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ההשפעה והשענוע בנאום הפוליטי של שמעון פרס עיון פרגמטי בדוגמאות נבחרות מנאומיו Effect and Persuasion in the Political Discourse of Shimon Peres A Pragmatic Study in Selected form of His Addresses
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במחקר הזה ניתחנו מספר נאומים של שמעון פרס, אנחנו התמקדנו בהשפעה והשכנוע אצל שמעון פרס ואיך הוא יכול להעביר את המסרים של נאומיו בסגנון פרגמטי כדי להגיע ללבו של הציבור.

 גם כן, התמקדנו בסגנון הפוליטי שהוא חושב כי התחום הזה צריך להיות ברור מול הציבור וגם כן מול דעת הקהל הבינלאומי מתוך השימוש במונחים בעלי השפעה ושכנוע להגיע למטרות המבוקשות.

 במלים אחרות, שמעון פרס, לעתים, מתמקד בשפה מליצית ויעמוד הרבה מול העתיד, בשאלה הזאת הוא רוצה לומר צריך עלינו לקשר בין העבר לבין ההווה, למען העתיד. המימד הפרגמטי הזה הוא משחק במלים מטרתו להגיע למצב חדש שייך ומשרת את המטרות הישראליות במזרח התיכון.

 בתחום הזה פרס השתמש ברב מקורות היסטוריים ודתיים בנאומיו להבהיר את ההיסטוריה של עם ישראל וזכותו בחיים, אבל הרעיון הזה הוא להלהיב את ריגושי הקהל, וגם כן השמירה על ישראל מול האוייבים לפי דעתו.



      The present research tackles the effect and persuasion in the political discourse of Shimon Peres. It analyzes pragmatically some of his political addresses.

     The research elaborates a historical background of Pragmatics, its rise and its relation to the analysis of the political discourse, too. It discusses methods of effect and persuasion, how they may be employed to convey messages to a certain recipient audience; govern its emotions and attract it to side with the orator as well.

     The pragmatic dimension of the addresses of Shimon Peres, his style of manipulating words and employing them in a suitable way to convey messages to the addressees in order to persuade it with the idea of the address have also been elaborated

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Las formas no personales del verbo en español y su traducción al árabe Non-personal forms of the verb in Spanish and their translations into Arabic
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Las formas verbales: el infinitivo, el gerundio y el participio, son derivados verbales que se comportan como sustantivos, adverbios o adjetivos, respectivamente; aunque, dado su carácter verbal pueden también funcionar como verbos y, por tanto, como núcleos del predicado.

 El presente trabajo presenta una visión general sobre las formas no personales del verbo en español. Se debe recordar que las formas no personales del verbo tiene funciones y valores dentro de la oración.

  Este trabajo lo dividimos  en dos partes: la primera presenta  un breve marco teórico en que se explica las formas no personales del verbo y como se forman además de sus funciones.


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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Association of rs965513 Polymorphism Near FOXE1 Gene with Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma in a sample of Iraqi patients
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     Thyroid carcinoma incidence is increasing yearly and ranks second among the top ten cancers in Iraq, especially among women. The single nucleotide polymorphism (rs965513, A>C) near FOXE1 gene was found to be associated with papillary thyroid carcinoma risk in several Genome-wide association studies. Therefore, this is a case-control study aimed at identifying whether this variation is associated with the risk of papillary thyroid carcinoma in the Iraqi population. Association of rs965513 was investigated in one hundred and one papillary thyroid carcinoma Iraqi patients and one hundred and two controls using quantitative PCR-high resolution melting technique. The results of genotype and allele frequencies showe

