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The tragedy and grief in Hebrew poetry of the middle ages: הטרגידיה והצער בשירה העברית של ימי הביניים
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This paper tackles tragedy and grief in the Hebrew poetry of the Middle Ages, as being topics which was transferred to it from Arabic poetry at that time. This came as a result of Hebrew poets quoting images from, and adopting the form and content of the Arabic poem. So, this topic was a prominent feature in the Hebrew poetry of the middle ages. The Hebrew poets focused upon this topic along three trends: poems of lamentation, whether being what are called national lamentation where poets expressed their feelings and grieves because of their remoteness and longing to their homeland, which is Palestine or the sacred land, as they claim; here, Zionist trends were apparent in many poems lamenting Zion and other cities. The other type of poetry which witnessed the topic of tragedy and grief was the lamentation of the “dead people”, such friends and relations, as well as in the poetry of evacuation and salvation which contained a lot of sadness and grief. So, the paper is divided into three sections. Each section tackled one trend of these; as well, there is an introduction which tackled the two terms of tragedy and griefs, in addition to their historical backgrounds in literature .Finally, in the conclusion the most important conclusions and stated.


       המחקר זה מטפל בנושא הטרגידה והצער בשירת ימי הביניים,בהיותו אחד הנושאים שנחדרו אליה בהשפעת השירה הערבית,אחרי אימוצם של משוררי ימי הביניים לצורות ותוכני או נושאי השיר הערבי,לכן הנושא זה היה תכונה בולטת ביותר בשירה זו ואולי נמשכה ממנה עד יומנו זה , המשוררים העבריים ריכזו על נושא זה בשלושה כוונים ראשיים ,הם שירי הקינה ,הן מה שנקרא בקינה הלאומית, כשהביעו את תחושותם ,רגשותם וכאובותיהם העמוקות ביותר בגלל התרחקותם וגעגועם לארצם המקורית ,שהיא פלסטין או בית המקדש כמו הם טוענים ,ואילו הסוג השני שהופיעו בו מובני הטרגידיה והצער היה בקינת הנפטרים מהקרובים והידידים,יתר על שירי הגולה והגאולה ,שהיו מלאים ברגשות הצער והבכאבה,על מנת זו המחקר חולק לשושה חלקים לפי שלושת הכוונים אלה,עם הקדמה טיפלנו בה מובני הטרגידיה והצער מבחינה לשונית עם רקע הסטורי למונחים אלה בספרות ,אחר כך המחקר נחתם במסקנות החשובות ביותר שהגיע לה המחקר. 


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Publication Date
Fri Mar 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The impact of depression status on dental caries severity among internally displaced people in Baghdad/Iraq
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Background: changing in lifestyle like displacing place could cause depression which is a common mental disorder that change general health that affect dental caries incidence and severity. The aims of this study were to assess the relation of depression status on prevalence and severity of dental caries among internally displaced people. Material and Method: The sample include 121 internally displaced people aged from 13-17 years. Method for depression measuring is by using Children Depression Inventory (CDI2) questionnaire. Dental caries is measured by using caries experience (DMFs) and caries severity D1-4. Result: the mean value for decayed and missing surfaces were higher in high depression grade as compering with low and medium dep

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Scopus (2)
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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Compensation of the Nonlinear Power Amplifier by Using SCPWL Predistorter with Genetic Algorithm in OFDM technique
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The High Power Amplifiers (HPAs), which are used in wireless communication, are distinctly characterized by nonlinear properties. The linearity of the HPA can be accomplished by retreating an HPA to put it in a linear region on account of power performance loss. Meanwhile the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex signal is very rough. Therefore, it will be required a large undo to the linear action area that leads to a vital loss in power efficiency. Thereby, back-off is not a positive solution. A Simplicial Canonical Piecewise-Linear (SCPWL) model based digital predistorters are widely employed to compensating the nonlinear distortion that introduced by a HPA component in OFDM technology. In this paper, the genetic al

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2001
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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230 stool samples were collected from 2 state homes for (males and females) to investigate
the infection of different intestinal parasites (pathogenic and non-pathogenic).
The infection rate was higher among males 15.7% than females 6%, these rates were
increased when concentration method was employed up to 54.8% for males and 8.7% for
females significantly.
Most infected orphans were found to harbor single parasite followed by double, triple
The highest rate of infection was found among young age group (1-5) years old, while
the older age groups got lowest rates.
Of helminthes, the commonest parasite was Hymenolepis nana 5.7% and of protozoa, the
commonest intestinal parasite was Giardia lamblia

