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The Phenomenon of Euphemism in the Translon Activity: Эвфемизм в переводческой деятельности
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The Phenomenon of Euphemism in the Translon Activity Euphemism is the replacement of a harsh word with a less harsh or more acceptable   one.   Most   languages   are   affected   by   ideological,   cultural, social,   or   religious   perspectives   which   in   turn   would   reflect   different linguistic levels. On such a basis, translation is affected by its medium,i.e. language, and consequently what is acceptably expressed by a nation may   not  be  acceptable by another.   In   this paper, we try   to   tackle a translation   phenomenon   which   has   its   own   purposes,   views   and strategies.   It may call translation euphemism which takes care of replacing the harshness or lessening the effect of the meaning of a word, or a phrase in the original text, caused by an ideological or cultural factor of the recipient with a less harsh or more acceptable expression. The translator intentionally does delete, add or replace an act that might result in semantic deviation.


Язык–Это ключ к знанием, и средство высказывания мыслей, он является орудием понимания между народами всего мира, и индикатором развития человеческой цивилизации. Через него передаются понятия и совершаются сближение и гармония наций.     

            Языковые средства различаются по выражению человеческих   чувств и мыслей. Эвфемизм считается основным из этих средств. Это  межъязыковое явление обозначает воздержание от неподобающих слов – непрямое, смягченное выражение вместо резкого или нарушающего нормы приличия (Словарь иностранных слов и выражений, с.727). Большинство живых языков мира находятся под политическими го, культурными, социальными влияниями, которые в свою очередь отражают разные языковые уровни. Следовательно, перевод подчиняется такими же условиями своего орудия (языка). Что говорится в   одной  нации, можно являться   неприличным у другой.   Это работа посвященапереводческому явлению, которое можно назвать «переводческим эвфемизмом  или эвфемизмом в переводе», в рамках статьи мы попытались пролить свет на мотивы, приёмы, и позиции этого явления.



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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Importance of Utilizing Euphemism in Translation and Simultaneous Interpreting
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Euphemism is an important linguistic phenomenon that tends to soften written or oral expressions. Thus, when translators or interpreters face expressions including euphemism, they need to know how to deal with them. The problem of the current paper lies in the effect of rendering euphemistic expressions inaccurately, as such expressions represent the cultural and terminological sense of the original language. Thus, rendering them improperly will affect the sense of the interpreted speech. For this, it is essential for translators in general and simultaneous interpreters in particular to know the importance of utilizing euphemism in the simultaneous interpreting field, which is the main aim of this paper. To this end, a systematic review

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Publication Date
Thu May 13 2004
Journal Name
The College Of Arts/ Al-mustansiriyya University
The Linguistic Aspect of Euphemism in Jane Austen's Novel Emma: Motivation and Formation
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APDBN Rashid, The College of Arts/ Al-Mustansiriyya University, 2004

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The phenomenon of military governments in the Arab countries
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The modern nation state, by virtue of its institutional nature, is divided into political and non-political institutions according to their respective jurisdictions. It is natural for non-political institutions to perform their functions under the control of the political establishment, for two reasons: first, Second: Ensuring the achievement of cooperation, harmony and integration between these different institutions in serving the stability of the society and its continuity and achieving its supreme objectives. The location of the military establishment is part of the non-political institutions of the state, since it carries out a non-political function that is based on defending the homeland against any threats that may threaten its s

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Absence of the Applied Semiotic Approach in Analyzing the Media Phenomenon
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the contemporary Arab scholars deal with semiotics as an approach that helps them understand the texts, its meaning, and its structural functionalism . that’s why every now and then we find some
studies and researches using semiotics as an approach in study and comparatives, some of them even used the semiotic approach in analyzing old and new texts, while others think that semiotic holds and important place in critical approaches .
even though some of them considers semiotic just a trend of fashion this really didn’t lessen the value of semiotic as a scientific and procedural approach in literary and media studies as well as in analyzing literary and journalistic texts. for this reason it is considered as an important approa

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The phenomenon of negative behavior has studied as a social and psychological phenomenon that effect on the performance and life of workers inside and outside the organization. The adoption of this phenomenon is studied in terms of the role of the interna
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The phenomenon of negative behavior has studied as a social and psychological phenomenon that effect on the performance and life of workers inside and outside the organization. The adoption of this phenomenon is studied in terms of the role of the internal environment of the organization in addressing this behavior, being the variables belong to the field of organizational behavior to see the results of those variables on the Iraqi organizations, since the specificities of it differ from the rest of the Arab and foreign environments. Therefore, this study focused on testing the relationship of the internal environment of the organization and its role in addressing the negative behavior of the workers.


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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Специфика аргументации экспрессии в художественном тексте Characteristics of Intellectual Inference in the Expression in The Artistic Text
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      В статье считается национально-культурная специфика и языковое изменчивость выражения заключений в художественном тексте. В настоящее время в изучении художественного текста существует множество взаимодополняющих подходов и концепций, которые способствуют лучшему пониманию его языковых и культурных аспектов. Художественный текст как «воспроизведение» и от

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
مجلة نسق
Islamic Sharia’s position on the phenomenon of bullying
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The study was enriched by examining (Islamic Sharia’s position on the phenomenon of bullying) becausee bullying is a recurring aggressive behavior that Is one of the types of violence directed by a person or group of prsons; With the intent of deliberately harming and offending anotherr person or group of persons, It has several verbal, physical, electronIc or other formsforms Bullies may follow a policy of Ientimidation or intimidation, as well as ridicule; In order to belittle the victim .The study aims to know the Islamic Sharia ruling on bullying as a modern term for a content that Is as old as man, and the study reached several results, Including: Islam’s affirmation of the prohibition of this phenomenon In word, deed and gesture,

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Petroleum Derivatives in Iraq The phenomenon of Renewable or Passing crisis
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     Iraq economy suffered, nor , still many difficulties and problems , including oil derivatives crisis that emerged in 2004 and was the most prominent features of the inability of local production to meet the needs of the increasing growth of consumption, the crisis has cast a shadow on the growth of national in general, and citizen living in particular. Therefore, the real test of crisis and challenge to the capacity of government agencies to manage the crisis and control and reduce its harmful effects, which disappear in a region or sector, even begin to appear in another, given the multiplicity and complexity of third-party solution for remedying the negative consequences of deliberate.

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 22 2020
Journal Name
Radiation And Environmental Biophysics
The photo-transferred thermoluminescence phenomenon in case of emergency dose assessment
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Abstract<p>A major disadvantage of dose reconstruction by means of thermoluminescence (TL) is the fact that during readout of any TL material exposed to ionizing radiation (i.e., during measuring the glow curve), the radiation-induced signal gets lost. Application of the photo-transferred thermoluminescence phenomenon (PTTL) may offer a solution to this problem. In PTTL, the residual signal that is not destroyed by conventional TL readout (because it comes from deeper electron traps) can be readout through simultaneous stimulation by UV light and heating, allowing to obtain information about the absorbed dose in a second run. The present paper describes the application of PTTL for emergency dose assessment. For</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The phenomenon of advertising In the poetry of Ali bin Abdul Rahman Balnopi Sicilian
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The phenomenon of advertising In the poetry of Ali bin Abdul Rahman Balnopi Sicilian

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