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ההשגה על טקסטי התנ"ך ביצירות סופרים עבריים פרופ. עוזר ד"ר. עדנאן שביב ג'אסם
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העיון הזה מדבר על דבר ההשגה על הטקסטים המקראיים בידי כמה מסופרים ופילוסופים יהודים אשר הושפעו מהרעיונותיהם של הפילוסופים האירופיים מחד גיסא, ואת הרעיונות של ההשכלה מאידך גיסא. היהודים היו חיים בבידוד, ותחת השליטה של הרבנות (רבנים) שהייתה שליטה מוחלטת. כבר העבודה של הרבנות מאז ימי קדם להעלות רעיונות במוחם של היהודים בתור העם הנבחר, והם מעולים ועדיפים על בני אדם. הם כל כך מסתמכים על פסוקים מהתורה, ולפרש בהתאם למה שמשרת הרעיונות והגישות שלהם.  זו היתה ההנהגה היהודית, לעומת זאת, הרבנות במשך מאות שנים הצליחה לגבש במוחם של היהודים רעיונות אלה שאין להם שום קשר עם המציאות, ועוד לא הגיוניים ולא רציניים. הרעיון של כפיפות של העםים כלפי היהודים לעבוד למען ההנאתם נחשבים מהרעיונות שהיהודים מאמינים ברצינותם למשל בפסוק המקרא האומר: (עשיו, גבר שיודע ודייג ושדה, יעקב יושב אוהלים) (בראשית 24.27)

לאחר הופעת רעיונות ההשכלה והתפשטותם בין הקהילה היהודית ופעתה של הספרות העברית המודרנית, שהכיל את עקרונות ההשכלה החלו סופרים ונלחמו למתוח ביקורת על המסורת העברית וההתעמות עם תנועות דתיות ואנשי דת יהודים, שרבים מהם ניסו לעשות שינויים בחיים ולהעלות את הסיסמה של ההתבוללות. למרות קדושת טקסטים דתיים עם היהודים אך הסופרים המשכילים ביקרו אותם בגלל חוסר רצינות וחוסר ההתאמה עם המציאות שמראה דבר אחר, וזה בגלל מצב היהודים העלוב והנסיבות שאפפו אותם באותה תקופה לכן סופרים רבים המרמרו מטקסטים מקראיים במיוחד אלה מרגיעים ויועדים כי היהודים יהיו בחיים נוחים ויפים. לכן, חלק מן הסופרים סירבו את רעיונות אלה, שנחשבו לסיבה שהיהודים אינם מסוגלים לבצע את המטרות שלהם, על כן השיגו בחריפות וביקרו אותם בעוקצנות, כדי לעורר את העם היהודי לעבוד ברצינות ולהשתען על סמכות הששכל ולדחות שלטון החכמים. גם  לשחרר את היהודים מהרעיונות הקדומות הבורים.


      This study deals with biblical texts resistance by expressed some Jewish writers and philosophers who were influenced by the ideas of European philosophers, and the ideas of the Enlightenment. Jews were living in isolation, and under the control of the Rabbinate (rabbis) had total control.

      Religious Scholars have been working since a long time to instill ideas in the minds of Jews as being the chosen people, and that they are distinguished and superior to humans. So they relied on verses from Torah, and interpreted tham according to what serves their ideas and approaches. It was the Jewish leadership, however, the Religious scholars for centuries managed to consolidate in the Jews mind these ideas that have no connection with reality, being logical and unserious. The idea of subordination of nations to them and work for their own pleasure that considered earnestness ideas that believe in the Bible's verse that says, for example: (Esau, a man who knows hunting and field, Jacob dwelt in tents) (Genesis 24.27 (

After the advent of the Enlightenment and the spread between the Jewish community and the bleating of Modern Hebrew literature, which contained the principles of the Enlightenment, writers fought to criticize the Jewish tradition and to confront religious movements and religious Jews. Many of them tried to make changes in life and raise the slogan of assimilation. Despite sanctity of religious texts by Jews, the educated writers criticized and refused them due to the lack of seriousness and reality, and that's because of the situation of Jews poverty and similar surrounding circumstances. Therefore, some of the writers refused the ideas that considered the reason that made them unable to achieve their aims, and objected strongly and criticized them sarcastically, to provoke the Jewish people to work seriously and rely on the authority of reason and reject the religious authority, and free people from the old-fashioned ideas.

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Quranic Words Referring to Lies A Media Study
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This research aims to invest qur›anic words referring to lie in media language. The researcher has chosen a set of qur›anic words functioning as «lie».
It is an attempt to review the media language which is used to make use of repetition of terms and templated which make it weak and ineffective language. The use of qur›anic texts and terms according to the semantic field for each topic will give this media language an opportunity for growth, development and stability.
This researcher identifies a number of words to study them in the light of their lexical meaning using the Dictionary of Language Standards by Ibn Fares as it focuses on the general meaning of the root language. He also uses the Dictionary of the Basis of Rhe

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 29 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Microcontroller – Based Spectrum Analyzer
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This work includes design, implementation and testing of a microcontroller – based spectrum analyzer system. Both hardware and software structures are built to verify the main functions that are required by such system. Their design utilizes the permissible and available tools to achieve the main functions of the system in such a way to be modularly permitting any adaptation for a specific changing in the application environment. The analysis technique, mainly, depends on the Fourier analysis based methods of spectral analysis with the necessary required preconditioning processes. The software required for waveform analysis has been prepared. The spectrum of the waveform has been displayed, and the instrument accuracy has been checked.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Controls Scanning on the slippers: a study fiqhiat Comparison
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Controls Scanning on the slippers a study fiqhiat Comparison

