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ההשפעה והשענוע בנאום הפוליטי של שמעון פרס עיון פרגמטי בדוגמאות נבחרות מנאומיו Effect and Persuasion in the Political Discourse of Shimon Peres A Pragmatic Study in Selected form of His Addresses
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במחקר הזה ניתחנו מספר נאומים של שמעון פרס, אנחנו התמקדנו בהשפעה והשכנוע אצל שמעון פרס ואיך הוא יכול להעביר את המסרים של נאומיו בסגנון פרגמטי כדי להגיע ללבו של הציבור.

 גם כן, התמקדנו בסגנון הפוליטי שהוא חושב כי התחום הזה צריך להיות ברור מול הציבור וגם כן מול דעת הקהל הבינלאומי מתוך השימוש במונחים בעלי השפעה ושכנוע להגיע למטרות המבוקשות.

 במלים אחרות, שמעון פרס, לעתים, מתמקד בשפה מליצית ויעמוד הרבה מול העתיד, בשאלה הזאת הוא רוצה לומר צריך עלינו לקשר בין העבר לבין ההווה, למען העתיד. המימד הפרגמטי הזה הוא משחק במלים מטרתו להגיע למצב חדש שייך ומשרת את המטרות הישראליות במזרח התיכון.

 בתחום הזה פרס השתמש ברב מקורות היסטוריים ודתיים בנאומיו להבהיר את ההיסטוריה של עם ישראל וזכותו בחיים, אבל הרעיון הזה הוא להלהיב את ריגושי הקהל, וגם כן השמירה על ישראל מול האוייבים לפי דעתו.



      The present research tackles the effect and persuasion in the political discourse of Shimon Peres. It analyzes pragmatically some of his political addresses.

     The research elaborates a historical background of Pragmatics, its rise and its relation to the analysis of the political discourse, too. It discusses methods of effect and persuasion, how they may be employed to convey messages to a certain recipient audience; govern its emotions and attract it to side with the orator as well.

     The pragmatic dimension of the addresses of Shimon Peres, his style of manipulating words and employing them in a suitable way to convey messages to the addressees in order to persuade it with the idea of the address have also been elaborated

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 03 2020
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An Economic And Environmental Analysis of the most Factors Affecting of Sustainable Agricultural Development In Iraq Through The Period 2000 -2017
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Publication Date
Thu Sep 13 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Prognostic Value of some Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition Markers and Metastasis-Related Markers in Human Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder
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Recent reports provided evidence that epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) and some matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) contribute to the invasion and metastasis of cancer cells. This study investigated the expression pattern of some EMT markers (E-cadherin and Vimentin) and some MMPs (MMP-2 and MMP-9) in transitional cell carcinoma (TCC). Fifty five paraffin embedded biopsies were included in this study. Expression pattern of E-cadherin and Vimentin was evaluated by immunohistochemistry while cytoplasmic mRNA expression of both MMP-2 and MMP-9 were determined by in situ hybridization. The expression of all markers were significantly increased with the increase of patient's age (? 50 years), and furthermore an increase in men expression

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
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Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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When the guard honey bees, Apis mellifera L., form a clump at the hive entrance or on the flight board, the oriental hornet, Vespa orientails L., either creeps toward the clump or hovers over it in order to take a bee. Once the hornet creeps, only few bees facing the hornet become alert, rock their heads and antennae, open their wings, and take a posture of defense. The rest of the clump stays listless without any signal of concern. However, the clump stays dense and the defending bees do not detach themselves neither from the rest of the clump nor from each other. For this reason, it is very difficult for the hornet to grab a bee unless the latter makes a “mistake” by detaching herself from other adjacent bees. If the hornet grabs s

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 19 2022
Journal Name
Res Militaris
Urban Geomorphology and Its Impact on Determining the Trends of Urban Expansion in The City of Kut and Its Future Expectations Using Geographic Information Systems
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Geomorphology is concerned with the topographic units that make up the Earth's surface. These take many forms, such as mountains and rivers, and include many dangers such as landslides, landslides and erosion. Many studies appeared in this field to analyze its effects and risks resulting from it, including urban studies, to determine the trends of optimal urban expansion and its geomorphological interactions. The results showed that the city of Kut originated and expanded near the course of the Tigris River and its branches, and it suffers from unbalanced urban expansion, due to the high rate of population growth, and overcrowding in housing units with the growth of urban land uses in it, which prompted the city to extend horizontally and v

