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"המימד הדתי בסיפור העברי המודרני" "מחקר לשוני ספרותי"Religious Dimension in Modern Hebrew Story
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תקציר :

 המחקר הזה הוא ניסיון לשפוך אור על נושא מרכזי וחשוב בחייהם של היהודים, "הממד הדתי" אצל היהודים, מחקרי הנקרא "הממד הדתי בסיפור העברי המודרני" גם מתייחס להשפעת התרבות הדתית של המספר והחוג המשפחתי שחי בו, ואיך שיקף המספר את כל הדברים האלה ביצירותיו הסיפורית .

המספר בוחר במילים ובמונחים בעלי משמעויות דתיות או מביא את הסיפור הזה אשר קרוב אל נושא הסיפור ההולך באותה מגמה .גם כן השפעת התיאולגיה  על המספר ממדים דתיות.יש להעיר גם כן שהתכוונו במשמעות הדתית הזו שהמספר השתמש בה בשיטה דתית.

הרקע הדתי של המספר גם ישפיע עליו בכלל ,ובפרט בספרות העברית, משום שהתורה ,התלמוד,והרעיונות הציוניים הם אבן פינה לספרות העברית והחשיבות הצד הדתי בספרות העברית בולטת בגלל שהגורם היסודי ששמר ליהודים המפוזרים בארץ את מציאותם והדגיש אחדותם הוא השתיכותם לאמונתם וללשונם העברית1 .

המחקר הזה כולל הקדמה דברתי בו על "המימד הדתי בסיפור העברי הקצר" ואחרי כן הפרק היחיד והיסודי במחקר שהתייחסתי בו על חמשה סיפורים מקיפים את המימד הדתי וילדותם של חמשה מהמספרים והם יהודה בורלא וסיפורו "זהב" , דוד פרישמן וסיפורו "שלושה שאכלו", שלום עליכם וסיפורו "ירק לשבועות", יהודה שטיינברג וסיפורו "בדידות" . ולבסוף זאב פיארברג וסיפורו "לאן".


     The religious dimension means the effect of the Jewish doctrine (Torah and Talmud) in the writer, and the reflection thereof on the community and the writer. The more the effect in the community, the more the individuals are to become religious and firm stand for their Jewish teachings.

My paper, which is entitled "Religious Dimension in Modern Hebrew Story: A Stylistic study" tackles the impact of the writer's religious culture and family environment where he lived, and the reflection thereof, on his writings and stories.

The paper includes an introduction where a condensed statement is given of the religious dimension in the Hebrew story and its most well-known writers. Then, a short statement of the writer's  biographyand language style. And later, the topic of the current paper which involved four stories for four writers: Yehuda Borla, David freshman, ShalumAlaikaym, and Steinburg. Lastly, I talked about the linguistic phenomena for each writer, and came out with a number of  conclusions that I have arrived at.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Psychological Impact of Religious and Spiritual Beliefs on Life Quality of Two groups of University Students
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Background; this study is designed to assess the effect of religious and spiritual beliefs on quality of life among two groups of university students in Iraq and Jordan.
Objective: to examine the psychological impact of religious and spiritual beliefs on quality of life and to implement the Quality of Life- Spiritual Religious and Personal Beliefs(QOL-SRPB)
questionnaire for the first time in both countries .
Method :A convenient sample of advanced medical students from Baghdad college of Medicine in Iraq and College of Medicine in University of Science and Technology in Jordan recruited during April 2008 to complete 200 forms of the Arabic modified version of QOL-SRPB simultaneously.
Results: Analysis of

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Crossref (1)
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Sat Dec 28 2024
Journal Name
Lark Journal For Philosophy , Linguistics And Social Sciences
Nostalgia to the land of Mesopotamia in the novels of Iraqi Jews in the Diaspora
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The ethical dimension of administrative accountants And its impact on the improvement and growth of staff potential in the economic unit
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تعد المحاسبة بشكل عام علماً لكنها ليست من العلوم الصرفة وإنما من العلوم الإجتماعية مما يتطلب للتعامل مع المواضيع المحاسبية الأخذ بنظر الاعتبار الأشخاص المعنيين بالموضوع سواء كانوا المعدين للمخرجات المحاسبية أي المحاسبين، أو الاطراف ذوي المصالح المعنيين والمستفيدين من هذه المخرجات أي المستخدمين، ويعد المحاسب جزءاً من العملية الاجرائية نفسها وبهذا يكون دوره مزدوجاً يجمع بين كونه القائم بالبحث والقي

