Praise be to Allah , the Lord of Heavens , Who revealed His Scripture in plain Arabic, and prayers and peace be upon the Master of all creatures and the chosen one , Muhammad (PBUH).Pushkin was known as a poet in Russia, the sun of its poetry that set, the father of the Russian literature and the founder of its literary language. When he published his poems, trying to express his inner poetic feelings and creative visions, he presented them with creativity and special touch. The reason behind the selection of Pushkin as the subject of this study is that he was affected by Islam and Arabs. For the purpose of this study, the dissertation has been divided into introduction and three chapters; each chapter includes two topics. In the introduction, the history of Russian literature is presented up to the Pushkin period with reference to his role in the Russian literature. Pushkin tried, through the influence of the Holy Qur’an, to introduce himself to the universality of literature, make his poetic voice be heard, and go beyond the limits of Russia and Europe through his expression of some of the ideals people share without being restricted to one culture rather than another; the Holy Qur’an has this ideal universal outlet to achieve such a goal.Each nation has a national heritage which represents an inspiration to Pushkin, notably, the heritage of the Islamic nation that he integrated into his national heritage to represent an enrichment to his poetic experience which later became an example for other poets to follow suit.Pushkin found that the Holy Qur’an meets an intellectual and artistic need through the Artist’s delicate sense to form new experience guided by the Holy Qur’an.The deep meanings of the Holy Qur’an exercised their effects on Pushkin who, without neglecting at the same time, believes that the Holy Qur’an is based on certain linguistic form and base depending on the translated text that he accessed
يتناول البحث شخصية شعرية وأدبية فذة هو محمد صالح بحر العلوم الشاعر العراقي المعروف والمولود في بيت ثوري من بيوتات النجف المعادية للاستعمار البريطاني في مطلع القرن العشرين، وينحدر من أسرة عريقة مشهورة بالعلم والأدب، عاش بحر العلوم شاعراً ينقل بصوره الجمالية كل ما يقع في حواسه، وتجربته تثري من اتصاله ببيئته فنجد الشاعر اشبه بالمصور يستمد صوره من واقع بيئته المتنوع. ونحن في بحثنا هذا نحاول أن نرصد أهم المصادر
... Show MoreAcademic freedom is a human right, and if human rights are general rights, academic freedom is a special freedom for members of the academic community. Despite the modernity of the term "academic freedom", its content was not the result of the contemporary state of scientific academic bodies, That the development of the importance of this term coincided with the development of the exercise of public freedoms, and increased interest in and protection, so the number and expanded images of academic freedom, and was a manifestation of interest in this freedom to try to determine the content or what it is and pictures, The first of these guarantees is the supervision of the constitutionality of the laws, which are carried out through judicial
... Show MoreIn this research, we attempt to show the extent of harmony in an aspect of the text according to the stylistics for the Knowing of the stylistic value of the title threshold, and the pathways of titles that suggest and support the meaning when the recipient reads the literary text, in addition to the interpretations that reflect the purposes of the poet who contributed to the drawing of his poetic achievement. The research presented a brief about the poet and his most important works, because they are the text which will be studied according to the stylistics. The research also explained the concept of style and the stylistics in the preface , because of the stylistic is the method adopted by the research to study the title thresholds in
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إن طرائق تدريس المواد الشرعية ما تزال تُدّرس بطرائق لا تتناسب مع ما توصل إليه البحث العلمي في الميدان التربوي في الوقت الحاضر ، وهذا مما سبب في وجود أزمة فكرية وعلمية في الأقسام التي تدرس المناهج الدينية .
على الرغم من الأهمية الكبيرة لمادة التلاوة ، إلا أن هناك مشكلة كثيرا ما يعاني منها مدرسو هذه المادة، وهي انصراف الطلبة عن حفظ النصوص القرآن
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Objective: To study the effects of smoking and age on nail growth.
Patients and methods:The study was conducted at the Department of Physiology and the Department of Dermatology, College of Medicine, University of Baghdad during the period from January 2011 to May 2011.
Nail growth measurement was performed by etching a T – mark on the nail plate of the right and the left thumbs with a wide bore needle. The vertical distance between the point of meeting of the T and the proximal nail fo
This research aims primarily to highlight personal tax exemptions A comparative study with some Arab and European regulations. And by conducting both theoretical comparative analyses. Most important findings of the study is the need to grant personal and family exemptions that differ according to the civil status of the taxpayer (single or married). In other words, the exemption increases as the number of family members depend on its social sense. Also taking into account some incomes that require a certain effort and looking at the tax rates, it is unreasonable for wages to be subject to the same rates applied to commercial profits.
The measurements of major and trace elements in different brands of milk powder selected from the Iraqis market via the X-ray fluorescence (XRF) Technique have been studied in the present work. The result of the measurements reveals the high concentrations of sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Furthermore, low concentrations of aluminum, silicon, iron, bromine, molybdenum, iodine, barium, titanium, manganese, cobalt, chrome, nickel, copper, zinc and lead were detected. Neutron activation analysis (NAA) and Kjeldahl technique were also employed to determine the concentrations of nitrogen. It was found that the nitrogen concentration was in the range of (1.96 - 3.23) % which is within the permissible li
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tackles a very important topic in Semitic languages. Comparative studies in Semitic languages shed light on phenomena in different languages that are related or have one common origin. No doubt, such studies have their own effects on language study in general especially when studying a specific phenomenon and explaining it by reliance on the one origin, or by investigating the various phases of its historical development.
... Show MoreThe right to nominate and vote is one of the most important political and constitutional rights of citizens in general and public officials because it is related to the popular will, and as they represent the legal way to exercise sovereignty through the selection of members of Parliament to take over on behalf of the nation.
However, these rights, like other rights, are subject to legal regulation. Therefore, the constitutions meant it to give them a great deal of prestige, and the various laws dealt with it by defining the electorate and the conditions that should be fulfilled in the candidate and the voter.
Countries differ in their position of the public servant as conditions for membership in the Parliament, with set
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The Holy Quran is the greatest motivator for the mind to keep pace with life. The doctrine of faith is a requirement of logic and wisdom, and it cannot be reached by the hand of superstition. The Qur’an destroyed the principle of superstition in the verses of the creation of the universe. The principle of inactivity of the Qur’an is a false accusation that collision with the texts of the Qur’an. The secret of scientific development is to harness the laws of nature, benefit from them, and walk according to its requirements, on which the manifestations of civilization and the Qur’an are based
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