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ההשגה על טקסטי התנ"ך ביצירות סופרים עבריים פרופ. עוזר ד"ר. עדנאן שביב ג'אסם
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העיון הזה מדבר על דבר ההשגה על הטקסטים המקראיים בידי כמה מסופרים ופילוסופים יהודים אשר הושפעו מהרעיונותיהם של הפילוסופים האירופיים מחד גיסא, ואת הרעיונות של ההשכלה מאידך גיסא. היהודים היו חיים בבידוד, ותחת השליטה של הרבנות (רבנים) שהייתה שליטה מוחלטת. כבר העבודה של הרבנות מאז ימי קדם להעלות רעיונות במוחם של היהודים בתור העם הנבחר, והם מעולים ועדיפים על בני אדם. הם כל כך מסתמכים על פסוקים מהתורה, ולפרש בהתאם למה שמשרת הרעיונות והגישות שלהם.  זו היתה ההנהגה היהודית, לעומת זאת, הרבנות במשך מאות שנים הצליחה לגבש במוחם של היהודים רעיונות אלה שאין להם שום קשר עם המציאות, ועוד לא הגיוניים ולא רציניים. הרעיון של כפיפות של העםים כלפי היהודים לעבוד למען ההנאתם נחשבים מהרעיונות שהיהודים מאמינים ברצינותם למשל בפסוק המקרא האומר: (עשיו, גבר שיודע ודייג ושדה, יעקב יושב אוהלים) (בראשית 24.27)

לאחר הופעת רעיונות ההשכלה והתפשטותם בין הקהילה היהודית ופעתה של הספרות העברית המודרנית, שהכיל את עקרונות ההשכלה החלו סופרים ונלחמו למתוח ביקורת על המסורת העברית וההתעמות עם תנועות דתיות ואנשי דת יהודים, שרבים מהם ניסו לעשות שינויים בחיים ולהעלות את הסיסמה של ההתבוללות. למרות קדושת טקסטים דתיים עם היהודים אך הסופרים המשכילים ביקרו אותם בגלל חוסר רצינות וחוסר ההתאמה עם המציאות שמראה דבר אחר, וזה בגלל מצב היהודים העלוב והנסיבות שאפפו אותם באותה תקופה לכן סופרים רבים המרמרו מטקסטים מקראיים במיוחד אלה מרגיעים ויועדים כי היהודים יהיו בחיים נוחים ויפים. לכן, חלק מן הסופרים סירבו את רעיונות אלה, שנחשבו לסיבה שהיהודים אינם מסוגלים לבצע את המטרות שלהם, על כן השיגו בחריפות וביקרו אותם בעוקצנות, כדי לעורר את העם היהודי לעבוד ברצינות ולהשתען על סמכות הששכל ולדחות שלטון החכמים. גם  לשחרר את היהודים מהרעיונות הקדומות הבורים.


      This study deals with biblical texts resistance by expressed some Jewish writers and philosophers who were influenced by the ideas of European philosophers, and the ideas of the Enlightenment. Jews were living in isolation, and under the control of the Rabbinate (rabbis) had total control.

      Religious Scholars have been working since a long time to instill ideas in the minds of Jews as being the chosen people, and that they are distinguished and superior to humans. So they relied on verses from Torah, and interpreted tham according to what serves their ideas and approaches. It was the Jewish leadership, however, the Religious scholars for centuries managed to consolidate in the Jews mind these ideas that have no connection with reality, being logical and unserious. The idea of subordination of nations to them and work for their own pleasure that considered earnestness ideas that believe in the Bible's verse that says, for example: (Esau, a man who knows hunting and field, Jacob dwelt in tents) (Genesis 24.27 (

After the advent of the Enlightenment and the spread between the Jewish community and the bleating of Modern Hebrew literature, which contained the principles of the Enlightenment, writers fought to criticize the Jewish tradition and to confront religious movements and religious Jews. Many of them tried to make changes in life and raise the slogan of assimilation. Despite sanctity of religious texts by Jews, the educated writers criticized and refused them due to the lack of seriousness and reality, and that's because of the situation of Jews poverty and similar surrounding circumstances. Therefore, some of the writers refused the ideas that considered the reason that made them unable to achieve their aims, and objected strongly and criticized them sarcastically, to provoke the Jewish people to work seriously and rely on the authority of reason and reject the religious authority, and free people from the old-fashioned ideas.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2020
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الكراهية الإسلام للتصوير ومدى تأثيرها على الرسوم المائية في العصر الأموي
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The research dealt with the study of animal drawings in the fresco, during the Umayyad period, especially in Qusayr Amra and Qasr al-Hayr al-Gharbi. Many imagesto different animals and birds were found and used in various subjects, most notably the hunting and predation scenes.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Arts of Media Writing / An Empirical Study on the Privacy of Media Writing
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Media writing is accuracy writing. Clarity and concision are its predominant features. It is a writing that goes straight to the essence because it has no time to waste. Furthermore, it must be as accurate as scientific writing. It is destined for the average reader and has to be understood by everyone. However, it can be as elegant as literary writing. The variety in its forms of expression does not prevent media writing from having its own amplitude.

