In diesem Drama findet man einen Überblick über die Rolle der
Mutter , die ihre Söhne verteidegen soll und gleichzeitig weiter mit dem
Krieg sich beschäftiegen will . Diese Mutter spielt die zentrale Rolle im
Drama .Die Mitteln des epischen Theater sind sehr klar in diesem Stück .
Man kann einfach betrachten , wie das Stück nicht wie im Theater üblich
zu Höhepunkt, Katastrophe und Lösung zu , sondern werden immer
wieder argumentierend und durch Songs unterbrochen . Der Schauspieler
muss aus dem Illusionstill gelöst und der Zuschauer zum Nachdenken
über das Gezeigte angeregt werden . Die Mutter zieht mit ihren
beiden Söhnen Eilif und Schweizerkaas und ihrer stummen Tochter
Kattrin den Heeren hinterher. Ihre Sorge ist, wie sie ihre Familie
überleben lassen, aber auch wie sie am Krieg etwas verdienen kann.Ihr
Sohn Eilif wird 1624 in Schweden von Werbern in die Armee gelockt.
Erst zwei Jahre später sieht sie ihn in Polen wieder. Eilif hatte sich in
dieser Zeit in der Armee bewährt und erhielt eine Auszeichnung.Auch
Schweizerkaas dient inzwischen im Heer und ist Zahlmeister geworden.
Als er versuchte, die Regimentskasse vor dem Feind zu retten, wird er
gefangen genommen. Seine Mutter will ihn freikaufen und will ihren
Wagen der Hure Yvette Pottier verpfänden. Doch Mutter Courage feilscht
zu lange, Schweizerkaas wird erschossen.Mit einem evangelischen
Feldprediger und ihrer Tochter zieht sie mit dem Heer weiter. Die
Geschäfte laufen endlich gut. Doch ihre Existenz scheint gefährdet als
Tilly fällt und das Ende des Krieges nahe scheint. Doch der Krieg geht
weiter, und Mutter Courage kann ihre Waren weiter gewinnbringend
verkaufen. Sie steht jetzt “auf der Höhe ihrer geschäftlichen Laufbahn”.
Als sie kurz ihren Wagen verlassen hat, werden der Feldprediger und
Pfeifenpieter Zeuge, wie ihr Sohn Eilif hingerichtet wird. Sie sagen der
Ahnungslosen davon nichts.
Aufhebung gesellschaftlicher,geistiger und ischer Schranken durch die Aufklarung
This paper deals with the restrictive/nonrestrictive relative clauses in German and Arabic. I will, first of all, be concerned with some theories that have been provided to define the restrictive and the nonrestrictive relative clauses, particularly with the phonetic hypothesis. It will be, then, shown that the phonetic aspect is unable to give clear answers in this respect. The best way to determine restrictivity in both languages is, I think, by implementing of semantic indicators.
When we try to navigate the experiment in search of the repressed and to find the dream of creativity by changing the modularity of the presentation, and the relationship of the characters with the rest of the elements according to a visual vision that reflects the product of the presentation system through the formation of visions and ideas within the textual structure.
We find that the expression of the theatrical act may need to exclude narrative dialogues and turn them into a tangible visual language. Physical and visual expression, and movement review, thus producing a “picture language” through which it is possible to form a new vision, and this is called (image theater), which translates the language of dialogue through lig
In der Nachwendezeit erschienen im deutschen Buchmarkt zahlreiche Werke deutscher Autoren, die einen Trend oder Tendenz markieren können. Im Mittelpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit steht die Analyse der Struktur und des Inhalts von drei erst nach der Wende erschienen Briefromanen: Alles, alles Liebe (2000) von Barbara Honigmann (geb. 1949), Die Liebenden (2002) von Gerhard Henschel (Jahrgang 1962) und Neue Leben (2005) des im Jahre 1962 geborenen Ingo Schulze. Dieser Beitrag macht sich zur Aufgabe zu erklären, ob der Briefroman ein neuer Trend in der deutschen Literatur nach der Wende ist.
In the after( Wende) period a large collection of literary works for German writers has been p
... Show MoreThe art of pantomime mime is one of the arts that has taken a wide space in theater performances, and because it is one of the spectacle shows that relies on an acting performance that is unique from the traditional acting performance, because of the peculiarity of pantomime art in that it is a silent performance that assumes the clarity of meaning, and for the purpose of clarifying the actor’s work in such kind of performances, the art of pantomime must be We have to know the skills that the actor can possess in order to produce a silent show that has the elements of a successful presentation, so there was a need to study the skills of the actor in this type of acting performance. The researchers divided this study into an introd
... Show MoreTheater is described as a form of human expression, and an important human necessity, through which the needs of individuals and societies are expressed, and an important mediator for the transfer of educational, social and intellectual dimensions. Hence, the importance of the child’s theater emerged as a guiding educational method that affects the child’s development educationally, emotionally, psychologically and socially through imaginative play that combines enjoyment and entertainment. The grotesque is one of the artistic methods that work to attract the attention of the recipient in theatrical texts that combine dissonance and contradiction in a dramatic act that combines the beautiful and the ugly, the honest and the false tog
... Show MoreThere is an association between the signifier and the signifier. This association shows the eyeball, which acquires a direct presence and whose presence influences the level of production of the hidden connotation. Because the theatrical presentation is a series of auditory-visual functions, these signs are looking for the exploration of their meanings and their evocation to form a complete loop to achieve the association of the above. This is what made the researcher to monitor the abundance of semantic shifts in theatrical presentation as long as the implications of the strategy continue in the game of semantic production with multiple horizons, and the idea in theatrical presentation tolerates multiple readings according to the refere
... Show MoreThe art of pantomime mime is one of the arts that has taken a wide space in theater performances, and because it is one of the spectacle shows that relies on an acting performance that is unique from the traditional acting performance, because of the peculiarity of pantomime art in that it is a silent performance that assumes the clarity of meaning, and for the purpose of clarifying the actor’s work in such kind of performances, the art of pantomime must be We have to know the skills that the actor can possess in order to produce a silent show that has the elements of a successful presentation, so there was a need to study the skills of the actor in this type of acting performance. The researchers divided this study into an introductio
... Show MoreThe features of the actor's performance in the ritual theater are of great importance and chief in theatrical work since the first emergence of the theater, as the features of the performance were embodied in all Iraqi theatrical performances, but they took personal privacy in some ritual performances because of their differences and similarities between the ritual theatrical performance and the ritual show Al-Khalis, who wanted the researcher to know the similarities and differences in the features of the ritual performance and in the theatrical performance, despite the many transformations that occurred in the theater and affected the features of the performance, but it remained an important and attractive link between the recipient, t
... Show MoreVerbs in German and Arabic are of two types: active and passive. Passive voice is a grammatical voice construction that is found in many languages. Out of grammatical perspective, each main verb has a form in the active and one in the passive known as a "genus verbi" (type of verb). In passive voice, both in German and in Arabic, the focus is on the action itself or on the result of the action; often the perpetrator is not mentioned. In German, to conjugate verbs in the passive voice, you must know the forms of werden (to become). German uses werden + the past participle and states it at the end of a sentence. In Arabic,
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