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The use of Arabic-Islamic Theme in The Stories of Western writers: El empleo del material árabe-islámico en las historias de los escritores occidentales
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This article presents and  explores the theoretical aspect in the use of Arab Islamic theme by the western writers to obtain and achieve individual motives. In this study the model for the theory of Arab presence in Andalusia  , through the book entitled “ Alhamra” by the English writer Washington Erving ,was  analyzed.

The most important results in this research: the success of  the author in the employment of the Islamic history in the formation of the first American legend, Columbus legend, through the selection of the right thoughts to establish his American National theory.  The author compared between the Andalusia experience and the Arab occupation to Spain and the American conquest of the new continent. This comparison is based on the  Fight and Building theory. The Arab occupation of Spain came as a result of the weakness and deterioration of Europe . During the occupation time, Arabs built a civilization which was remarkable for its scientific and cultural excellence. Erving exploits this experience to justify the appearance of the United States on the expense of the aboriginal people.  

The writer  holds comparison between the Moriscos, the Muslims of Spain who were a mixture of Arabs, Berbers, and Spanish people, and the new nation which was born in America . Then he points out the past of the  disunited Arabs at the late period of their Andalusian state  to warn the American of his time from disunity and sectarianism , and the absence of the heroic leadership. In both cases he exploits the Islamic Arab history not to serve the contemporary Arabs but to form  the American self-image.


Este artículo trata de presentar o revelar el aspecto teórico del uso del material árabe- islámico por parte de escritores occidentales con el objetivo de lograr motivos individuales, motivos que merecen ser seguidos y estudiados y que luego analizamos; como ejemplo, la teoría de la presencia árabe- islámica en el Al-Ándalus de Washington Irving en su libro Alhambra.

Los resultados más importantes de la investigación son: El éxito de Washington Irving en el uso de la historia islámica para formular el primer mito estadounidense, el mito de Colón al elegir las ideas correctas para realizar su teoría nacional estadounidense, el escritor comparó entre la experiencia de Al-Ándalus y la ocupación de los árabes a España y la ocupación de los primeros americanos al nuevo continente y esta comparación que apoya a la teoría de la lucha y la construcción, la ocupación de los árabes llegó a España en un momento de debilidad y decadencia en Europa y durante el período de ocupación o conquista árabe, los árabes construyeron la civilización árabe caracterizada por la superioridad cultural y científica y era la mediadora en Europa a la edad del Renacimiento. Esta experiencia es una forma de justificar la construcción de los Estados Unidos en  la tierra de población indígena, por lo tanto el escritor comparó entre los moriscos (musulmanes de España), que son mezclas de árabes, bereberes, españoles y la nueva población que nació en Estados Unidos. Luego, hace escritor una referencia al pasado de la decadencia y la división de los árabes en los últimos días del Estado musulmán en Al-Ándalus, advirtiendo a los estadounidenses de su era de la división, la fragmentación, el sectarismo y la ausencia de un liderazgo heroico. En ambos casos, la historia islámica árabe se emplea no para servir a los árabes contemporáneos, sino para formar la imagen del yo estadounidense.


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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The tragedies of love and death in the tragedy of Federico Garcia Lorca
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    Federico Garcia Lorca is considered in european and american literary circles as revolutionary symbol of contemporary literature writer through close association with the concerns of his country and the world, and also through the violent propensity to freedom, emancipation and innovation. This personal multi-talent has a significant impact in the spanish literary movement, in particularly, and in world, in general. If Lorca has andalusia blood, is no stranger to contemporary arab man to read to him, and contemplates his experience analyst and literary critic. This research is serious study of this character. There is no doubt the reader will put in front of many facts about personali

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 15 2021
Journal Name
The formal features of horse shapes in the drawings of Amer AL-Obaidi
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 The form imposes its importance in the structure of the artwork through its indication of the type of relationship between the artist and his external world in all its aspects, as well as its manifestation of artistic and aesthetic values, and the multiplicity of experimental means of expression that include the artist's feelings and imagination. The form is also a recording of the events in their temporal and spatial circumstances, and in that it is of value in directing his artistic discourse with the aim of influencing the recipient with its connotations and emotional states. Horses in the drawings of Amer Al-Obaidi, and the research came within two frameworks: The first framework is the methodological framework that represents us t

