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Prepositions in the System of Analytical Unites of Modern Russian Language: Functional - Semantic Aspects: Отыменные предлоги В системе аналитических единиц русского языка: функционально-семантический аспект
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The present study deals with prepositions in the patterns of analytical unite of modern Russian language out of the functional -semantic aspects, which enhances the lexical semantics.  The study, also, sheds light on the prepositions of semantic derivation that adds value to the meaning of the unites, promotes the appearance of new forms that match the more important diverse complex analytical unit.

В статье рассмотрены отыменные предлоги в системе литических единиц русского языка с позиций функционального и семантического аспектов. Репрезентирована специфика функционирования оных на фоне особенностей их значения и контекста. Акцентировано внимание на разнообразной семантике производных отыменных предлогов, позволяющей передать наиболее тонкие оттенки смысла, повышая ценность упомянутых единиц и содействуя появлению новых трансформантов. Утверждается, что при этом аналитические формы качественно усложняются, становясь более значимыми и более разнообразными.


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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Definition of the verb in the form of the imperative mood (imperative) - general information about the verb in Russian: Определение глагола в форме повелительного наклонения (императива) - общая сведения о глаголе на русском языке)
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      The article examines the definition of the verb in the form of the imperative mood (imperative) _ general information about the verb in Russian .

       A verb in Russian is one of the parts of speech that unify all parts of speech, expressing the meaning of action, movement, process in grammatical forms of time, type, mood, face and voice. The imperative mood is a grammatical feature of the verb expressed through several forms of the verb that urges someone to do things. In other words, imperative mood or (imperative) : -  one of the single meaning of the form . The form of the imperative expresses a supplicatio

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Functional Shift of Present and Past Participles from No-minal Meaning to Adjectival Meaning: Функциональная транспозиция причастий в прилагательное
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This paper tackles in detail the functional shift of parts of speech, such as the shift of a verbal clause to an adjectival clause, along with the types of such a shift. The researcher identified the important features of participles, as well as the concept of participles, adjectives, and their types. Also, the most important changes that affect the participles during such shifts. Further, an exposition is made of the different producers through which a verbal clause is changed into an adjectival one in Russian.

      This type of functional shift in parts of speech is seen as a process of deriving most of the new words in contemporary Russian. Russian is very rich in new words, whether by way of processe

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Some Reflections on the Semantic Changes of Neos Creativity
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Various semantic innovations and expansions have been tackled as factors and sources of neos.  A variety of internal (linguistic) and external (extra-linguistic) motives and motifs leads to the appearance of new terms causing such changes in the political language.  Some statesmen are productive in introducing new terms and creative in manipulating expressions and meanings.

      New words are nonces that get metaphorical expansion for quadrilateral motivations resting on extra meaning innovation, new terms at the semantic expansions to be honed as neos.  In tracing the phases of the semantic processes of neos and hulks, lexical and semantic changes might be of widening or narrowing of refe

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
Journal Name
Functional variables of responsive materials in product design
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The research discussed the topic of the functional role of responsive materials in being elements of a functional transformation in the design of industrial products, based on the study of the structures of smart materials and their performance capabilities at the level of action and self-reaction that characterize this type of materials.

Basic features of responsive materials have been identified to be elements of self-functional insertion into the industrial product design, which contributes to raising the efficiency and functional capacity of the industrial product and enhancing the ability of products to perform self-acting interactions in the structural structure of the material structure of the product and its ability to res

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The importance of using analytical procedures in the detection of creative accounting practices
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The research aims to identify the importance of using analytical procedures in the detection of creative accounting practices. To achieve this goal, (100) questionnaires were prepared and distributed to the auditors in the Federal Financial Supervision Bureau and the authorized auditors' offices and practitioners of the auditing profession in Iraq. For the purpose of testing the research hypothesis and analyzing data, some appropriate statistical methods have been used and the use of the statistical program (SPSS) to analyze the data. The results of the research showed that the analytical procedures and tests applied by the auditor have a role in revealing and limiting creative accounting practices and methods and that auditors u

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
ФОРМИРОВАНИЕ КОММУНИКАТИВНО-РЕЧЕВОЙ КОМПЕТЕНЦИИ СТУДЕНТОВ КАФЕДРЫ Р The formation of verbal communication for students of Russian Language Department at College of Languages at University of Baghdad by using multiple technological means
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В статье рассматривается вопрос об использовании мультимедийных средств для оптимизации процесса формирования коммуникативной компетенции  в иракской аудитории с привлечением компьютерных технологий. Статья посвящена  использованию мультимедийных технологий  и  различных  приемов формирования интереса к русскому языку. Включение в процесс обучения коммуникативно-значимого, аутентичн

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The newspaper is a field for the use of phraseologism: Газета как сфера использованиея фразеологических единиц
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Idiomatic expressions in Russian journalism make one important borrowed means for making a dialogue with the receiver's intellect in so far as it has the distinct feature of  having clarity and exactness of meaning. The meaning is seen as a shortcut for covering a series of concepts and details so as to arrive at the intended meaning. This is done by stimulating the reader by the use of certain clear idioms. The use of such idioms in a journalistic text is not for a linguistic purpose only, but it is a cultural and social phenomenon reflecting the type of current changes in the society and it aims at discoursing with the reader's mind. This paper is a practi

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 15 2022
Journal Name
Interaction and functional structural transformation of product design
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The research discussed the propositions of functional structures and the requirements for their transformation according to the variables of use and human interaction through the variables of functions with one form products، multifunctional variables، and transforming form in one product. The patterns of user’s interaction with products were discussed through the variables of functional type، starting from defining the types of functions in the industrial product structures to: practical functions، which were classified into: informational functions، ergonomic functions، use، handling، comfort، global، anthropometric adaptation and physical postures. While the interaction variables were discussed according to the meaning fun

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 08 2024
Journal Name
Formal-semantic metaphor in print advertising design
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The research problem lay in the existing of this direct relation between the increasing and the big variety of the goods and the producing companies which mean the increase of the competition and the directing techniques of the commercial advertisings, which become spread everywhere and in an age characterized with the great varieties in the tests and the stances which requires the designers to seek designing accomplishments that are characterized with creativeness , seriousness and unsallity through the designer depending in constructing his / her texts and his/ her visual items on reference forms metaphors to achieve his / her designing purposes.
So the researcher through her primary flying study seek the identifying the manner of

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
Journal Name
Graphic Design and Functional Applications in the Interior Space
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The overlap between science and knowledge is a feature of the 21st century. This integration, which crosses the traditional boundaries between academic disciplines, has occurred because of the emergence of new needs and new professions. This overlap has overshadowed the arts in general and design in particular. The Design achievements have not been far away from the attempts of integration of more than one type or design application to produce new outputs unique in its functional and aesthetic character, including the terms of internal graphic design.

The researcher raises the question of the functional dimension of graphic design in the internal space, in order to answer it through the methodological framework, which includes th

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