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Using poetry in teaching Russian language in university of Baghdad / faculty of langu: Использование поэзии в процессе обучения русскому языку на кафедре русского языка факультета языков Багдадского университета
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There are many methods of teaching foreign language to non-native speakers now therefore the discovery of new methods - which  make students understand the language , vocabulary & saves them as soon as possible – becomes one of  the most important duties of teachers and educators .

The personal experience shows that the teaching of the Russian language through memorizing    Russian poetry is   one of the fastest ways to master the language and know its rules and also    improve the   ability of translating vocabulary and being not able to  save the Russian words only  , but to make it complete too. Poetry is an article or text which loves by people and enjoy reading it,   therefore, using it to   teach foreign language has a positive reaction on students. As we mentioned it helps greatly to absorb the language.

A lot of professors and experts in teaching methods _ specialists in language teaching for foreign students in different grades _ use poetic texts in teaching a foreign language to avoid the boredom in teaching grammar and make it interesting.   


Статья посвящена возможности использования в обучении русскому языку как иностранному Есть много методов обучения иностранному языку для не-носителей языка в настоящее время до открытия новых методов-которые делают студенты понимают язык, словарный запас и сохраняет их как можно скорее-становится одним из самых важных обязанностей учителей и преподавателей . Личный опыт показывает , что преподавание русского языка через поэзию русского языка является одним из самых быстрых способов овладеть языком и знать его правила, а также улучшить способность переводить словарный запас и быть не в состоянии сохранить только русские слова, но и сделать его полным.



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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Semiotic criteria for analyzing religious symbols in press reports Qantara news site as a model
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The report includes a group of symbols that are employed within a framework that gives a language of greater impact. This research discusses the problem of the semiotic employment of religious symbols in press reports published in the electronic press across two levels: Reading to perceive the visual message in its abstract form, and the second for re-understanding and interpretation, as this level gives semantics to reveal the implicit level of media messages through a set of semiotic criteria on which it was based to cut texts to reach the process of understanding and interpretation.

The report includes a group of symbols that are employed within a framework that gives a language of greater impact. This research discusses the p

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
Psychological Disobedience and its Representations in the Graffiti Art: نجلاء خضير حسان -زهراء صائب أحمد
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The current research addresses the psychological disobedience in general and disobedience in post-modernism arts in specific. The research problem is summarized by the following question: does disobedience have representations in the graffiti art? The research objective is to identify disobedience and its representations in the graffiti. The research limits are set and the terms used are identified. As for the theoretical framework, it consists of three sections: the first: the psychological disobedience, whereas the second: disobedience in post-modernism arts. The third section addresses graffiti art. Then come the research procedures followed by the results, conclusions, recommendations, and suggestions. The two researchers arrived at

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
L’imaginaire de l’épidémie dans La Peste d’Albert Camus et Le Choléra de Nazik al-Malaika The Imagination of Epidemic in Alber Kamo's Novel " Plague" and Nazik Al-Malaekah's poem "Cholera"
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The present study deals with the story of Epidemic in two literary works issued in the same year (1947). One of them is a novel titled "Plague" written by the French writer Alber Kamo, the second is a poem of the Iraqi poetess Nazik Al-Malaekah. The research reflects a contrastive study of the war vision in the two works as both writers used science to serve literature by using Epidemic as a metaphor to refer to the dangers that the societies faced.

The problem of the present research lies in answering the question about the reason that makes the two writers use metaphor while narrating the issues of the society instead of mentioning them directly and illuminate what implications do the narrative style of Epidemic story have and

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Green Regulatory Tapes and Their Reflections on the Job Development - A Study for the Sample of Employees in the Nineveh Directorate for Bridges & Roads
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The performance of job effectively requires narrowing the meaningful routine activities and attempting employing the job procedures in favor of public welfare through adding the green impact as well as removing them from the red tapes which reflect the firmness of procedures, to enable the job parties to make their job independently, and pushing them to gain priority in the competition layer. This is not attaining easily amidst the regulatory problems expressed by the complication of procedures, the thing which make identifying the problem of the study through the following question:

Should we make the complex of procedures and their firmness a way to adopt the idea of the green regulatory tapes supportin

