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Religious Discourse of Biblical Intertextuality in Abraham Regelson Works: Selected Samples from the Collection "House of Brightness": הנאום הדתי של האינטרטקסטואליות התנ''כית ביצירותיו של אברהם רגלסון סיפורים נבחרים מקובץ "בית הניצוץ"
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This research display a selected sample of Regelson's texts, there were interrelations and interactions unfolded so as to show his creativity in the employment of religious texts. In the story "In the Youth of Moses", he inter-texted the episode of the Prophet Moses from the Torah, the Source of legislation, to signify a legislative issue needed by the community. As for the story of "Samson, One of the Falling", he originated the character of The Judge Samson by alluding to the Book of the Judges, which is the Book which reminded of the defeat and slavery of the Palestinians by a Jewish leader, as is related in Jewish religious texts. Further, and the story of "And Haman Said", he chose the story of the Queen Esther from the Book of Esther so as to pick up the dialogue of the King with his minister, and to personify the assaults made by nations on the Jews in accordance with the writer's racist thinking.


     הנאום הדתי הוא תחום רעיוני ביצירות הספרותיות הישנות והחדשות; הייחוד של הטקסט הספרותי מהטקסטים האחרים הוא במה שנושא בתוכו מנאום אנושי או דתי או פוליטי, ולנאום הדתי יש צורך לאינטרטקסטואליות מטקסטים קדושים, הם מעודדים את מחשבתו של הסופר, וגם הם מהפיכים היצירה משוכנעת ומושפעת יותר, ולכן הסופר אברהם רגלסון לקח מהתנ''ך לחלק מסיפוריו בקובץ "בית הניצוץ" כדי שמחזק דעתו במחשבות שנמצאים ביצירות האלה.

     נבחר הסיפורים שחקרתי אותם נחשפו את ההשפעות והציטוטים התנ''כיים ביצירה, וגם התגלה את כשרונו של המספר בהשתמשות הטקסטים הקדושים וגם את משמעותם השלילית, הוא לקח את המשמעויות והצורות והאירועים שמאמצים האלימות נגד הערבים.  האינטרטקסטואליות של רגלסון הייתה החזרה נפשית להיסטוריה היהדות למען פירוש המציאות הקשה שנמצאים היהודים בה, והוא נאלץ לשכנע עצמו והקורא לקבל אותה. גם הייתה אינטרטקסטואליות לשונית ומשמעותית מהתנ''ך בדמויות והאירועים, יתר על כן הוא עיצב אותם ליצור מראהו החדש שמתאים עם מחשבותיו.


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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Samples of Al Samarqandi’s Selection in some of Washing Laws and the touch of the Grecians Quran in his book (The scholars’ Masterpiece)
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The Research is interested in the detailed comparative study of certain selection of
Imam Alsamarqandi in some subjects of washing and touching the Gracious Quran.
The value of this study is that it is related to one aspect of the duties obliged on Muslim
like parity.
The study has tried to collect certain scholars’ opinions of eight doctrines with the
selection of Alsamarqandi to make a comp arson between them and to show how
Alsamarqandi is able to create legal laws from his sources to lead the researchers nto have
knowledge about the syllabi of the famous scientists.
Finally we ask God to bless to what is right and to accept this study and make it part of
our good deeds, Ameen.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 11 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Differences of Style between English and Arabic Political Discourse: A Contrastive Study
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Traditionally, style is defined as the expressive, emotive or aesthetic emphasis added linguistically to the discourse with its meaning is the same. In the current study, however, style is defined as the linguistic choice that the language users can make for specific purposes.

    This study, thus, aims at analyzing political Arabic and English speeches to find out whether there are differences of style between English and Arabic and whether the choices the language users make  can show any traits of their psychological status.

    To fulfill the above aims, the study hypothesizes that English and Arabic  speeches can be analyzed stylistically and that there are stylistic difference

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Inner Wasteland in Selected Later Plays of Samuel Beckett
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The inner wasteland can be observed in Samuel Beckett’s early and later plays. His characters suffer from loss of identity, emotions, and sense of time. They lead a life of failure, repetition, inaction, loneliness, doubt, suffering, and nothingness. The inner wasteland includes many aspects, such as the multi and split identity, the habitual repetitive element of life, the dark sorrowful life the characters lead, lack of communication and relations among them, their unfree, inactive condition, their foggy terrible recollections, loneliness, dryness of love, and uncertainty. The analysis and the illustration of each aspect will show how the inner wasteland is intensified in the selected later plays of Beckett.