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of Job Enrichment in Building Differentiation Strategy Service: Analytical Exploratory Study of the Views of a Sample of the General Managers and Heads of Departments and Officials of the People in the General Establishment of Civil Aviation
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According to the importance of the subject of research, and the importance of the surveyed organization as a dynamic sector of the country in general , The research attempts to suggest to service organizations in general reconsidering the currently adopted mechanisms in the redesign of its functions , and in the services provided industry . The data was collected from (98) Director Mangers , head of department and head of division . The research tool is the questionnaire , which included (50) items . The results show Significant Effect & Correlation relationship between the two variables due to their dimensions . These lead to he application of job enrichment technology will increase the organization's ability to possess efficient hu

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 28 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The impact of the US military variable in reality Security in the Arab Gulf region after 2003
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The military presence in the Gulf region after the British withdrawal from it in 1971 was one of the most important pillars of the American strategy to climb the ladder of global leadership, as the geostrategic features that the region enjoyed provided factors of controlling energy sources and global trade routes. The United States of America guarantees Western Europe and Japan the process of access to energy sources and the exclusion of its opponents from the region, especially the Soviet Union, and the growing American military presence in the Gulf after the invasion of Iraq in 2003. On the other hand, the region experiences many contradictions, some of which threaten its security, such as the exacerbation of disputes between its count

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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   Municipal solid waste is one of the most important environmental problems in the world and is an important source of environmental pollution and contributes significantly to the pollution of the basic environmental elements of soil, water and air. The management of municipal waste in general is a process of monitoring, collection, treatment or recycling if possible or disposal of waste. This term is used for waste produced by some human activities. States provide this process to mitigate the negative effects of waste on the environment, health and appearance of the city. It is possible to find solutions to the problem of solid waste and make it an important source of income and contribute to securing employment oppor

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The Quantitative Analysis To Assess The Efficiency Of The Transport Network In Sader City
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     This research examines the quantitative analysis to assess the efficiency of the transport network in Sadr City, where the study area suffers from a large traffic movement  for the variability of traffic flow and intensity at peak hours as a result of inside traffic and outside of it, especially in the neighborhoods of population with  economic concentration.                                                           &n

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
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The role of artificial intelligence in revolutionizing the clothing and textile industry
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 The integration of AI technologies is revolutionizing various aspects of the apparel and textile industry, from design and manufacturing to customer experience and sustainability. Through the use of artificial intelligence algorithms, workers in the apparel and textile industry can take advantage of a wealth of opportunities for innovation, efficiency and creativity.
The research aims to display the enormous potential of artificial intelligence in the clothing and textile industry through published articles related to the title of the research using the Google Scholar search engine. The research contributes to the development of the cultural thought of researchers, designers, merchants and the consumer with the importance of integ

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Publication Date
Mon May 20 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Rural Colonization In Iraq Study Of The Rural Colonization To The Kubeisah
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Iraq is considered the origin of civilization first colonies have been cited in its northern parts , when the first attempt in agriculture and animal breeding were began ,and the cave , were taken as houses. That time the first agricultural colony were colonized in Kirkuk and Mussel . There colonies have been developed to be villages which had another activities in addition to the main activity which was agriculture . The distribution without any administrative planning . Lately , the stochastic distribution starting to disappear due to the planning of cities and their to rural surrounding. This study is involved in the analysis of the patterns of the location distribution of the villages , and the form that taken by the village

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 05 2023
Journal Name
Migration Letters
The Impact of Climate Change on the Increase in the Frequency of Drought in the Eastern Region of Iraq
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Aim: This abstract aims to highlight the critical nature of climate change as a pressing challenge facing humanity in the 21st century. It underscores the severe consequences it poses to essential facets of human existence, including water and energy resources, agricultural production, and the broader environmental systems. Method: The abstract primarily utilizes a descriptive approach to emphasize the impact of climate change on the Middle East, particularly the Arab region. It relies on a review of existing knowledge and data related to climate change and its effects on ecosystems and drought patterns. Results: The abstract outlines the direct and indirect repercussions of climate change on human life and the environment. It draws atten

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Impact the quality of the food in the rates of malnutrition in the city of Baghdad and Baquba - Iraq
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This research aims to identify the nutritional status of the individual's relationship to malnutrition using anthropometric measurements such as weight, height and impact on the values ??of the blood study sample included 200 male and 200 female of the inhabitants of the cities of Baghdad and Baquba reviewers Central Mahtbrat

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