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The use of Arabic-Islamic Theme in The Stories of Western writers: El empleo del material árabe-islámico en las historias de los escritores occidentales
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This article presents and  explores the theoretical aspect in the use of Arab Islamic theme by the western writers to obtain and achieve individual motives. In this study the model for the theory of Arab presence in Andalusia  , through the book entitled “ Alhamra” by the English writer Washington Erving ,was  analyzed.

The most important results in this research: the success of  the author in the employment of the Islamic history in the formation of the first American legend, Columbus legend, through the selection of the right thoughts to establish his American National theory.  The author compared between the Andalusia experience and the Arab occupation to Spain and the American conquest of the new continent. This comparison is based on the  Fight and Building theory. The Arab occupation of Spain came as a result of the weakness and deterioration of Europe . During the occupation time, Arabs built a civilization which was remarkable for its scientific and cultural excellence. Erving exploits this experience to justify the appearance of the United States on the expense of the aboriginal people.  

The writer  holds comparison between the Moriscos, the Muslims of Spain who were a mixture of Arabs, Berbers, and Spanish people, and the new nation which was born in America . Then he points out the past of the  disunited Arabs at the late period of their Andalusian state  to warn the American of his time from disunity and sectarianism , and the absence of the heroic leadership. In both cases he exploits the Islamic Arab history not to serve the contemporary Arabs but to form  the American self-image.


Este artículo trata de presentar o revelar el aspecto teórico del uso del material árabe- islámico por parte de escritores occidentales con el objetivo de lograr motivos individuales, motivos que merecen ser seguidos y estudiados y que luego analizamos; como ejemplo, la teoría de la presencia árabe- islámica en el Al-Ándalus de Washington Irving en su libro Alhambra.

Los resultados más importantes de la investigación son: El éxito de Washington Irving en el uso de la historia islámica para formular el primer mito estadounidense, el mito de Colón al elegir las ideas correctas para realizar su teoría nacional estadounidense, el escritor comparó entre la experiencia de Al-Ándalus y la ocupación de los árabes a España y la ocupación de los primeros americanos al nuevo continente y esta comparación que apoya a la teoría de la lucha y la construcción, la ocupación de los árabes llegó a España en un momento de debilidad y decadencia en Europa y durante el período de ocupación o conquista árabe, los árabes construyeron la civilización árabe caracterizada por la superioridad cultural y científica y era la mediadora en Europa a la edad del Renacimiento. Esta experiencia es una forma de justificar la construcción de los Estados Unidos en  la tierra de población indígena, por lo tanto el escritor comparó entre los moriscos (musulmanes de España), que son mezclas de árabes, bereberes, españoles y la nueva población que nació en Estados Unidos. Luego, hace escritor una referencia al pasado de la decadencia y la división de los árabes en los últimos días del Estado musulmán en Al-Ándalus, advirtiendo a los estadounidenses de su era de la división, la fragmentación, el sectarismo y la ausencia de un liderazgo heroico. En ambos casos, la historia islámica árabe se emplea no para servir a los árabes contemporáneos, sino para formar la imagen del yo estadounidense.


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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The House of Illusions A Study in Genet's The Balcony
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The definition of "prostitute" and prostitution is a difficult one and a
question over which the legislators of many lands and nations differed. A
notable feature of prostitution is its epidemic increase at times of war,
revolution and armed commotion, on account of economic, social and
psychological factors generated by such conditions of mortal conflicts. Wars
invariably deprive young wives and lovers of their men folk, resulting in
financial , sexual and emotional frustrations . At no time is the natural
balance between the sexes more seriously disturbed than during wars, when
thousands of men are thrown into one sector of the country and hundreds of
towns and villages are left to women and children only. Lo

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Various Semiotics of Hussaini Lamentations in the Andalusi Poetry.
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The killing of Imam Hussein (AS) and his family and his companions is a big tragedy that has sustained Islam and Muslims has remained generations Islamic considers the death of Hussein (AS) of the major calamities and pays homage to the memory of grief and mourning . The taking Shiite poets their active role in the perpetuation of this painful anniversary taken by the Shiites that way to stimulate and stir up emotions against the killers of Ahl al-Bayt ( peace be upon them ) has not missed poets of Andalusia and Shiites from this Wave Shiite overwhelming Vahioa anniversary and Ozvoha best recruit barely era of eras Andalusian literature but was Hussein certificate ( AS) on the tenth of Muharram day Consolation year held the celebrations

