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Using poetry in teaching Russian language in university of Baghdad / faculty of langu: Использование поэзии в процессе обучения русскому языку на кафедре русского языка факультета языков Багдадского университета
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There are many methods of teaching foreign language to non-native speakers now therefore the discovery of new methods - which  make students understand the language , vocabulary & saves them as soon as possible – becomes one of  the most important duties of teachers and educators .

The personal experience shows that the teaching of the Russian language through memorizing    Russian poetry is   one of the fastest ways to master the language and know its rules and also    improve the   ability of translating vocabulary and being not able to  save the Russian words only  , but to make it complete too. Poetry is an article or text which loves by people and enjoy reading it,   therefore, using it to   teach foreign language has a positive reaction on students. As we mentioned it helps greatly to absorb the language.

A lot of professors and experts in teaching methods _ specialists in language teaching for foreign students in different grades _ use poetic texts in teaching a foreign language to avoid the boredom in teaching grammar and make it interesting.   


Статья посвящена возможности использования в обучении русскому языку как иностранному Есть много методов обучения иностранному языку для не-носителей языка в настоящее время до открытия новых методов-которые делают студенты понимают язык, словарный запас и сохраняет их как можно скорее-становится одним из самых важных обязанностей учителей и преподавателей . Личный опыт показывает , что преподавание русского языка через поэзию русского языка является одним из самых быстрых способов овладеть языком и знать его правила, а также улучшить способность переводить словарный запас и быть не в состоянии сохранить только русские слова, но и сделать его полным.



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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Effect of ginger alcoholic extract on the ovary tissue in quail
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This research was carried out in quail in the laboratory of histopathology diseases during four months. The objectives of this study was to detecting the effects of the addition of the alcohol extract of ginger to ovary tissue of quail. The two groups of birds were in almost similar weights and were placed in cages. Each group consisted of 8 quails. The first group (control group) fed on regular feeding without adding alcoholic extract of ginger. The second group (treated group) fed on the same normal food after adding the alcohol extract of ginger at a concentration of 300 mg / kg. The results indicated that ginger have positive effects on folliculogenesis.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Apr 08 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Health Sciences
Infection frequency of Candida SP. in Iraqi patients suffering from UTI
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One of the most opportunistic mycosis globally is the Candida ssp., which is considered as the most agent that cause nosocomial urinary tract infections (UTIs), oral candidiasis and genitourinary candidiasis. This study included 100 samples of Iraqi subjects suffering from urinary tract infections. Identification of Candida have been done by different methods such as; characteristic of colony on culture, gram stain, and microscopically. This study aimed to isolation and identification of Candida spp from urine sample of UTI patients and find the relevance of ages and blood group of patients with the infections rate, also determine the effect of age on ESR and CRP levels in the patients. The results showed the higher frequency of

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Route Educational And Social Science Journal
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Psychosocial Alienation is a modern concept that arises from the capitalist and materialistic conceptions of individuals. The evergrowing competitive nature of domestic societies crystallised the concept in its modern form. The intensity of the rapid changes in the urbanised societies prevents the individuals from exploring their inner selves. Thus, a new generation is created with an alienation crisis which is reflected inward towards the self and outwards toward society. Alan Ayckbourn (1939), A British playwright, presents Alienated characters inspired by his life on and off stage. He explores their Alienation and their path toward recovery and self-realization. A Brief History of Women (2017) Ayckbourn explores the depth of the individu

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Photocatalytic Degradation of Methyl blue by TiO2 Nanoparticles Incorporated in Cement
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In this study, titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles incorporated with cement were synthesis by a simple casting method as a function concentration of TiO2 (0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1, and 2 wt%). The prepared samples were characterized using the technique of Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) and UV-Visible spectrophotometer, which was used to measure the adsorption spectra. The observed photocatalytic efficiency of TiO2 nanoparticles (NP) incorporated with cement was investigated by decomposing the dye methyl blue (MB) solution under sunlight irradiation. According to the slope, the value of the k constant at the best sample is 0.8wt%, k=0.8265 min-1. FESEM image of the TiO2

