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Using poetry in teaching Russian language in university of Baghdad / faculty of langu: Использование поэзии в процессе обучения русскому языку на кафедре русского языка факультета языков Багдадского университета
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There are many methods of teaching foreign language to non-native speakers now therefore the discovery of new methods - which  make students understand the language , vocabulary & saves them as soon as possible – becomes one of  the most important duties of teachers and educators .

The personal experience shows that the teaching of the Russian language through memorizing    Russian poetry is   one of the fastest ways to master the language and know its rules and also    improve the   ability of translating vocabulary and being not able to  save the Russian words only  , but to make it complete too. Poetry is an article or text which loves by people and enjoy reading it,   therefore, using it to   teach foreign language has a positive reaction on students. As we mentioned it helps greatly to absorb the language.

A lot of professors and experts in teaching methods _ specialists in language teaching for foreign students in different grades _ use poetic texts in teaching a foreign language to avoid the boredom in teaching grammar and make it interesting.   


Статья посвящена возможности использования в обучении русскому языку как иностранному Есть много методов обучения иностранному языку для не-носителей языка в настоящее время до открытия новых методов-которые делают студенты понимают язык, словарный запас и сохраняет их как можно скорее-становится одним из самых важных обязанностей учителей и преподавателей . Личный опыт показывает , что преподавание русского языка через поэзию русского языка является одним из самых быстрых способов овладеть языком и знать его правила, а также улучшить способность переводить словарный запас и быть не в состоянии сохранить только русские слова, но и сделать его полным.



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Publication Date
Fri Nov 09 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Infants’ Obesity and Overweight in Relation to Type of Feeding
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Abstract Objective (s): To identify the prevalence of obesity and overweight in infants and children less than 2 years of age and its relationship with type of feeding in a sample of children attending Al- Kadhymia primary health care center. Methodology: This study was a descriptive survey carried out in, the primary health care centre of Al-Kadhymia town in Baghdad during the period from 5th of July 2009-1st of May 2010. Sample was chosen by non probability convenience sampling and it included 744 infant and children. Data were gathered by a combination of a structured questionnaire and measurements o

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2007
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Corrosion Inhibition of Aluminum Alloy in 50% Ethylene Glycol Solution
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The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of different inhibitors on the corrosion rate of aluminum in 50% (v/v) ethylene glycol solution at 80°C and pH 8.0 in which the electrochemical technique of linear sweep voltammetry was employed to characterize each inhibitor function and to calculate the corrosion rate from Tafel plots generated by a computer assisted  potentiostat.

It is found that both sodium dichromate and borax reduces the corrosion rate by polarizing the anodic polarization curve while sodium phosphate, potassium phosphate, and sodium benzoate reduces the corrosion rate by polarizing both the anodic and cathodic  polarization curve.

When inhibitor concentration increases from I g/l up

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical Simulation of flow in pipe with cross jet effects
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A numerical method is developed to obtain two-dimensional velocity and pressure distribution through a cylindrical pipe with cross jet flows. The method is based on solving partial differential equations for the conservation of mass and momentum by finite difference method to convert them into algebraic equations. This well-known problem is used to introduce the basic concepts of CFD including: the finite- difference mesh, the discrete nature of the numerical solution, and the dependence of the result on the mesh refinement. Staggered grid implementation of the numerical model is used. The set of algebraic equations is solved simultaneously by “SIMPLE” algorithm to obtain velocity and pressure distribution within a pipe. In order to

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Publication Date
Tue May 03 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Study of Some Characteristics in Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) System
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In this present paper, an experimental study of some plasma characteristics in dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) system using several variables, such as different frequencies and using two different electrodes metals(aluminium (Al) and copper (Cu)), is represented. The discharge plasma was produced by an AC power supply source of 6 and 7 kHz frequencies for the nitrogen gas spectrum and for two different electrodes metals(Al and Cu). Optical emission spectrometer was used to study plasma properties (such as electron temperature ( ), electron number density ( ), Debye length ( ), and plasma frequency ( )). In addition, images were analysed for the plasma emission intensity at atmospheric air pressure.

Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Current Microbiology And Applied Sciences
Expression Analysis of Salivary Microrna-31 in Oral Cancer Patients
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Oral carcinoma is the 6th most common cancer in the world. MicroRNAs are small non-coding single stranded RNAs. They have been shown to be capable of altering mRNA expression; thus some are oncogenic or tumor suppressive in nature. The salivary microRNA-31 has been proposed as a sensitive marker for oral malignancy since it was abundant in saliva more than in plasma. A total of 55 whole saliva samples were collected from 35 cases diagnosed with OC their ages and gender matched with 20 healthy subjects. TaqManq RT-PCR was performed for RNA samples. Mean age was 52.23+13.73 years in cases (range:17-70 years) with male predominance represented 69%. Risk of smoking and alcoholism was highly significant. The median fold change of miR-31 was sign

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Publication Date
Mon May 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Levels of interleukins 6 and 8 in Psoriatic patients serum
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  Recent progress in the understanding of psoriasis has shown that the regulation of local and systemic cytokines plays an important role in its pathogenesis. Different studies evaluated the association of serum levels of some proinflammatory cytokines invivo and their correlation with severity of psoriasis. Eighty cases of psoriatic patients had been studied. Patients were divided into mild psoriasis group (30) and severe psoriasis group (50) according to severity, and (30) apparently healthy individuals ware used as acontrol group. Sera samples of all groups were collected from all individuals for the estimation levels of interleukins (IL-6 and IL-8).  All mean values sera levels (IL-6 32.004 pg/ml and 17.579 pg/ml  for

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Electro spinning of Polycaprolactone / Hydroxyapatite Composites in Wound Dressing Application
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Polycaprolactone polymer is widely used in medical applications due to its biocompatibility. Electro spinning was used to create poly (ε- caprolactone) (PCL) nanocomposite fiber mats containing hydroxyapatite (HA) at concentrations ranging from 0.05 to 0.4% wt. The chemical properties of the fabricated bio composite fibers were evaluated using FTIR and morphologically using field-emission scanning-electron microscopy (FESEM), Porosity, contact angle, as well as mechanical testing(Young Modulus and Tensile strength) of the nanofibers were also studied. The FTIR results showed that all the bonds appeared for the pure PCL fiber and the PCL/HA nano fibers. The FESEM nano fiber showed that the fiber diameter increased from 54.13 to 155.79 (n

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Biotreatment of Oil Wells Drilling Waste in an Agricultural Soil
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One of the most important environmental issues is the responsible effective and economic treatment of drilling waste especially oily waste.
In this research two fungal isolates named Pleurotus ostreatus and Trichoderma harzianum were chosen for the first time to treat biologically the oily drilled cuttings contaminated with diesel which resulted from drilling oil wells use oil based muds (OBMs).
The results showed that the fungi under study utilized the hydrocarbon of contaminated soil as a source of nutrient and growth and that both fungi can be considered hydrocarbon degrading microorganisms. The used biotreatment is cost effective process since most of the materials used in the cultivation and growth of the present fungi were av

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Anti-bacterial Properties of Melatonin against Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Vitro
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         57 isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium bovis were identified; they were isolated from different clinical sources which included sputum, bronchial wash, abscess, pleural fluid, gastric fluid, eye fluid, and CSF, also urine and ear swab. This investigation was carried out on 198 patient attended National Reference Laboratory for T.B during September 2009. Also the study declared that the ratio of separation of this bacterium from male was (67.6%) and it’s higher than the ratio of separation this bacterium from females which was (32.3%). The susceptibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to melatonin was evaluated. Many concentrati

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Sensitivity of Streptococcus mutans to Selected Nanoparticles (in Vitro Study)
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Background: Nanoparticles are clusters of atoms in a size range from (1-100) nm. Nano dentistry creates amazing useful structures from individual atoms or molecules (nanoparticles), which provides a new alternative and a possibly superior strategy in prevention and treatment of dental caries through management of dental plaque biofilms. The aim of the study was to test the sensitivity of Streptococcus mutans to different concentrations of hydroxyapatite and iron oxide nanoparticles suspension solutions, in comparison to chlorhexidine, and de-ionized water, in vitro. Materials and methods: Agar well technique was applied to test the sensitivity of Streptococcus mutans to different concentrations of hydroxyapatite and iron oxide nanoparticle

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