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 18 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of Insurance Awareness in marketing Insurance Services: An Explorative Research views of a Sample of Employees in the National Company for Insurance
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This research aims at shedding light on the concept of insurance awareness and clarifying its role on marketing insurance services of a sample of (100) employees in the National Company for Insurance. Questionnaire is used as a main instrument for collecting data and information from the sample. Their answers were analyzed by using arithmetic means, standard deviation, centesimal weight, and the correlation coefficient ( , F, t) tests .The research reached several conclusions of which:1.The sample member's response to insurance awareness and marketing insurance services factors was in the medium level.2.There was a positive relationship of a moral sign between insurance awareness and marketing insurance services, that correlation coeffic

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
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Digital modeling and its technical variables in contemporary interior design
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The current research sheds light on an important aspect of the great and rapid development in the field of science and technology and modern manufacturing methods as a result of the scientific revolution resulting from the accelerated cognitive development, which prompted designers in general and interior design in particular to exploit and invest in digital technology and the development of digital control in the process of designing the industrial product for the purpose of creativity and innovation through these digital programs Digital models achieve the requirements and desires of the interior designer according to the creative skill using modern software with high efficiency And extreme accuracy that is consistent with the requirem

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Poetics of Transition in T. S. Eliot's "Ash-Wednesday"
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  1. S. Eliot is one of the important founders of the modernist movement in literature, a cutting-edge poet of the first order. After his 1927 conversion to Anglicanism, he began calling himself a conservative, royal, and a classicist.
  2. "Ash Wednesday" is the first long poem written by him after his conversion. It deals with the struggle that ensues when one who has lacked faith acquires it. It is richly but ambiguously allusive, and deals with the aspiration to move from spiritual barrenness to hope for human salvation.

    "Ash Wednesday" not only struggles with an approach to faith but with an approach to a language capable of expressing it. Eliot's style is different from that that predates his conve

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Areas in phonetics and phonology Differences Between Speech and Writing
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In any language there is some amount of difference between written language (planned) and spoken language (spontaneous). Since planned speech could be considered a form of written language, it could be inferred that there are also differences between planned speech and spontaneous speech. Some of these differences are very clear in terms of syntax, lexis, phonology and discourse.  These differences are highlighted in order to make a clear distinction between spontaneous and planned speech.

             This paper is an attempt to show the differences between the two forms of a language (written & spoken English) as far as number of linguistic features are tackle

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Quest for Stability in Willa Cathar’s Novle My Antonia
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    Willa Cather (1873-1947) sought to capture the gradation of human emotion through carefully selected descriptive and narrative touches and firmly controlled management of dramatic scenes, situations, dialogue, and point of view. Cather’s novels and stories drew increasingly upon her personal experiences and memories.

    The old settlement of Virginia and the new lands of Nebraska formed the bedding ground for Willa Cather’s talents; so did the layers of memory she found across the North American continent, from New Mexico to Canada. She saw the full-blooded European immigrants, Czechs and Swedes, plowing the unbroken land, on the way up from peasants to proprietors.


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Publication Date
Mon Oct 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
International Commercial Arbitration and the Possible Application Thereof in Iraq
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 International commercial arbitration is a special judicial system based primarily on an agreement, be it an arbitration clause or an arbitration agreement (compromise), between

parties to a dispute. It is therefore a system aiming at settling commercial disputes by submitting them to a single arbitrator, or an arbitral panel, or an arbitral tribunal (e. g. , the

International Court of Arbitration). It is therefore also a means for settling an existing or future dispute that entails refraining from resorting to the competent judiciary. It is also

an extra – judicial action aiming at establishing justice between people. The aim of arbitration is to bring justice to parties in conflict, but it

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Investigating The Ideology of Bullying in Hunt’s Fish in a Tree: A Critical Stylistic Approach
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         Language always conveys ideologies that represent an essential aspect of the world we live in. The beliefs and opinions of an individual or community can be organized, interacted with, and negotiated via the use of language. Recent researches have paid attention to bullying as a social issue. They have focused on the psychological aspect of bullying rather than the linguistic one. To bridge this gap, the current study is intended to investigate the ideology of bullying from a critical stylistic perspective. The researchers adopt Jeffries' (2010) critical stylistics model to analyze the data which is five extracts taken from Hunt’s Fish in a Tree (2015). The analysis demonstrates

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