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Spacio-Temporal Relations in the Translated Text in Both Russian and Arabic: Временные и пространственные отношения с текстом перевода на русском и арабском языках
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 The present paper(Spacio-Temporal Relations in the Translated Text in Both Russian and Arabic) focuses on the spacio-temporal effect in the translated text; it is possible to compose the translation text simultaneously with the  process of the composing the original text. This is carried out during the simultaneous consecutive translation. And, the time and place of composing the translation might greatly differ from the time and place of composing the original textt. The translator may tackle a text of an ancient time and written in a language which might have changed, and may thus appear as another language where the author might have talked on behalf of a people who had lived or are living in apparently different geographical and climatic conditions from those of the receptor of the translation who belongs to a people having completely different style of life, history, traditions and culture. These should never affect the process of translation.


Наше  исследование  фокусируется на временном и пространственном эффекте переведенного текста. Процесс  создания текста перевода может выполняться одновременно с процессом создания оригинального  текста. Это  делается во время синхронного перевода. Время создания и местоположения перевода может сильно отличаться от времени оригинала и  его местоположения. Переводчик может иметь дело с текстом древней исторической эпохи и языком, который изменился в течение этого периода в той мере, в какой его статус, кажется, представляет собой другой язык. Автор оригинального текста может  быть имеет язык  людей, которые жили или живут в других географических и климатических условиях, сильно отличающихся от географических условий получателей перевода, которые имеют совершенно иную структуру жизни, истории, традиции и культуры. Не могут ли такие различия повлиять на процесс перевода ?     



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Publication Date
Sun Sep 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Term Delay and its Jurisprudences in the Section of Punishments and Felonies
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Different Arabic and Islamic societies are free of evil instincts. Therefore, certain provisions of legitimacy came to stress the importance of the intentions of sharia to achieve the interests of all people that involve several aspects, including the five fundamental things: religion, oneself, offspring, mind and money. Almighty Allah has specified certain punishments on those who violate these things by imposing punishments on the part of the criminal to preserve souls. He imposes the penalty of theft to preserve property, the Hadd punishment for adultery to preserve the symptoms, the punishment on the drunk to preserve the mind, and the Hadd punishment for the apostate to preserve the religion. By the adherence to these punishments li

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Publication Date
Sun May 15 2022
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Survey the Microbial Load in the Tigris River in South of Baghdad City and Some of the Physiochemical Parameters
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This study included an analysis of three stations (Al Dora, Al Za'franiya, and Arab Ejbur) chosen to study the Physiochemical and microorganism (Fungi and Bacteria) loud of the Tigris River in the southern section of Baghdad city. The result of this research shows that the highest temperature recorded in summer in Al Za'franiya was 37Co, while the lowest temperature recorded in winter in Al Dora was 9Co. and the value of pH recorded the highest in summer it was 7.9 in Arab Ejbur, and the lowest value was in winter 7.1 in Al Dora regions, While Total Organic Carbon (TOC) shows the highest values found in the summer was 6.7 Mg L-1in Al Za'franiya Samples, and the lowest values were 2.0 Mg L-1in Arab Ejbur during the winter. The more f

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Evaluating the Observing Internal System in the General State of Taxes and its Role in Increasing the Taxes Revenue
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The internal observing system is considered a cornerstone for the high management in all the systems. It aims at defending the things for waste and increasing efficient and application the rules and regulations and constrictions. To easier for the high management activity in the internal observing system which in presented and practiced and to what extent can depend on it. Thus it goes to evaluate the internal observing system periodically to check the weak points in that system so as the find out the mistake, in the construction of the system or mistake, by indication of the workers. The importance of this study is represented in the need of increasing the coactivity in the internal observing system so as to be in touch with the new tre

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Importance of Liquidity and Profitability in Enhancing the Banking Value in Private Banks for the Period 2016 - 2019
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The article aims to study the liquidity that is required to be provided optimally and the profitability that is required to be achieved by the bank, and the impact of both of them on the value of the bank, and their effect of both liquidity and profitability on the value of the bank. Hence, the research problem emerged, which indicates the extent of the effect of liquidity and profitability on the value of the bank. The importance of the research stems from the main role that commercial banks play in the economy of a country. This requires the need to identify liquidity in a broad way and its most important components, and how to

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
A study of the safety and security conditions followed in the X-ray clinics in the Al-Amiriya-Baghdad
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Publication Date
Wed Sep 14 2022
Journal Name
Lecture Notes In Civil Engineering
Effect of Nozzle Condition and Type in the Spray Quality in Wheat Plants
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Sep 19 2024
Journal Name
Irish Journal Of Medical Science (1971 -)
Correlation between clinical and MRI findings in disc herniation in the lumbosacral region
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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Private investment and its role in the process of economic reform in Iraq
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بعد ثورة تموز عام 1958في العراق, لم يكن يسمح للقطاع الخاص بأن تكون له استثمارات كبيرة في القطاعات الاقتصادية. وذلك بسبب الإيديولوجيات التي كانت تؤطر الفكر السياسي. حيث كان النهج الاشتراكي هو الغالب في إدارة الأنشطة الاقتصادية. إذ قامت الدولة بتأميم معظم الاستثمارات الخاصة الكبيرة ،لاس

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
State-of-the-Art in Data Integrity and Privacy-Preserving in Cloud Computing
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Cloud computing (CC) is a fast-growing technology that offers computers, networking, and storage services that can be accessed and used over the internet. Cloud services save users money because they are pay-per-use, and they save time because they are on-demand and elastic, a unique aspect of cloud computing. However, several security issues must be addressed before users store data in the cloud. Because the user will have no direct control over the data that has been outsourced to the cloud, particularly personal and sensitive data (health, finance, military, etc.), and will not know where the data is stored, the user must ensure that the cloud stores and maintains the outsourced data appropriately. The study's primary goals are to mak

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 14 2021
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The role of fiscal and monetary policy in stimulating Circular Economy in Iraq
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The issue of the Circular Economy is not a new issue to several countries, especially the developed ones. Here in Iraq it is considered newly introduced, despite the few attempts to establish projects that concern recycling most of them were doomed to fail, due to two main reasons: the first one is the financial and administrative corruption widespread in all departments of the country, the second one is the priorities of public spending. It is well known that Iraq was subjected to two major attacks, the ISIS entry attack in 2014 to Iraq. ISIS occupied about a third of Iraqi lands which resulted in a collapse in oil prices, as Iraq depends almost entirely on oil revenues in its budget which is the second attack. This made the Iraqi governme

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