In short, this study is a practical approach that aims at studying different kinds of writing styles and identifying the specificity of media writing using some patterns and examples

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 09 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Effect Of Time Driven Activity Based Costing in Pricing Decisions
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The research aims to demonstrate the impact of TDABC as a strategic technology compatible with the rapid developments and changes in the contemporary business environment) on pricing decisions. As TDABC provides a new philosophy in the process of allocating indirect costs through time directives of resources and activities to the goal of cost, identifying unused energy and associated costs, which provides the management of economic units with financial and non-financial information that helps them in the complex and dangerous decision-making process. Of pricing decisions. To achieve better pricing decisions in light of the endeavor to maintain customers in a highly competitive environment and a variety of alternatives, the resear

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The importance of improved forests in Iraq and their impact on the economic and social future
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عانت الغابات في العراق قصوراً واضحاً في مجال إشباع حاجة السكان لمنتجاتها الرئيسية المتمثلة بالأخشاب ومنتجاتها الثانوية المتمثلة بالأغصان والأوراق والنباتات الطبيعية والحيوانات البرية ونواتجها الأخرى، مما يتطلب التفكير بمحاولة إيجاد سبل جديدة لحل هذه المشكلة الاقتصادية المرتبطة بعنصريها الحاجة للأخشاب والأموال المخصصة لتطويرها عموماً.

لقد دمرت مساحات كبيرة من الغابات وحرقت وقطعت من

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Article The reality of the settlements in the occupied West Bank, and its impact on the future of the Palestinian state
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تتناول هذه الورقة مخططات وسياسات الاستيطان في الضفة الغربية والقدس الشرقية منذ العام 1967، عبر سياسات قادها حزب العمل وأكملها حزب الليكود وكاديما وبقية الأحزاب الإسرائيلية، تلك السياسات التي استهدفت فرض السيطرة السياسية الكاملة على الأرض، وما نتج عن ذلك من سيطرة حصرية على الأرضوتقييد استخداماتها، ومحاصرة الوجود الفلسطيني والتضييق عليه، وتحويل مراكز ال

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 19 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Rentierism effect on the democratic choice of the state In Iraq after 2003
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The linguistic meaning of the verse in the Arabic dictionaries applies very much to the reality of rent and its effect. This is true of economic growth as a continuous increase in real per capita income in addition to the same thing. Therefore, development does not necessarily achieve a comprehensive and structural increase of the various economic sectors. As the rent came in the sense of a terrible land open Maim any fertilized. And the camel is a ma'aya and a ra'i: that is, it goes in the pasture and returns itself. This is similar to the extraction of oil after it is ready for investment and earn its revenue as soon as it exists or is extracted by external parties. If the rent is first linked to agriculture, especially the fertile lan

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 28 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Cognitive Implications of Usage-Based Approach: رغد فهمي اعجمي
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Tremendous efforts have been exerted to understand first language acquisition to facilitate second language learning. The problem lies in the difficulty of mastering English language and adapting a theory that helps in overcoming the difficulties facing students. This study aims to apply Thomasello's theory of language mastery through usage. It assumes that adults can learn faster than children and can learn the language separately, and far from academic education. Tomasello (2003) studied the stages of language acquisition for children, and developed his theory accordingly. Some studies, such as: (Ghalebi and Sadighi, 2015, Arvidsson, 2019; Munoz, 2019; Verspoor and Hong, 2013) used this theory when examining language acquisition. Thus,

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Reflective Mercifulness and its Implications for Social Cohesion / field study in Baghdad Governorate
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Mercifulness is a trait of civilization, humanity, and a moral value in society, because it has an impact on social life and its role in spreading interdependence, joint liability, and solidarity among people. Mercifulness means spreading mercy, synergy, sympathy, and cooperation. Generally, a society that enjoys strong ties tends to have a kind of stability and development, as well as, is able to face the economic, political, and security crises. Conversely, a weak society leads to weak social cohesion and weak community infrastructure that is more vulnerable to social, economic, and political instability. Thus, this is the aim of the research that has used a social survey method applied to a sample of respondents who have reached (300)

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2023
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Effect of Political Factors on the Performance of Specialized Journalists in Iraqi Electronic Journalism
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This study aimed to identify the political factors influencing the performance of specialized journalists in Iraqi electronic newspapers. The significance of the study stems from the role of communication in newspapers that have established themselves in reality due to their wide dissemination, multiple uses, expanding freedom base, and the current diversity in perspectives. These newspapers highlight and publish societal issues of concern. The importance of these newspapers is associated with their creators who face various factors affecting their value and performance, whether positively or negatively. In light of this, the political factor was identified as the primary driver for other influencing factors. The

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Inauguration of Faisal Bin Al -husain as Iraq King (A Study of British Documents)
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Husain as a king of Iraq.
This paper deals with the British communication with faisel . then Winston Churchill's speech in British common house .then fodlowed by arriving faisal to Iraq after that the referend um faisel .
The his claims of British maneuver lastly coronation on faisal & his inauguration as a king of Iraq.

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