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Using poetry in teaching Russian language in university of Baghdad / faculty of langu: Использование поэзии в процессе обучения русскому языку на кафедре русского языка факультета языков Багдадского университета
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There are many methods of teaching foreign language to non-native speakers now therefore the discovery of new methods - which  make students understand the language , vocabulary & saves them as soon as possible – becomes one of  the most important duties of teachers and educators .

The personal experience shows that the teaching of the Russian language through memorizing    Russian poetry is   one of the fastest ways to master the language and know its rules and also    improve the   ability of translating vocabulary and being not able to  save the Russian words only  , but to make it complete too. Poetry is an article or text which loves by people and enjoy reading it,   therefore, using it to   teach foreign language has a positive reaction on students. As we mentioned it helps greatly to absorb the language.

A lot of professors and experts in teaching methods _ specialists in language teaching for foreign students in different grades _ use poetic texts in teaching a foreign language to avoid the boredom in teaching grammar and make it interesting.   


Статья посвящена возможности использования в обучении русскому языку как иностранному Есть много методов обучения иностранному языку для не-носителей языка в настоящее время до открытия новых методов-которые делают студенты понимают язык, словарный запас и сохраняет их как можно скорее-становится одним из самых важных обязанностей учителей и преподавателей . Личный опыт показывает , что преподавание русского языка через поэзию русского языка является одним из самых быстрых способов овладеть языком и знать его правила, а также улучшить способность переводить словарный запас и быть не в состоянии сохранить только русские слова, но и сделать его полным.



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Publication Date
Sun Jan 30 2022
Journal Name
Gsc Biological And Pharmaceutical Sciences
Comparative anatomical study for fruits of some species of Bunium L. (Umbelliferae) in Iraq
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Bunium is one of the interested genus that grow in different region of Iraq, it is within the family Umbelliferae (Apiaceae), and the species within this family have a considerable fruit characteristics. The species that were chosen in this study are: B. brachyactis (Post) H. Wolff, B. caroides (Boiss.) Hausskn. Ex Bornm., B. chaerophylloides (Regel& Schmalh.) Drude, B. rectangulum Boiss. & Hausskn., B. verruculosum C.C.Towns. and B. avromanum (Boiss.& Hausskn) Drude., the study found that the fruits of these species have 5 protrusions different in size but all have the same number of vittae, but some are semiler in size and some are not, the number of vascular element are varied between these species, anatomical charact

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 16 2024
Journal Name
Plant Protection
In vitro investigation of phytochemical, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Harpagophytum procumbens seeds extracts
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Medicinal plants contain bioactive substances that are highly bioavailable in extracts or pure molecules, making them promising for therapeutic applications and precursors for chemo-pharmaceutical semi-synthesis. Harpagophytum procumbens (Devil’s Claw) is widely recognized as one of the most potent therapeutic herbs. This study aimed to extract seeds from H. procumbens using two types of solvents and to assess both qualitative and quantitative aspects of the extracts. The two extracts were evaluated for antibacterial and anti-biofilm activities using agar well diffusion assays against four bacterial isolates and two yeast isolates. Qualitative analysis identified the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, and terpen

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Sep 16 2024
Journal Name
Plant Protection
In vitro investigation of phytochemical, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Harpagophytum procumbens seeds extracts
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Medicinal plants contain bioactive substances that are highly bioavailable in extracts or pure molecules, making them promising for therapeutic applications and precursors for chemo-pharmaceutical semi-synthesis. Harpagophytum procumbens (Devil’s Claw) is widely recognized as one of the most potent therapeutic herbs. This study aimed to extract seeds from H. procumbens using two types of solvents and to assess both qualitative and quantitative aspects of the extracts. The two extracts were evaluated for antibacterial and anti-biofilm activities using agar well diffusion assays against four bacterial isolates and two yeast isolates. Qualitative analysis identified the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, and terpen

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Apr 26 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect Of Aqueous Extract Of Anastatica Hierochuntica On Some Hormones In Mouse Females
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    Anastatica hierochuntica is believed to be very useful in Arab countries for treating various health disorders. The aqueous extract of Anastatica hierochuntica was investigated for its effects on hormones in mice females. the aqueous extract of plant at a dose level of 100mg/1mL showed significant increase (p<0.05) on levels of hormones LH, FSH, PRL level and PRO level. Clomid treated group showd significant increase in LH, FSH, and PRL while there was non-significant increase in PRO. From the above results, it is concluded for the first time that aqueous Anastatica hierchuntica extract offers significant effect of LH, FSH, PRL, and PRO in this mice females scompared with control.  

