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The Play as Intellectual Ping-Pong: Art and Politics in Tom Stoppard's Travesties

Throughout history, artists have played many important roles in society.

Generally speaking, the role of the artist is defined by the society he is part of.

Indeed, there are as many ideas as to the role of the artist and, ultimately the purpose

of art in society, as there are types of art. This is, as a matter of fact, neither a new

question- the dialogue has been present within art for centuries- nor probably one

that will ever fully be answered.

Tom Stoppard came to prominence in the mid-sixties, when art and politics

were closely linked, and theatre sought to change the world. Stoppard would have

none of that: his work has no overt message, no political program. In fact, what

Stoppard has resisted both in his plays and in his interviews is any idea of the theatre

as an agent of change, as a form of art which is in any sense expressive and

contributory to the nature of the society of which it is a part. (Philip Roberts, p.85)

This is especially true of Stoppard's early dramatic works which, he told the Gambit

in 1981, "could best be seen in terms of his sense of alienation from the Osbornian

school of angry young men writing socially-engaged drama."(Neil Sammelles,


This aspect in Stoppard's early dramatic career did not go unnoticed by the

critics who severely criticize him for his alleged indifference to contemporary

social issues; a tendency which turned his early plays, according to Roberts, into

apolitical opportunities for "wit, parody and metaphysical dalliance."(p.87)

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 08 2024
Journal Name
Communicative competence in postmodern art

This study presents the concept of communicating as criticism analytical vision of art in general and contemporary composition particularly. Art is a means of communication for that activity to participate in the information or meanings, where the artwork is the message that includes what the artist sends ideas ,to the recipient . Thus, the language of communication between the artist and the receiver are made through the artwork (whatever his specialty: theatrically, plastic art, musically) and the magnitude of the meaning of outwardly or inwardly, is determined by the relationship between the artist and the recipient of which lead us turn to the issue of communication between them . .
At that determined search through which we seek

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Reality of Teachers’ Use of Modern Technologies in Teaching Arabic as a Second Language in Terms of Objectives and Selection Foundations at the Institute of Arabic Language in Umm Al-qura University Mamoun Eltigani Hassan Eldali

This study aims to know the degree of importance and the availability of the enhancing specifications of the educational process, and the way its objectives are achieved. Such a step involves using educational techniques, laying the selection foundations, knowing the methods of their employment and tracking the obstacles that limit this employment in teaching Arabic to non-native speakers. To achieve these objectives, the study followed a descriptive approach, and collected the necessary data through an integrated questionnaire prepared for the purpose of describing the phenomenon or topic. This approach was adopted, as it is characterized by being comprehensive, focuses on collecting data related and necessary to the topic under study.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 05 2016
Journal Name
The Characteristics of Art forms in the Byzantine icons painting

The problem with research in the question of whether art forms in the religious icon Byzantine, heiress docility and tradition craftsman arts civilizations of the above? ... And if you are well, you helped a quotation on the entry of strange ideas rampant within religious traditions, and are prompted to do Movement rejected prohibition, and the outbreak of the icons war? ... Or is it, in fact - and as researcher finds - the result of a need communication between the religious and the recipient organization in the establishment of a deliberative speech, be visible, along with reading it and audible? .. And lies the importance of this study is being added technical knowledge of the library that will enrich researchers and scholars in this

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 19 2015
Journal Name
The technical and conceptional changing in post modern art: شيماء وهيب خضير

The art has been turned its subject in the post modern thinking . this turning is aresult to the turning in the role of the art it self. Across its history the art was basing its subject on a universal unite it the phenomenenon which is the most elevated . that the artist try to activate the role of the subject as a axial which compose the plastic art them. Because of the history of art full with subjects which consider in alarg part of it, have relation ship with elite and aesthetics , and from the begening of renaissance the central activity of the art was based on opoint which has concentrated reaction or it going in away belong to the state in that renaissance was in relegous axial and romantisim on a dream axial, classisisim

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 15 2020
Journal Name
Digitization is a contemporary reality and its importance in the Saudi plastic arts: ابتسام سعود الرشيد

After completion of the artistic production, the artist plays the echo of this production upon the recipient. Whether this recipient is from the public, art connoisseurs, or private artists, critics and academics. In the past, the boundaries of Time and place had a great effect in limiting this echo or its quality, as the views of the recipients were largely influenced by the prevailing thought or the artistic trends that dominate the artistic scene in the surrounding environment in which the artist created. In order for the artist to show works for the widest segment of the recipient, he bears the burden of the costs of transporting the work, a keeper of damage on the move, and the material amounts that may hinder the publication of the

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
The Constant and Variable in Theatrical Shows Music for the Department of Arts Education: مروة شاكر رضا الشيباني

This study is concerned with the topic of the constant and the variable within the artistic theatrical phenomenon and specifically the accompanying music for the movements, scenes and dramatized idea, which translates the Iraqi environments (the serious ones). The researcher, here, tries to determine those variables and constants as a methodological scientific study to serve the scientific and cultural institutions and contribute in settling them intellectually, and entering them in the academic environments that depend on studying the artistic associations between the theatrical science and musical science. We find that this study which addresses the topic (the constant and the variable in the theatrical show music for the department of

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Leadership styles and their role in enhancing the intellectual capital Field research in the Ministry of Foreign

This study has taken into consideration two vital variables (leadership, leadership styles and intellectual capital). The research aim through the relations between the leadership styles and intellectual capital, to building conceptual frame for the variables of study and exploring the nature of correlation relations between these variables and their effects in enhancing intellectual capital.

      The research was conducted at the Ministry of foreign in Iraq, and included a sample of leaders and subordinates amounted to (186), has been using the questionnaire as a key tool to collect data on the sample.

      For the dealing with

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
Journal Name
The Developed Materials and Techniques and Its Role in Exposing the Aesthetic Of Art Work

This study is targeting the new developed materials and techniques and how they were affected by the scientific and technological developments that contributed to revelated new and varied developed materials and techniques. And from the artist’s formulation by using the materials and techniques and through its embodiment and sensor the values, artistic and aesthetic standards by breaking from the familiar in aesthetic contemporary way.
The studies on questioning what’s the role of The New Developed Materials and Techniques in exposing the aesthetic of the art work?

This study is to show the aesthetic of the art work through the new developed materials and techniques. Which was based on descriptive analyzing method and hig

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Effect of Cost Reduction and Price Policy in Earning Customer Satisfaction: Study in Public Company liquid Battery Industry

That any industrial company that must think about marketing mechanisms and who are the beneficiaries and the pursuit of gain customer satisfaction with access to competitive advantages. Most industrialized our companies from a variety of problems experienced both in the field of production, marketing, or keep up with new developments or commitment to quality standards, which caused the reluctance of customers to buy local products for various reasons, and especially in light of unplanned economic policy and exposure to market to imported products flooding the market with various goods and services that do not can the domestic industry rival, which has competitive advantages and meet business requirements, but others arrived to stop or as

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
In-betweenness and Liminal Selfin Amiri Baraka's Dutchman

This study deals with the thems of "in-betweeness" in the modern Afro-American Drama, drawing upon the accumulated literature of the colonial and postcolonial studies. In-betweeness appears in these studies under the canopy of the terms mimicry, hybridity and liminality which refer to a transformative, in-between state of being. It also refers to themutual relations holdingbetween man and his cultural space.

This concept is fitting the Afro-American playwright Amiri Baraka's plays and his violent, revolutionary theatre. In his play Dutchman (1964), Clay, the protagonist, is a good example of the two-ness or in-betweeness. He finds difficulty choosing between the ethnocentric white culture and the black culture.He allows

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