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 10 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Positive School Psychology
The Need And Its Significance In The Novelist Discourse Of Naguib
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This study is at the heart of the pragmatic theory, as this research seeks to highlight the concept of necessity, and what the researchers have tended to do is that the development that has acquired integrated pragmatics is only for the development of the subject of necessity, as it is one of the contents of the saying, and this is what made Decroux define it as the semantic element that Concerning the saying, as for Grace; He paid great attention to the conversational imperative, and understood the requirement by clues or suggestions, as it is an element known for its absence and presence in the linguistic structures included in the text when reading or when understanding. This study has paved the way for clarifying the concept of necessi

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Monitoring of the Vertical Settlement In Heavy Structures By Precise Levelling
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Monitoring and analysing of the vertical deformations or the settlements of the structures is one of the main research fields in geodetic applications, which is considered a precise periodic measurement, made at different epochs to investigate these deformations on heavy structures.
In this research, the deformation measurements were carried out on one of Baghdad University buildings,” Building of Computers Department” of dimensions (70.0 * 81.3 m.). Due to some cracks observed in their walls, it was necessary to monitor the vertical displacement of this building at some particular monitoring points by constructing a vertical network and measured in different epochs. The first epoch (zero epoch) was carried out in April 2006, the

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2009
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Incidence of Injuries to Major Blood Vessels in the Lower Limb
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Background: Blood vessels injury is one of the most
common causes of medical emergencies that admitted to
hospitals and at the same time it regarded as one of the
most important causes of death. They may represent less
than 15% of all injuries; they deserve special attention
because of their severe complications.
Objective: The aim of the present study is to assess
anatomically the injures of major arteries and veins in the
lower limb with their management.
Methods: The present study extended from April 2006 to
February 2007, in which 65 patients with lower limb
vascular injury were examined in Emergency Department
and Forensic Medicine Department of Tikrit Teaching
Hospital in Salah-Aldin governora

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Current Research In Microbiology And Biotechnology
Serodiagnosis of Human Cytomegalovirus in Iraqi Breast cancer and fibroadenoma patients
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Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) has a worldwide distribution and extremely common infections. The presence of HCMV genome and antigens has been detected in many kinds of human cancers especially breast cancer. In Iraq, the incidence of breast cancer generally exceeds any other type of malignancies among Iraqi population. The study was performed in the period between October 2016 and June 2017 in Central public health laboratory/Baghdad. It involve samples from 90 women including 60 breast cancer patients, 20 benign tumor patients, and 10 normal breast tissues. A blood sample was obtained from each woman included in this study. Anti-HCMV IgG antibody was presented in 9/10 (90%) of normal women, benign breast tumor patients 19/20 (95%) and malig

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 12 2022
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
Investigating the Causes of Poor Cost Control in Iraqi Construction Projects
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Controlling cost in construction projects is an essential issue. This study investigates the most critical problems that cause weakness in cost control in Iraqi construction projects. The quantitative technique was used by conducting a survey directed to professionals who work on construction projects. One hundred and sixty-four questionnaire forms were distributed to private sector companies, government companies, and government institutions, and the responses were subjected to the required statistical analysis. The results indicate that the most influential factors are the weakness in keeping up with the use of modern concepts, methods, and technologies, the delay in receiving the amounts due for work done from the owner, fluctuat

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Crossref (6)
Publication Date
Sun Aug 06 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study of The Dynamical Behavior For Deuterons in Dense Plasma Focus
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    The motion of fast deuterons in most dense plasma focus devices  ( DPF ) , may be characterized that it has a complex nature in its paths and this phenomena by describing a through gyrating motion with arbitrary changes in magnitude and direction .  In this research , we focused on the  understanding the theoretical concepts which  depend deeply on the experimental results to explain the deuteron motions in the pinch region , and then to use the fundamental physical formulas that are deeply related to the explanation of this motion to prepare a suitable model for calculating the vertical and radial components for deuteron velocity by improving the  Rung – Kutta  Method

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