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ההשגה על טקסטי התנ"ך ביצירות סופרים עבריים פרופ. עוזר ד"ר. עדנאן שביב ג'אסם
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העיון הזה מדבר על דבר ההשגה על הטקסטים המקראיים בידי כמה מסופרים ופילוסופים יהודים אשר הושפעו מהרעיונותיהם של הפילוסופים האירופיים מחד גיסא, ואת הרעיונות של ההשכלה מאידך גיסא. היהודים היו חיים בבידוד, ותחת השליטה של הרבנות (רבנים) שהייתה שליטה מוחלטת. כבר העבודה של הרבנות מאז ימי קדם להעלות רעיונות במוחם של היהודים בתור העם הנבחר, והם מעולים ועדיפים על בני אדם. הם כל כך מסתמכים על פסוקים מהתורה, ולפרש בהתאם למה שמשרת הרעיונות והגישות שלהם.  זו היתה ההנהגה היהודית, לעומת זאת, הרבנות במשך מאות שנים הצליחה לגבש במוחם של היהודים רעיונות אלה שאין להם שום קשר עם המציאות, ועוד לא הגיוניים ולא רציניים. הרעיון של כפיפות של העםים כלפי היהודים לעבוד למען ההנאתם נחשבים מהרעיונות שהיהודים מאמינים ברצינותם למשל בפסוק המקרא האומר: (עשיו, גבר שיודע ודייג ושדה, יעקב יושב אוהלים) (בראשית 24.27)

לאחר הופעת רעיונות ההשכלה והתפשטותם בין הקהילה היהודית ופעתה של הספרות העברית המודרנית, שהכיל את עקרונות ההשכלה החלו סופרים ונלחמו למתוח ביקורת על המסורת העברית וההתעמות עם תנועות דתיות ואנשי דת יהודים, שרבים מהם ניסו לעשות שינויים בחיים ולהעלות את הסיסמה של ההתבוללות. למרות קדושת טקסטים דתיים עם היהודים אך הסופרים המשכילים ביקרו אותם בגלל חוסר רצינות וחוסר ההתאמה עם המציאות שמראה דבר אחר, וזה בגלל מצב היהודים העלוב והנסיבות שאפפו אותם באותה תקופה לכן סופרים רבים המרמרו מטקסטים מקראיים במיוחד אלה מרגיעים ויועדים כי היהודים יהיו בחיים נוחים ויפים. לכן, חלק מן הסופרים סירבו את רעיונות אלה, שנחשבו לסיבה שהיהודים אינם מסוגלים לבצע את המטרות שלהם, על כן השיגו בחריפות וביקרו אותם בעוקצנות, כדי לעורר את העם היהודי לעבוד ברצינות ולהשתען על סמכות הששכל ולדחות שלטון החכמים. גם  לשחרר את היהודים מהרעיונות הקדומות הבורים.


      This study deals with biblical texts resistance by expressed some Jewish writers and philosophers who were influenced by the ideas of European philosophers, and the ideas of the Enlightenment. Jews were living in isolation, and under the control of the Rabbinate (rabbis) had total control.

      Religious Scholars have been working since a long time to instill ideas in the minds of Jews as being the chosen people, and that they are distinguished and superior to humans. So they relied on verses from Torah, and interpreted tham according to what serves their ideas and approaches. It was the Jewish leadership, however, the Religious scholars for centuries managed to consolidate in the Jews mind these ideas that have no connection with reality, being logical and unserious. The idea of subordination of nations to them and work for their own pleasure that considered earnestness ideas that believe in the Bible's verse that says, for example: (Esau, a man who knows hunting and field, Jacob dwelt in tents) (Genesis 24.27 (

After the advent of the Enlightenment and the spread between the Jewish community and the bleating of Modern Hebrew literature, which contained the principles of the Enlightenment, writers fought to criticize the Jewish tradition and to confront religious movements and religious Jews. Many of them tried to make changes in life and raise the slogan of assimilation. Despite sanctity of religious texts by Jews, the educated writers criticized and refused them due to the lack of seriousness and reality, and that's because of the situation of Jews poverty and similar surrounding circumstances. Therefore, some of the writers refused the ideas that considered the reason that made them unable to achieve their aims, and objected strongly and criticized them sarcastically, to provoke the Jewish people to work seriously and rely on the authority of reason and reject the religious authority, and free people from the old-fashioned ideas.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 25 2019
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The Aesthetic Discourse of the Pop Artists and its Representations in the Output of Students of the Department of Art Education: هند عبدالله عبد
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The emergence of artistic movements in Western countries was after the period of modernity. They have introduced a great dialectical problem at the level of thought and discourse, which necessitated a change in the course of the aesthetic discourse into new visions. Thus, the present research aims to identify the aesthetic discourse of pop artists' Art and its representations in the outputs of the students of the Department of Art Education. The theoretical framework included two sections: the first one, what is the aesthetic discourse and the second is the educational bases of the students' outputs. The procedures of the current research included the analytical descriptive approach. The research sample consisted of (4) outputs chosen ac

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
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The concept of freedom in the texts of Yashar Kamal play "The play (The Plate) as a model": عامر صباح نوري المرزوك
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This research is concerned with studying (the concept of freedom in the texts of Yaşar Kamal the play), as the Turkish playwright (Kamal Yasar) is one of the contemporary playwrights who have been interested in and criticize society, and perhaps the concept of freedom in his texts took a different form, through his ability to renew and present his attempts to create A theatrical form different from his earlier writers in dealing with the life of the peasants and the oppression that went through them, as the researcher identified the problem of his research with the following question: What is the concept of freedom in the texts of Yashar Kamal? The research aims to define the concept of freedom in the texts of Yashar Kamal of the play,