The subject of this research is an important topic, which is frequently repeated, and people need to know its wisdom, and has made it in front and the preface and three detectives, showed through discussion the meaning of the survey on the socks, its wisdom, its rules and conditions, and the duration of the survey on it, spoiled and reasoned and compared to the doctrinal doctrines, And the most correct statement of words I have concluded with a number of things, as follows:

  1. The need to ensure that the slippers are clean, visible and inwa

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Mandate of the Constitutional Judiciary to Guarantee the Future Ownership
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تكفل الدساتير الملكية العامة للمواطنين جميعاً (1)، كما تصون الملكية الخاصة (2)، والملاحظ بجلاء أن الدستور في اطار حمايته للملكية العامة والخاصة يطلقهما دون مقيد، ويعممهما دون مخصص، ومؤداه أن الأصل هو ضمان الملكية بنطاقها الشخصي والموضوعي المطلق أما الاستثناء عليهما يستوجب التصريح ولا تغني الدلالة أو التأويل دون نص مخصص أو مقيد يرد في الدستور، مما يتطلب من القضاء الدستوري أن يبسط ولايته على حماية

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Some New Results on Lucky Labeling
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Czerwi’nski et al. introduced Lucky labeling in 2009 and Akbari et al and A.Nellai Murugan et al studied it further. Czerwi’nski defined Lucky Number of graph as follows: A labeling of vertices of a graph G is called a Lucky labeling if  for every pair of adjacent vertices u and v in G where . A graph G may admit any number of lucky labelings. The least integer k for which a graph G has a lucky labeling from the set 1, 2, k is the lucky number of G denoted by η(G). This paper aims to determine the lucky number of Complete graph Kn, Complete bipartite graph Km,n and Complete tripartite graph Kl,m,n. It has also been studied how the lucky number changes whi

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Effect Of Comprehensive Income In Market Value Of Company Importance Of Comprehensive Income In Market Value Of
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The study aims (objective ) to clarify the concept of comprehensive income and its usefulness for users, as the study aims to clarify the relationship between the concept of comprehensive income and market value of the company where the measurement of comprehensive income after accounting for net income and by measuring the unrealized gains or losses in the value of securities available for sale, and measurement the unrealized gains or losses on futures contracts, which are financial derivatives, and measurement the unrealized gains or losses from the settlement of foreign currency translation (conversions), and measurement the impact on the market value of companies and of the present study to rise or fall of return on the stock

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of market orientation and the commitment of employees to performance
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أستهدفت الدراسة اختبار أثر التوجه السوقي والتزام العاملين على أداء المنظمة المسوقة لخدمات النقل الجوي. حيث تم اختيار شركة الخطوط الجوية الملكية الأردنية كمجال تطبيقي.وقد اعتمدت الدراسة في قياس المتغيرات على مقاييس مختبرة وقد تأكد صحتها وثباتها لقياس المتغيرات في البيئة الحالية.  وقد بينت نتائج التحليل الإحصائي الذي استخدمت فيه أساليب إحصائية مختلفة بالاستعانة ببرنامج SPSS))

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 16 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Internet Addiction: Healthy, Psychological, and Social Implications
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The aim of the current research is to explore the health, psychological, and social implications of Internet addiction. Internet addiction is a new type of addiction, which negatively affects an individual’s life and creates social problems, psychological and nervous disorders. The research is divided into three sections: The first section is devoted to the definition of the research and includes the research problem, its importance in addition to the objectives, and the search terms were defined in it. The second section included the concept of addiction on the Internet and the causes, symptoms of addiction, forms, and previous studies were reviewed. As for the third topic, it deals with the theories explaining Internet addiction and

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 29 2021
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Simulation of a Self-Balancing Platform on the Mobile Car
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In the last years, the self-balancing platform has become one of the most common candidates to use in many applications such as flight, biomedical fields, industry. This paper introduced the simulated model of a proposed self-balancing platform that described the self–balancing attitude in (X-axis, Y-axis, or both axis) under the influence of road disturbance. To simulate the self-balanced platform's performance during the tilt, an integration between Solidworks, Simscape, and Simulink toolboxes in MATLAB was used. The platform's dynamic model was drawn in SolidWorks and exported as a STEP file used in the Simscape Multibody environment. The system is controlled using the proportional-integral-deriva

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 11 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
International responsibility for the proliferation of small arms and light weapons
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نظمت التشريعات محل الدراسة الحقوق الحزبية وفق شروط معينة ذات طبيعة موضوعية, حتى يمكن أن تمارس وتتحقق الغاية من إباحتها, غير أن هذا التنظيم أخرج فئات معينة من نطاق ممارسة هذه الحقوق, وعمل على فرض قيود معينة تبعاً لتوفر صفات معينة في الأشخاص الذين يعدون مواطنين وتنطبق عليهم الشروط العامة لممارسة الحقوق السياسية, فأصبحت الصفة الرسمية للمواطن في الدولة, وطبيعة الوظيفة, أو التكليف العام التي يمارسها, ومن شأنها أن

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