Yahut Silistre'' Başlıklı Tiyatrosu'nda Geçen Zarfların İncelenmesi
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       It is a common Knowledge that adverbs in Turkish languages can modify verbs, adjectives, nouns or other adverbs. Moreover, adverbs can determine the meanings of nouns and verbs in a sentence as far as time, place, manner, quantity and interrogative are concerned. The present study debates adverbs’ functions in Namiq Kamal’s play Vatan yahut Silistre.

 The study sheds light on the author’s use of the adverbs to describe the required theatrical actions of the play  and to convey his reflections and thoughts easily to the auidence. One of the main hindrances encountered in conducting the study is the shortage of the  upto date academic resources necessary for

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
المجلة العلمية للبحوث التجارية في كلية التجارة جامعة جنوب الوادي في جمهورية مصر العربية
استعمال نظام محاسبة العميل كأحد اساليب المحاسبة الادارية الحديثة لتحقيق الميزة التنافسية بحث تطبيقي في عينة من المصارف العراقية
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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
اثر تصميم تعليمي قائم على ستراتيجية التعليم من اجل الفهم في تحصيل مادة الرياضيات لدى طالبات الصف الخامس العلمي
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The objective of the current research is to identify the effective of the suggested instructional design that based on the teaching strategy for understanding in achievement for students(girls) of mathematics in the fifth grads secondary school. To achieve the research goal, the empirical research method is depended. In this method a realistic empirical design pre-test of two equivalent sets to determine the students’ grade is used. The following zero hypotheses is formulated “There is no statistical difference for the faction at 0.05 between the mean grad for the students of the empirical group who studied the subject using the Instructional design based on the teaching strategy for understanding and those who studied the same subje

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist (IL-1RN) Gene Variable Number Tandem Repeats (VNTR) Polymorphism Association in men Infertility in Erbil City /Kurdistan Iraq
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The interleukin-1 family has multifaceted roles in men٫s reproductive syste. Out  of these is interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RN) which exists in men gonads, and in case of infection and inflammatory process, its activity is increased.  The current study aims to verify a possible linkage of Variable Number Tandem Repeat (VNTR) polymorphism of the IL-1RN gene with human men infertility. The study groups enrolled included 100 infertile men and 100 fertile and healthy men. Their seminal fluids were subjected to analysis. Also peripheral blood samples were collected for the assessment or detection of polymorphic Variable Number  Tandem Repeats (VNTR) polymorphism of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist gene (IL-1RN). Two a

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Coagulation-Flocculation process to treat Pulp and Paper Mill Wastewater by Fenugreek Mucilage Coupled with Alum and Polyaluminum Chloride
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The wastewater arising from pulp and paper mills is highly polluted and has to be treated before discharged into rivers. Coagulation-flocculation process using natural polymers has grown rapidly in wastewater treatment. In this work, the performance of alum and Polyaluminum Chloride (PACl) when used alone and when coupled with Fenugreek mucilage on the treatment of pulp and paper mill wastewater were studied. The experiments were carried out in jar tests with alum, PACl and Fenugreek mucilage dosages range of 50-2000 mg/L, rapid mixing at 200 rpm for 2 min, followed by slow mixing at 40 rpm for 15 min and settling time of 30 min. The effectiveness of Fenugreek mucilage was measured by the reduction of turbidity and Chemical Oxygen Demand

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 12 2020
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
تحفة الأصحاب ونزهة ذوي الألباب (ما جاء في ذكر المعادن)، احمد بن إبراهيم الحنفي السروجي (ت710هـ/1310م)،"دراسة وتحقيق".
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Manuscript (Tuhfat Al-Ashaba and the Nuzha Al-Kulbab) by Ahmed bin Ibrahim Al-Hanafi Al-Suruji (d.710 AH / 1310 AD), one of the important manuscripts as an encyclopedia characterized by the diversity of its topics

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
مقارنة تأثیر جمع البیانات المختلفة زمنیاً مع نموذج الجاذبیة السلوكي في مدینة بغداد (حالة الدراسة دالة الإعاقة لرحلة العمل)
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As we know the transportation studies regarded as one of a very
important and difficult studies and one of its difficulties created from the
process of data updating therefore the researcher well facing many difficulties
to balancing between the old data on collecting new data.
The research present an opinion which is summarized by: can we use
the old data after we updated and used it as alternatives? Or the researcher
must collect new data to complete their research which indicate to the present
situation and some times they cant complete their studies because of the
security, economic, temporally difficulties.
The research used two kinds of data, the old data which belong to the
period (1998) and new data

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 19 2020
Journal Name
Indonesian Journal Of Chemistry
Determination of Eugenol in Personal-Care Products by Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Microextraction Followed by Spectrophotometry Using <i>p</i>-Amino-<i>N,N</i>-dimethylaniline as a Derivatizing Agent
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Two simple methods for the determination of eugenol were developed. The first depends on the oxidative coupling of eugenol with p-amino-N,N-dimethylaniline (PADA) in the presence of K3[Fe(CN)6]. A linear regression calibration plot for eugenol was constructed at 600 nm, within a concentration range of 0.25-2.50 μg.mL–1 and a correlation coefficient (r) value of 0.9988. The limits of detection (LOD) and quantitation (LOQ) were 0.086 and 0.284 μg.mL–1, respectively. The second method is based on the dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction of the derivatized oxidative coupling product of eugenol with PADA. Under the optimized extraction procedure, the extracted colored product was determined spectrophotometrically at 618 nm. A l

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Dec 15 2018
Journal Name
كلية التربية الاساسية
تقويم الكفاءة الادارية لأعضاء اللجان المشرفة على التطبيقات التدريسية في كليات التربية بجامعة بغداد من وجهة نظر التدريسيين المشرفين عليها
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هدف البحث إلى معرفة تقويم الكفاءة الادارية لأعضاء اللجان المشرفة على التطبيقات التدريسية في كليات التربية بجامعة بغداد من وجهة نظر التدريسيين المشرفين عليها. اعتمد البحث المنهج الوصفي التحليلي. وتكون مجتمع البحث من (162) مشرفاً على التطبيقات التدريسية من كليات التربية/ جامعة بغداد، واختيرت عينة البحث بالطريقة العشوائية البسيطة، وبلغ عدد أفراد العينة (120) مشرفاً من الكليات آنفة الذكر. وتم بناء استبانة تضمنت (35)

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الأمير كوركوز الاويغوري دراسة في سيرته ودوره السياسي والاداري والاقتصادي والعمراني خلال العصر العباسي 624-641 هـ/ 1226- 1243 م
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حظيت عدد من الشخصيات التاريخية ممن كان لها أثر واضح المعالم في تطور النظام الإداري والسياسي للإمبراطورية المغولية، بأهتمام عدد لا بأس به من الباحثين.

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