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of Copper on Tensile and Hardness of Al-Si Alloy in Automotive Application
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In current research Copper was employed for preparing a ternary system of Al–Si alloy in different (0.2–2.5 wt. %) the best was taken is (1.5%wt) of copper that circumstances of solidification for improving the mechanical performance of the available in aluminium alloy. Cast iron molds were prepared to obtain tensile strength testing specimens. Alloys were prepared by employing gas furnaces. The molten metal was poured into a preheated cast-iron mold. The obtained alloy structures were studied using an X-ray diffractometer and optical microscopy. The mechanical performance of the prepared alloys was examined under the influence of different hardening conditions in both heat and non-heat-treated conditions. The outcomes showed at the

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluation of the Current Status of the Cost Control Processes in Iraqi Construction Projects
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One of the most important problems of Iraqi construction projects is the cost variances, so it is important to identify the problems and shortcomings that cause poor cost control. Through the utilization of questionnaires, the study evaluated how project costs were managed and reported. The questionnaire was distributed to 180 professionals working in the Iraqi construction sector, with a response rate of 91%. The results showed that a high percentage of projects are implemented with a difference between real and estimated costs, and the process of documenting cost data needs to be more secure. On the other hand, there is a weakness in providing the necessary work structure information to monitor costs and a lack of proc

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 1999
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
Records of some leaf miners of Anthomylidae, (Diptera) and their host plants in Iraq
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The leaf miners Pegoinya terbrans (Rondani) and P. bicolor (Wiedemann) (Diptera; Anthomyiidae) were newly recorded in Iraq. Host plants of these leaf miners and P. cunicularia (Rondani) were identified: P. bicolor was found to be monophagous, whereas P. terbrans and P. cunicularia were oligophagous . It was found that Cirsixim syriaca and Silybum marianum were more susceptible to P. terbrans than the other ones. Infectivity and severity of infestation were estimated for most susceptible weeds against P. terbrans and P.bicolor. These leaf miners. Have two generations a year.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 1990
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Comparisons of two life tables constructed to display alfaifa weevil Hypera posticoa (Gryllenhal), populations in southeentral Wisconsin, U. S. A. under epizootic and enzootic conditions of fungal diseasea, caused by Erynia phytonomi Arthur suggests that the “prepupal” stage provided the greates contribution to population changes under both conditions due to the high mortality rate. The principle mortality agents during this stage are E. phytonomi and the parasitoids complex of Bathyp1ectes curculionis and Buthyp1ectes anurus respectively under the two condition.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Dose-dependent Anti-inflammatory Effect of Silymarin in Experimental Animal Model of Acute Inflammation
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Silymarin, a flavolignans from seeds of ‘milk thistle’ “Silybum marianum” has been widely used from ancient times because of its excellent hepatoprotective action. It has been used clinically to treat liver disorders including acute and chronic viral hepatitis, toxin/drug-induced hepatitis and cirrhosis and alcoholic liver disease. The efficacy and dose-response effect of silymarin (125, 250 and 500 mg/kg) were assessed using egg albumin-induced paw edema in rats as a model of acute inflammation. In this model, 56 rats were used and allocated into 7 subgroups each containing 8 rats. All treatments were given intraperitonealy 30 minutes before induction of inflammation by egg albumin and then the increase

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Preventive Effects of Different Doses of Pentoxyfilline Against CCl4-Induced Liver Toxicity in Rats
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The liver protective effects of pentoxifylline were studied through pre-treatment of rats with various intraperitoneal (IP) doses (25, 50 and 100mg/kg/day) 14 days before induction of liver toxicity by carbon tetrachloride (CCl4). The parameters of oxidative stress, malondialdehyde (MDA) and reduced glutathione (GSH) were measured in liver homogenate in addition to histopathological examinations.  Analysis of data revealed significant amelioration of oxidative stress in groups of animals pre-treated with different doses of pentoxifylline (PTX) compared to group of animals intoxicated by CCl4 as evidenced by lowering MDA contents and elevation of GSH levels in liver tissue homogenate but the levels still signifi

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