The presence of the other representations in the story of modern Arabic
The other who seek to discuss his presence is the other west, and is nothing new to bring the other whatever, especially the Western literature, especially after the opening of the East West and the occurrence of encounters many Whatever the reasons for them or their causes, and the prevalence of the phenomenon influenced by this Western, and therefore his presence in this literature of any had sex. And certainly our presence (we) also in the literature of the other, and this is very natural, created by the convergence of intellectual, cultural and human, which led to the emergence of the cultural theme of conflict between East and West, and these conflicts take different forms and dimensions.
The story dealt with some of the models that we found for the other presence and clear it, whether that other non-Western or Western, it may be that other oriental but it differs or is located on the other side of the ego so it is the least well.
Fill the other subject of great interest, has to be placed era, which dominated at all levels of life and areas of intellectual, cultural, etc.. Has received a number of studies and research that have recently begun to emerge, especially in the growing literature was poetry or novel or story. And seem to look the other in the whole of Arabic literature degrees, and came formats and a variety of formats, on the one hand glimpse impressed with this one, on the other hand glimpse negative cash for him, according to the case may be, which is contained in it.
Are feeling it in some of the stories we have chosen as models, presence of foreign cities and places and other sites - particularly bars - it may take the storyteller of space for his story, and we find that the (Samar Yazbek, and high Mamdouh, and Abdel-Rahman Munif.
There are various levels and styles that come in the other, and within these levels and patterns is attending a form of cultural (literary and artistic), which starts where the writer is usually impressed by this one, and specifically his or her culture, and arts, and philosophy, and so on. Attends the names of several characters are formed in the consciousness of the writer and his ideas embodied in the stories, reflect the level of fascination with this other, which is in the habit of the senior writers or thinkers or artists, or celebrities, as well as the presence of their business as well. In fact, this type of attendance is recorded frequently in the stories of the last large presence there. We find this phenomenon frequently in Samar Yazbek and less with the rest (Ghassan Kanafani, and Mahdi Issa Falcon.
May attend the other negative hostile as we find in the stories of Ghassan Kanafani, the form or the other partner and lover to stand out in the impact of the conflict theme of civilization as we find the high Mamdouh and Tayeb Salih.
الانتقالات الفنية في تكوين اسلوب الفنان حافظ الدروبي
يعد حافظ الدروبي من الفنانين العراقيين الذين تصدروا الحركة التشكيلية العراقية في العقود (الرابع والخامس والسادس) من القرن العشرين، وكان لهم دور متميز في أرساء الدعائم الأساس للحركة التشكيلية العراقية الناهضة ، فضلا عن ذلك فهو يعد رائدا تربويا كان له الفضل في تخرج نخبة كبيرة من الفنانين الشباب والطلبة المتميزين فنيا . ولم يكن الدروبي أقل أهمية من أقرانه الفنانين مثل الفنان(جواد سليم وفائق حسن وعطا صبري وأكر
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القرن العشرين سلسلة من الطرز المعمارية المتعددة خصها الباحثون والاثاريون والمؤرخون بدراسات وفيرة سواء على
مستوى الحقب التاريخية او على مستوى الانماط الوظيفية او الطرز المعمارية وحتى على مستوى العناصر المكونة لتلك
لكن يمكن تشخيص المشكلة البحثية محدودية في الدراسات التي ترصد الع
This age and the third millennium is the dominance of information technology on most of the administrative work in the developed world and the need for the so-called electronic marketing- and need our developing society to the development of our work to transform the traditional management and routine of it to the electronic management in order to save effort, time and cost They are the backbone speed to complete the work, The principle applications of electronic management to achieve the maximum possible benefit from the implementation of the administrative work of the society and institutions and the private sector the government in the state. The use of electronic management makes us safe from
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استقرأ هذا البحث الآيات التي ورد فيها لفظ (الحظّ)، وتوظيفه فيها، واعتمد النظر في نظم الآيات القرآنية المستشهَد بها، وتحليلها دلاليًا، وقد قام على أساس أنَّ ألفاظ النص القرآني منقادة لدلالته، كما أنَّ دلالته منقادة لنظم ألفاظه، فكان المحور الرئيس للبحث هو دلالة النص، وكشف ما يمكن من أسراره البيانية، ومعانيه في ح
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