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2001
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
New record of ground pearls, Porphyrophora tritici (Bod.) (Homoptera, Margarodidae) as a pest of wheat in Iraq
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The ground pearls, Porphyrophora tritici (Bod.) is a new insect pest on wheat recorded for
the first time from Mousl Province, North of Iraq.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Investigation of Thermal Performance of Aluminum Foil Coated with Polyester in a Direct Evaporative Cooling System
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An experimental study was carried out for an evaporative cooling system in order to investigate the effect of using an aluminum pad coated with fabric polyester. In the present work, it was considered to use a new different type of cooling medium and test its performance during the change in the wet-bulb temperature and dry-bulb temperature of the supply air outside of the pad, the relative humidity of the supply air, the amount of air supplied (300-600) CFM and also the change of the amount of circulated water (1.75, 2.5, 4.5) liter per minute. A decrease in the WBT of the air was obtained, whereas the WBT of the air entering the pad was 26.5 . In contrast, the WBT of the outside air had reached 23  even though eva

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Preparation of a Composite of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles with Carbon by Exploding Graphite Rod in Aqueous Suspension
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In this work, the effect of preparing a composite of copper oxide nanoparticles with carbon on some of its optical properties was studied. The composite preparing process was carried out by exploding graphite electrodes in an aqueous suspension of copper oxide. The properties of the plasma which is formed during the explosion were studied using emission spectroscopy in order to determine the most important elements that are present in the media. The electron’s density and their energy, which is the main factor in the composite process, were determined. The particle properties were studied before and after the exploding process. The XRD showed an additional peak in the copper oxides pattern corresponding to the hexagonal graphite struct

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Caries risk assessment of a sample of children attending preventive specialized dental center in Al Resafa, Baghdad
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Background: Young children’s oral health maintenance and outcomes are influenced by their parent’s knowledge and beliefs, which affect oral hygiene and healthy eating habits. This study aims at assessing caries risk in children aged 6 months to 6 years attending the Specialized Center of Preventive and Pediatric Dentistry Center at Al-Resafa sector in Baghdad. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted from 15 May – 15 June 2018, all children attended the center (80 children) were assessed by using the standard caries risk assessment tool of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD). Results: The highest percentage of children was as follows: no fluoride exposure 44(55%), did not brush 46(5

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Scopus (6)
Crossref (6)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The semantic and stylistic characteristics of historicism (marked vocabulary) In the modern russian literary language: Семантико-стилистическая характеристика Историзмов (маркированной лексики) В современном русском литературном языке
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The article considers semantic and stylistic motivations for using obsolete lexicon (historicisms) in the text of a work of art. The specifics of the functioning of this process are presented against the background of the features of the contemporary Russian literary language. Attention is focused on the fact that the layer of obsolete lexical units belongs to a number of nationally specific vocabulary, the development of which forms an understanding of the nature of the actualized language. In addition, it should be noted that the semantics of historicisms is culturally commensurate: the latter is explained by the fact that the deactuation of linguistic units is positioned as parallel to the sociocultural and political changes.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Homomorphism of Cubic bipolar ideals of a KU-semigroup
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The idea of a homomorphism of a cubic set of a KU-semigroup is studied and the concept of the product between two cubic sets is defined. And then, a new cubic bipolar fuzzy set in this structure is discussed, and some important results are achieved. Also, the product of cubic subsets is discussed and some theorems are proved.

Publication Date
Thu Jan 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Homomorphism of Cubic bipolar ideals of a KU-semigroup
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The idea of a homomorphism of a cubic set of a KU-semigroup is studied and the concept of the product between two cubic sets is defined. And then, a new cubic bipolar fuzzy set in this structure is discussed, and some important results are achieved. Also, the product of cubic subsets is discussed and some theorems are proved. 2010 AMS Classification: 06F35, 03G25, 08A72.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Historical Value of Dickens’s A Tale of Two Cities
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In "historical" fiction, characters that never really existed, give expression to the impact of historical events on the people who really did live through them. The result is not history, as an accurate record of actual events, but fiction in which an earlier age is rendered through the personal joys and sufferings of characters. This paper
aims at investigating the historical realities presented in Dickens’s A Tale of Two Cities.

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