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 21 2018
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نصوص مسمارية غير منشورة من عصر سلالة أور الثالثة اوما - دريهم (مصادرة)
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اعتمدت الدراسة على (65) نصاً ذات مضامين اقتصادية، تم اختيارها من المتحف العراقي من المجموعة ماتعرف بالمصادرة، ومن خلال دراسة النصوص ومقارنتها مع نصوص منشورة من سلالة أور الثالثة تبين أنها تعود الى العصر نفسه استناداً الى الصيغ التاريخية الواردة فيها، اذ ذكرت سنوات حكم اَخر ثلاثة ملوك هم أمارسين وشوسين وأبي سين، كما أمكن من خلال الدراسة أيضاً وأستناداً الى أسماء الاشهر وأسماء الاشخاص الواردة فيها تحديد عائديت

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 19 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
مصطلح مصطلح (i3-gal2) في ضوء نصوص مسمارية غير منشورة من عصر سلالة أور الثالثة
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The verbal formula // i3-gal2 //is a commonly form in the written Sumerian economic texts, starting from the early dynastic period (2900-2372 BC), ending with the Ur III dynasty (2112-2004 BC).  This formula has appeared either without infixes, or accompanied by infixes like / in-da-gal2/,  corresponded in Akkadian the formula: ibaššu ,which is  means "to found, to Storage ", As to the formula / da / come to indicate "to found with, to storage with--).

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
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Processes directing the scenographic space in the Iraqi theatrical show Shakespeare texts as a model: فرحان عمران موسى - سماء محي عطية محمد
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The operative system of theatrical performance depends on the construction of the scenographic space, as it constitutes the most aesthetic effect of the recipient, and the body of the theatrical discourse that contains the signs of the show, and it comes as an embodiment of the directing vision of the show director, so most of the world directors resorted to attention to the output treatment to establish the scenographic space, and thus it possesses a contrast in The embodiment of the directing vision according to the stylistic and hermeneutical dimension of the director, so the two researchers found the importance of studying the topic, and the study came under the title (Directing Treatments of the Scenographic Space in the Iraqi Theat

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Labyrinths of the Contemporary French Novel Through the Texts of Patrick Modiano: Les Labyrinthes du Roman Français Contemporain à travers l’Œuvre de Patrick Modiano
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The current paper aims to study the different forms by which the theme of labyrinth imposes itself as a preferred narrative structure in the novels of the French writer Patrick Modiano. Theoretically speaking, the current research paper will limit itself to the theoretical framework of the textual poetics which relies on the study of literary texts without paying much attention, neither to the context, nor to the life of its author. The analysis of the strong and varied links that Modiano's novels establish with labyrinth represents a field which has not received adequate attention by the critical studies dedicated to this French writer. As it will be shown throughout the current paper, Modiano views labyrint

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The vision of Hebrew writers and critics of the future of the Jews in their writings at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the twentieth c: דעותיהם של הסופרים והמבקרים העבריים על עתידם של היהודים לפי כתבותיהם בשלהי המאה ה-19 ובתחילת המאה ה-20
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It is very known  how great is the  role of the Jewish writers in the system of the Zionist movement. The movement relied on writers and writers to carry out their programs, especially those pertaining to the creation of a "national homeland" for Jews. Most Jewish writers sang of  Palestine even though they were not born there.

    On such a  basis, we have followed closely the writings of writers, critics and others by the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century. We found that these writings are based on one common question: What is the fate of the Jewish people?

    Most of these writings were accompanied by Theodor Herzl's proj

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A study of some of the of the Verbs’ Arabic Roots in the stories of Osman Ceviksoy Like a Voice in The Dark.: Osman Çeviksoy'un "Karanlıkta Ses Gibi" Başlıklı Öykü Kitabında Arapça Kökenli Türkçe Fillerin İncelenmesi
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Due to the Geographical links, language is one of the multiple affects among Arabs and Turks. As the different studies demonstrate, Turkish contains many words derived from other languages, yet Arabic remains the language that has great affects on Turkish. Unlike Turkish language, Arabic is a derivative language that requires no suffixes. Thus, Arabic verbs are tuned into Turkish verbs by adding auxiliary verbs. The present study traces some of the Turkish compound words of Arabic roots with an explanation that shows the Auxiliary added to form the Turkish verb as found in the stories of Otman Chevek Sawy’s Like A voice in the Dark. The conclusion sums up the findings of the study illustrated by numbers.


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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Nov 19 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
دور دور( أبي القاسم قائم مقام )في القضاء على المتنافسين على العرش وتنصيب محمد ميرزا شاهاً على إيران
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  Abu Al- Qasim Qa ,im Maqam is famous figure in political life of lranian; The life of Abu Al- Qasim Qa ,im Maqam is full of incidents and conflicts in the period of the expansion of foreign influence in lran Abu Al- Qasim Qa ,im Maqam has an important role in the history of Iran Modern political considered him one of the most prominent leaders to the unified Arabian nationalistic liberating Abu Al- Qasim Qa ,im Maqam   raised in the history of the Qajar .



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Publication Date
Fri Jan 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
(الاستدامة في الحصول على الخدمات الحضرية (حالة تطبيقية على مدينة النجف الأشرف
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