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Difficulties Faced by Engineering Students in Reading and Comprehending English Texts

Reading is an interactive process that goes on between the reader and the text, resulting in comprehension. The text presents letters, words, sentences, and paragraphs that encode meaning. The reader uses knowledge, skills, and strategies to determine what that meaning is. Reading comprehension is much more than decoding; it results when the reader knows which skills and strategies are appropriate for the type oftext, and understands how to apply them to accomplish the reading purpose.Reading comprehension is important because without it reading is nothing more than tracking symbols on a page with your eyes and sounding them out leaving the reader with no information. Instead of promoting traditional approaches, reading should be taught in a more interactive and communicative manner. In this light, this study investigates the difficulties faced by engineering students in reading comprehension in a university setting where the medium of instruction and communication is not English, but where students are required to read textbooks in English. The participants are selected from College of Engineering/ University of Al-Mustansiriya to take the test. However, a standardized test is used to show the students‟ difficulties in reading comprehension. Two passages are used in the test, the first one is concerned with their specialization in engineering while the second is concerned with general topics. Data analysis is conducted through using one sample T. test and percentages statistical methods. Results of this study reveal that engineering students have great difficulties in reading comprehension since most of them have not succeeded in the test. Reasons behind such results have been illustrated and certain suggestions have been given to be useful for both teachers and students of scientific fields especially engineering.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Estimate the risk of runoff for six basins in the western plateau

The research risk of flooding on six water basins located in the eastern part of the western plateau, reached total area of the basin (22,998.9 km 2), has reached all the Basin area (basin to time 7056.1 km2 basin by 3585 km 2, Bath Alheiazi 6404 km 2, Abu beasts 544.1 km2 basin Abu Shannan 144.6 km 2, Bath Valley Faraj 5265.1 km 2), where it was specifically spatial degree of this risk by studying some of the hydrological basin transactions directly related to operations spate runoff study area and the occurrence of flood risks on the surface of ponds.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Technical image sources In the poetry of Muhammad Salih Bahr al-Ulum

يتناول البحث شخصية شعرية وأدبية فذة هو محمد صالح بحر العلوم الشاعر العراقي المعروف والمولود في بيت ثوري من بيوتات النجف المعادية للاستعمار البريطاني في مطلع القرن العشرين، وينحدر من أسرة عريقة مشهورة بالعلم والأدب، عاش بحر العلوم شاعراً ينقل بصوره الجمالية كل ما يقع في حواسه، وتجربته تثري من اتصاله ببيئته فنجد الشاعر اشبه بالمصور يستمد صوره من واقع بيئته المتنوع. ونحن في بحثنا هذا نحاول أن نرصد أهم المصادر

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 20 2018
Journal Name
the mechanism of employing the numbered personality in structuring scientific imaginary movies

The researcher chose her research which is imprinted ( the mechanism of employing the numbered personality in structuring scientific imaginary movies) because it’s found in modern employing of the numbered personalities of the movies that are designed by computers which made the directors and the producers to exploit these numbered development technologies in designing numbered personalities, in order to make them heroes instead of the actual actors in the cinema scene, it’s divided the research to five chapters, the first chapter, the methodical fine which includes, the problem of the research, the aim of the research includes, the importance of the research and it’s details, and the chapter concludes limiting the important terms,

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Estimate the distribution parameters for the best rates of rainfall in Iraq

This paper presents a statistical study for a suitable distribution of rainfall in the provinces of Iraq

 Using two types of distributions for the period (2005-2015). The researcher suggested log normal distribution, Mixed exponential distribution of each rovince were tested with the distributions to determine the optimal distribution of rainfall in Iraq. The distribution will be selected on the basis of minimum standards produced some goodness of fit  tests, which are to determine

Akaike (CAIC), Bayesian Akaike (BIC),  Akaike (AIC). It has been applied to distributions to find the right distribution of the data of rainfall in the provinces of Iraq was used (maximu

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 24 2016
Journal Name
The Creative Imagination In the structure of Designed work: أيمان طه ياسين

In the marsh of the vast technical development and its reflections on the public life in all of its forms man lives in the shade of this and that and he is in a disprate need to took attentively at his reality through a new artistic vision which the imagination gives it , its value, from this point we find the designers pay great efforts in creating advertising designs that creation and fertile imagination are consisting one unit, and through her flying study on the reality of employing the creative imagination in the designing of printed advertisements, the researcher submitted her questions where some of which are: -What are the requirements of employing the creative imagination in the designing process? And -What are the machineries o

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The feasibility of re-enacting the Export Support Fund Act in Iraq

Economists agree upon the importance of exports and their positive impacts on the economic variables. Therefore، they studied policies encouraging exports and set out the instrumentalities supporting them. These instrumentalities included a combination of fiscal، monetary، commercial، production policies like the tax policy that is encouraging to the exports، exchange rates reduction، establishing commercial free zones، better production quality، fostering investment climate، and preparation of the necessary financing before the exporting process and afterwards.

This research is interested in the finding aspect amongst the instrumentalities encouraging exports which is parallel t

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Political Transformations in The Republic of Turkmenistan During the Period (1991-2021)

After the fall of the Soviet Union, a number of Eastern Bloc countries and Soviet republics have witnessed political transition. However, Turkmenistan, as one of the former Soviet republics, succeeded to preserve the authoritarian nature of the former Soviet regime. This study seeks to answer a number of research questions, the most prominent of which are: How were the political elite in Turkmenistan able to preserve the legacy of the Soviet policy based on centralization of power and individual rule?. The study reaches a set of conclusions, the most important of which are:

1-The roots of the tyranny in Turkmenistan are du to internal and external structural factors. The most important of which are: the former Soviet policies of m

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
Environmental References in the Drawings of Ismael Al-Shaikhli: محمد مشعل حبيب

              The environmental references represented by the intellectual, social, economic, political and religious pressures are considered fundamental factors for the artistic achievement whose importance comes from their multiplicity and branching into natural and psychological pressures that affect the multiplicity, diversity and variability of the artistic and performative methods.  Thus they determine the artist's orientations and the creative artistic visions are summoned through symbols and semantic signs of the visual surface, because the societal thought  in   art in general and the fine art in specific occupies an influential position 

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Principles of sustainable environmental design in the rehabilitation of the marshes region.

The Marshlands cover an area of ​​about 24% of the land area of ​​Iraq, which gives it special importance to the country with its resources, resources and human capabilities, and because the conditions of this region are different from other areas environmentally and living necessitates subject to certain design principles achieve sustainable environmental integration to maintain them from For future generations, the idea of ​​research is crystallized by the interest of environmental organizations and urban designers in planning and establishing special laws to exploit the region environmentally, economically and tourism, especially after the current focus of the country's economic revival. T tourism and begin the development

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Pragmatic Study of Narcissism in the American Movie Big Eyes (2014)

Narcissism is a complicated phenomenon that can be reflected in the narcissist’s language. Investigating narcissism in terms of linguistics, and pragmatics in particular, does not seem to have been given its due attention, as this study reveals. Thus, this study is an endeavor to discover how narcissism is reflected in the American movie Big Eyes (2014). It is known for introducing narcissistic behaviors. This paper aims to identify the types, motivations, and pragmatic manifestations of narcissism in the selected movie. Three pragmatic theories are chosen to scrutinize narcissism in the data: Searle’s speech acts (1969), Grice’s maxims breaching (1975), and Culppeper’s impoliteness (1996). To cope with the nature of the

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