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Determination of the Optimum Conditions for Extracting Polyphenol Ox-idase and Laccase Enzymes From Malva Parviflora and Their Role in The Decolorization of Some Dyes
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     The current work was undertaken to obtain the crude extract of PPO and laccase enzyme from the leaves of Malva parviflora. All leaves were washed with tap water, then the extraction was performed to acquire the crude extract’s enzymes. One gram of Malva parviflora leaves was homogenized in various volumes of distilled water (1:10, 1:5, and 1:2 w: v). The results showed that polyphenol oxidase and laccase with a ratio of 1:10 (w:v) gave the highest specific activity of 112.3 with 0.394 U/mg proteins. In addition, Malva parviflora leaves were homogenized with several types of buffers with two concentration (0.2 and 0.1 M) for PPO and laccase extraction. These buffers were potassium

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Meta Gene
Waterpipe tobacco smoking and gene variants of CYP1A1-Ile462Val and -MspI polymorphisms are possibly associated with the risk of lung cancer in the Iraqi population
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Background: Previous studies about the correlation of genetic polymorphisms in the multigene family of cyto- chrome P450 (CYPs), the effect of tobacco smoking, and the risk of developing cancer have been well in- vestigated in different populations, but not in Iraq. Furthermore, the studies of malignance occurrence re- lationship with cigarette tobacco smoking revealed the presence of strong association, however, little is known about the risk of Waterpipe (WP) tobacco smoking. Thus, determination two important genetic polymorphisms in CYP1A1, a main member of CYPs, among Iraqi men was our first aim. This is the first study that highlights the correlation of CYP1A1 polymorphisms with the risk of lung cancer in Iraq. The second aim was to ev

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
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International Conference On Scientific Research & Innovation (icsri 2022)
Saccharomyces Cerevisiae as a human pathogen in renal transplant recipients
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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Astronomy And Astrophysics
Distances Scale Determination for a Planetary Nebula in Galagtic Bulge
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ABSTRACT Planetary Nebulae (PN) distances represent the fundamental parameter for the determination the physical properties of the central star of PN. In this paper the distances scale to Planetary Nebulae in the Galactic bulge were calculated re- lated to previous distances scales. The proposed distance scale was done by recalibrated the previous distance scale technique CKS/D82. This scale limited for nearby PN (D ≤ 3.5 kpc), so the surface fluxes less than other distance scales. With these criteria the results showed that the proposed distance scale is more accurate than other scales related to the observations for adopted sample of PN distances, also the limit of ionized radius (Rio) for all both optically thick and optically thin in

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Dispersion in a Gas Filled Hollow Core Photonic Crystal Fiber
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Hollow core photonic bandgap fibers provide a new geometry for the realization and enhancement of many nonlinear optical effects. Such fibers offer novel guidance and dispersion properties that provide an advantage over conventional fibers for various applications. Dispersion, which expresses the variation with wavelength of the guided-mode group velocity, is one of the most important properties of optical fibers. Photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) offer much larger flexibility than conventional fibers with respect to tailoring of the dispersion curve. This is partly due to the large refractive-index contrast available in the silica/air microstructures, and partly due to the possibility of making complex refractive-index structure over the fibe

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
The Turkish Journal Of Endocrinology And Metabolism
Cell-free DNA as a Clinical Indicator in Maternal Blood
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As many expensive and invasive procedures are used for the diagnosis or follow-up of clinical conditions, the measurement of cell-free DNA is a promising, noninvasive method, which considers using blood, follicular fluid, or seminal fluid. This method is used to determine chromosomal abnormalities, genetic disorders, and indicators of some diseases such as polycystic ovary syndrome, pre-eclampsia, and some malignancies. Cell-free DNA, which are DNA fragments outside the nucleus, originates from an apoptotic process. However, to be used as a marker for the previously mentioned diseases is still under investigation. We discuss some aspects of using cell-free DNA measurements as an indicator or marker for pathological conditions.

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