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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Display, analyze and evaluate the alternatives selected models used in the measurement and disclosure of corporate social responsibility
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       The economic development and intense competition may make economic units neglected the social aspect as a service workers and the environment, the community and focus on the economic side and achieve profitability only, which puts it in a position of accountability of trade unions and bodies, environment, health, civil society organizations and the focus of many studies accounting in order to clarify social activities and disclosed in the financial statements, increasing pressure from multiple parties calling for governments to issue laws and regulations oblige economic units to disclose complete and accurate information in a timely manner for all social activities and be subj

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A Pragma-Stylistic Study of Misdirection in Selected Detective Novels
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The analysis of detective novels has taken different aspects. The linguistic analysis of them, for example, has tackled the linguistic systems of morphology, phonology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. In line with the linguistic analysis, this study explores the various pragmatic and stylistic devices realized through detective novels for the purpose of misdirecting and deceiving the reader. The problem is that when readers try to reach to the truth, they face difficulties. They might not reach to the right solution or infer wrong conclusions because writers use some techniques to hide the truth and mislead them. This study aims at examining these techniques and devices; namely, Grice's Maxims and ambiguity as pragmatic devices on the

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
(Quality and originality in scientific research from the point of view of the participants in the course (qualification of scholars of Bayt al-Hikma)
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Research aims (Quality and originality in scientific research from the point of view of the participants in the course (qualification of scholars of Bayt al-Hikma) To find out how satisfied the participants about the training course held by the house of wisdom (research community), To develop and maximize the capacity of researchers in the field of writing scientific research, As well as establishing frameworks and concepts and standards related to quality and authenticity scientific research, The role played by this kind of research in the service of the movement of the human journey towards progress and prosperity.

On this basis was the research community, their number was (23) common t

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 11 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
(639هـ) The speech act in the grammatical discourse, a study in the book "Guiding Al-Luma'" by Ibn Al-Khabbaz (639 AH)
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The study of the " Speech act " in grammatical codes reveals great efforts in the study of the elements of linguistic communication contained in their efforts, and is part of the study of the linguistics of heritage, and the research has been designed to identify the verbal act in the blog of Ibn al-Khabaz (guiding the shine) by studying its sections comprehensively; To the spirit of grammatical discourse as well as the combination of the concept of the semantic act already verbal according to Searle, and its response in the form of indirect verbal acts more than direct acts, as well as the pure formulas of the opinions of the violators in the speech of Ibn al-Khabaz other than the proven verbal formulas Approval and approval, the class

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 06 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Presence and non-existence in Arabic ontological discourse are contemporary Pragmatic reading
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Mental systems in ontological discourse turned into deliberative systems, derived from the non-coordinated thought that motivated ontological discourse, as an incomplete thought, after it became close to reason; Between creation and prevention, between reasoning and creation, between submission and ambition, the result of an interconnected entity that slays one another from one another, and intersects with one another, to produce a special pattern each time, completely different from its predecessor or to provide a path for the coordination of others, which is outside the linguistic event, or part From it, signs and marks, produced to a large extent M., and united the signs; to return again in a circular and rotational movement to produc

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Usage Features of the phraseological units in Russian political Discourse: Особенности использования фразеологизмов в российском политическом дискурсе
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This article examines the usage features of the phraseological units in Russian political discourse and the peculiarities of the phraseological units’ usage by politicians in their speeches.  The main focus is on the expressive and pragmatic functions of using phraseological units in political texts due to their evaluative and expressive nature.  The present article also examines the structural and stylistic changes of the phraseological units in political discourse.  Moreover, the work provides examples from the speeches of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation S.V.  Lavrov.  As a result, the author comes to the conclusion that phraseological units make it possible to establish a contact be

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Power of language and carriers meaning in communication discourse: كاظم مؤنس عزيز
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It reveals speech communication whether it is legible audible or visible on a comprehensive formula inhabited open language on the modalities for reporting cases of the source say, making communication cognitive processes, is not to produce arguments as it is about the generation of the content of communication, so the contact of any kind remains practice for the cognitive action by the language in which it operates as a way agreed to their units between the poles of communication circle in the framework of a certain socio-cultural context, and that becomes the basis of the text of the message external referrals, making it feasible for multiple readings in semantic dimensions and deliberative

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