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
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The concept of stigma and its representations in the Arab theatrical text (The Sultan, Al-Ha'ir play, by choice): نزار شبيب كريم - علاء حاتم محسن
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The research deals with the concept of stigma as one of the important phenomena that cast a shadow over the nature of the individual, his being and his personality through the inferior view with which he confronts in society, and (Sartors) indicates in this regard that stigma may lead to negative discrimination that leads to many defects, in terms of obtaining On care, poor health, service, and frequent setbacks that can damage self-esteem. The first roots of this phenomenon go back to the Greek civilization and what the Greeks used to burn and cut off some parts of the body and then announce to the nation that the bearer of this sign is a criminal. In addition to the Arab peoples living from setbacks that contributed to the exacerbation

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
A Comparative Study of the Frequency of Occurrence of Genetic Skeletal Disorders in Iraq before and after the Second Gulf War, 1991
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BACKGROUND: Genetic skeletal abnormalities are a heterogeneous group of genetic disorders frequently presenting with disproportionate short stature. AIM OF THE STUDY: To give an idea about the frequency of genetic skeletal abnormalities, and to find out whether these disorders are really increasing in the last 16 years or not. METHODS: During the period extending from (Jan, 1st 2003-April, 1st 2007), all cases of genetic skeletal disorders referred to the Genetic Counseling Clinic, Medical City – Baghdad who were born after 1991 were included in this study as the post-war group; the pre-war group, included all cases of skeletal disorders referred prior to 1991 (Jan., 1st 1987-Jan., 1st 1990). The demographic parameters, family history of

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 20 2022
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Jatropha L. is an exotic genus to Iraq and it has been cultivated in gardens for ornamental purposes because of the shiny red color of the flowers. The plant adapted to environmental conditions and succeeded in growing and blooming, which is why the species was interested to study. The species Jatropha integerrima Jacq. was examined and diagnosed for the first time in Iraq. Morphological and anatomical characteristics for leaves (considering that the variations are the most reliable and taxonomically important) were provided. The Phytochemical screening showed the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenes, tannins and saponins. The qualitative analysis by TLC indicated the presence of alkaloids and flavonoid that was detected by specia

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 23 2023
Journal Name
Cumhuriyet Dental Journal
The effectiveness of continuous versus sequential chelation in the removal of smear layer and their influence on push-out bond strength of Bio-C sealer (An in vitro study)
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Objectives: Successful endodontic treatment outcome requires effective shaping and cleaning of root canals. This study aims to evaluate the smear layer removal after continuous chelation (CC) ) NaOCL\HEDP( and sequential chelation (SC) )NaOCL\EDTA( and their influence on the push-out bond strength (POBS) of Bio-C sealer. Materials and Methods: Palatal roots of the maxillary first molar (n=72) were divided into four groups (n=18) as follows: 3% NaOCL, SC: 3% NaOCL followed by 17% EDTA, CC: 3% NaOCL \9% HEDP and Distilled water. Thirty-two roots (n=8/group) were split longitudinally for smear layer evaluation using SEM. Forty roots were obturated with Guttapercha and Bio-C sealer using a single cone technique. Thre

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 16 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Immunohistochemical assessment of tumor suppressor gene Wwox in relation to proliferative marker KI67 proteins expression in giant cell lesions of the jaws and giant cell tumor of long bones
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Background: Peripheral giant cell lesion (PGCL) and central giant cell lesion (CGCL) of the jaws have a distinct clinical behavior.Giant cell tumour (GCT) is a benign locally aggressive neoplasm affects the long bones. Both lesions are characterized histologically by multinucleated giant cells in a background of ovoid to spindle-shaped mesenchymal cells. The WW domain-containing oxidoreductase (WWOX) gene is located at 16q23.1–16q23.2, a region that spans the second most common human fragile site, FRA16D, at 16q23.2.The Ki-67 antigen is a nuclear protein that is associated with and may be necessary for cellular proliferation.Ki-67 protein is present during all active phases of the cell cycle (G1, S, G2, and mitosis), but is absent fr

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences (pen)
Safety management in private construction project in Iraq
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