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Treatment of Petroleum Refinery Wastewater by Sono Fenton Process Utilizing the in-Situ Generated Hydrogen Peroxide
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Combining ultrasonic irradiation and the Fenton process as a sono-Fenton process, the chemical oxygen demand (COD) in refinery wastewater was successfully eliminated using response surface methodology (RSM) with central composite design (CCD). The impact of two main influential operational parameters (iron dosage and reaction time) on the COD removal from wastewater generated by an Iraqi petroleum refinery facility was explored. Removal of 85.81% was attained under the optimal conditions of 21 minutes and 0.289 mM of  concentration. Additionally, the results revealed that the concentration of has the highest effect on the COD elimination, followed by reaction time. The high R2 value (96.40%) validated the strong fit of the mo

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Mon Dec 21 2020
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Contracaecum rudolphii Hartwich, 1964 is a nematode which causes major concerns to human and wildlife animal’s health. However, the population genetics of C. rudolphii has been poorly studied in Iraq. In order to gain a deeper understanding in the outline of the genetic diversity of the nematode C. rudolphii that were isolated from its host cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo (Linnaeus, 1758), in the middle areas of Iraq, twenty specimens of C. rudolphii adults were isolated from nine individuals of P. carbo. The first (ITS-1) internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) of C. rudolphii were amplified using conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR); then, the amplicons were subjected to sequencing. Concatenation of ITS-1 (rD

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Apr 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study the Effects of Vitamin D as Immune-Modulatory Agent in Type II Diabetes Mellitus Patients
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  This study was designed to show the roles of vitamin D as immune-modulatory agent in serum type II Diabetes Mellitus Patients collected from type II Diabetes Mellitus and controls. They have been classified into two groups as the following: 1) Patients of type II DM group includes (20) individuals from both sexes with age range (35–65) years. 2) Control group: includes (20) healthy individuals from both sexes, with age range (30 – 45) years and no previous disease which may interfere with the parameters analyzed in this research. All the blood samples were analyzed for vitamin D3, albumin, C- reactive protein (CRP), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), immunoglobulins (IgG, IgM, IgA),  α1- antitrypsin and to

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Develop Bactra system to determine Mutagens in the Environment, Food / IV modified Mutagens use of hydroxylamine
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Use Almtafr axis to study the response component that isolates gave a positive response to the use of standard Almtafr which leads to lower the temperature and the number of cells at a temperature suitable Rifampicin resistant less than that TJ and similarly reflected on the frequency of mutations induced

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The analytical potentiality of three different liquid stationary phases in analysing rathylchlorosilanes by gas - liquid ehromatography
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Organohalosilanes conslitute an important subject ١٦؛ the chemistry oforganosilicon compound؛. Being starting materials and intermediates in the synthesis of a large number of various compounds so it is very important to get such materials in its highest purity ,but the separation of rathylchlorosilanes was still a big^oblem, duet^the great similarity in their physical and chemical properties, making its analysing verydifficult, ^or this reason tteir must be a good method o^e^r^iondealing^ththe^compounds, gas- liquid chromatography proved that it was the best, specially when (m- nitrotoluene) was used as a stationary liquid phase, it gave a complete separation and a good statistical results

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Nonparametric statistical study for the crime motives on a sample of inmates in Khartoum State prisons
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The aim of the research was to investigate the use of non-parametric tests in the analysis of the questionnaire and how to choose the appropriate test for testing the hypothesis of the study of crime motives in Khartoum State. The data were collected through the primary sources by designing a questionnaire and distributed to a sample of inmates in Khartoum state; the data were analysis by SPSS program using the analytical statistical method through using some of the suitable non-parametric tests for each case. The most important results of the research were: there was significant relationship between the type of crime and the age group therefore, we found that the age group (20-29) was the most frequent crime particularly, the fi

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 26 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Effect of L-Carnitine as an Adjuvant Supplement on Lipid Profile in Iraqi Diabetic Patients
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Diabetes is a complex set of diseases require continuous medical care, to control blood sugar and prevent complications is .The aim of this research is to determine the effect of administration of   L carentin to diabetics on the   lipid profile. The research was conducted on sixty diabetic patients were selected from endocrinology and diabetes center / Al-Rusafa, within selected criteria. The patients divided into 3 groups (control group of healthy people and two groups of patients with diabetes who were on metformin and glibenclamide, one group took a L  carnitine in a dose of 1000 mg twice daily and a group dealing with a placebo for a period of 3 months continuously). The study found that patients who took Lc

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