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
Automatic operation of the optical system in the theatrical show
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Theatrical techniques took upon themselves the responsibility of building and organizing the theatrical form for the various forms of performances, and it was the important tool that the show makers could rely on in carrying out the various works at the audio-visual level, and lighting is one of the most important elements of the visual formation of the image in the show, as it is related to the visual process and what it can achieve in operations The contrast that constitutes the aesthetic and intellectual values of the theatrical show, especially since the process of adjusting the element of time and the timings for receiving or delivering, moving, and the movement of the actor is what can determine the rhythm of the scene, which in it

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Role of Military institution in the Nigerian Political life
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The intervention in the military institute represents a great role in the Nigerian
political life since 1960. There are many reasons behind this domination. The First is that
many African militants participated in liberating their countries from colonization. The
second is that they tried to stay in power as long as they could stay through the rule of one
There fore, they depend on the process of political and economic reform to get rid of
military rule that dominated the Nigerian Political life to be a civilian state

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Semiotic dimension in the production of sports media legends
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Sports and legend rooted deep in human history, and although they meet in the oldest epics as was the hero Gilgamesh legend and a hero of the heroes of wrestling has been named the oldest regular sports tournament in history in his name, a Algeljamchih Games which will be held events in Mesopotamia in August of each year and will continue nine days and take place in competitions in more than a sports game ..
In our time re-production of sports legends to serve the objectives of the huge investment both sports on the commercialization level or at other levels of marketing, including political marketing.
In this context, a move sports media for the production of myths we studied Semiaiaa in an effort to learn how the production proce

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of the successful managerial leaders in crises management
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This research is a modest contribution to Put the finishing touches on therole of managerial leaders represented by static companies belonging to theministry of transport and communication/ [iraq] . the research has adopted thedescriptive. Analytical methodology and field study technique, using thequestionnaire as a tool for data collection [58] forms Nar, been distributed tothe research sample. The sample has been deliberately selected {generalmanager, as assistant general manager and heads of department}. Thequestionnaires and the main hypotheses of represented by the existence ofsignificant correlation and impact between successful managerial leadershipand crisis management using the software {SPSS}, were analyzed. Resultswere identic

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of e-government in enhancing the institutional performance
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The research aims to study the role of e-government in enhancing institutional performance. The dimensions of e-government are: (support and commitment of senior management, technical structures, organization and human resources, knowledge and information, work procedures, attention to citizens' satisfaction, and client parties),while the dimensions of institutional performance are: (Service improvement, innovation, efficiency and effectiveness).

The research used electronic questionnaire as a main tool for data collection, The questionnaire included all the employees in the e-government project in Department of Government Coordinate and Citizen Affairs at the General Secretariat of the C

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 10 2017
Journal Name
The importance of folkloric games in the Iraqi child theatre
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The folkloric games widely considered as expressional forms of nations culture and their environment which can be an important element in Iraqi child theatre shows. For its moral and habits relation to the needs of children which present an effective mean to preserve the true identity of the society character and moral. The research concluded many topics considering the importance of folkloric games in the Iraqi child theatre, the first chapter studied the problem , the necessity , the aim of the research to clarify the importance of folkloric games in Iraqi child theatre, the second chapter is the theoretical part of the research that studied the concept of folkloric games and its implementation in Iraqi child theatre . the third chapte

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 05 2016
Journal Name
The Characteristics of Art forms in the Byzantine icons painting
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The problem with research in the question of whether art forms in the religious icon Byzantine, heiress docility and tradition craftsman arts civilizations of the above? ... And if you are well, you helped a quotation on the entry of strange ideas rampant within religious traditions, and are prompted to do Movement rejected prohibition, and the outbreak of the icons war? ... Or is it, in fact - and as researcher finds - the result of a need communication between the religious and the recipient organization in the establishment of a deliberative speech, be visible, along with reading it and audible? .. And lies the importance of this study is being added technical knowledge of the library that will enrich researchers and scholars in this

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The American vision of the Non-governmental Organizations in Iraq
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The American vision of the Non-governmental Organizations in Iraq the topic area of that’s paper dealing with Civil Society as concept and practice, its already consider as Western concept and associated with liberalism and political development, they are many definitions of its but most significantly is all organizations, agencies, trade unions and non-governmental institutions, that’s agencies were established after 2003 and received funds from United States and UN development agencies. The non- governments organizations played a significant role as support and develop many cultural, healthy, educational, and social projects, also that’s organizations try to reduction the effects of terrorists actions especially after ISI

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