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Surrealism is a twentieth-century literary and artistic movement oriented toward the liberation of the mind. Surrealism is a reaction to the philosophy of rationalism which was believed to be the cause of the disaster of World War I. It emphasizes the expression of the imagination as revealed in dreams and presented without conscious control, the unexpected juxtapositions of objects, the withdrawal of the self, and the exploitation of chance effects.
Surrealism began in Paris in the early 1920s, as Europe emerged from the devastation of World War I. A group of writers, artists, and filmmakers, led by the poet André Breton, adopted the word surréaliste (meaning, roughly, "super-real") as a label for their artistic activities. Influenced in part by Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theories, the group explored the irrational, unsettling, and marvelous aspects of their surroundings and their own minds. By breaking free of rationality, they sought to create a "revolution in consciousness." One important strand of their ideals was the hope that surrealism could lead to social transformation and a world free of wars. The group met regularly in Paris during
the 1920s and 1930s and sponsored manifestoes, journals, performances, and exhibitions. European surrealist activity continued after World War II.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluating The Performance of Public Companies in The Light of Financial Indicators Case study of the General Company for Drugs and Medical Supplies/ Samarra – Iraq For the period (2014-2019)
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The research aimed to evaluate the financial performance of the Public Company for the manufacture of medicines and medical supplies / Samarra - Iraq to know the strengths and weaknesses that affect its performance, as well as to compare its performance in the years between (2017-2019), which are characterized by security stability with its performance in previous years (2014 -2016) which is characterized by security instability, to assess the extent of its ability to achieve growth in performance, by answering the main question, what is the evaluation of the performance of the Public Company for the manufacture of medicines and medical supplies / Samarra - Iraq in the light of financial indicators?

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 12 2017
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The Origins of Chinese Influence on Pottery in the Tang and Song Dynasties
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This research study of influence of Chinese thought on porcelain in the tang and song period, the study came into four sections, which are:
* First section contains general framework of the research, which include the problem, which is represented by following of questions:
1- Is there intellectual and ideological dimensions in Chinese porcelain?
2-What are the mechanisms and techniques of Chinese porcelain?
.the importance of this research and the need counted as a study providing cognitive addition into the Chinese arts field, especially ceramics of the Chinese. The aim of the research included of areas of artistic creativity in Chinese pottery and ceramics according to the bases of construction and composition. As the impo

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A study of the nomenclature of Russian vocabulary of Arabic origin denoting some religious worship, or denoting some political and social positions: «Лексика арабского происхождения со значением «служители религиозного культа, социального статуса» и её функционирование в русской речи»
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      The present paper discusses one of the most important Russian linguistic features of Arabic origin Russian lexes denoting some religious worship or some political and social positions like Qadi, Wally, Sultan, Alam, Ruler, Caliph, Amir, Fakih, Mufti, Sharif, Ayatollah, Sheikh.. etc.  A lexical analysis of the two of the most efficient and most used words of Arabic origin Russian lexes that are “Caliph and Sheikh” is considered in the present study. The lexicographic analysis of these words makes it possible to identify controversial issues related to their etymology and semantic development.

The study is conducted by the use of the modern Russian and Arabic dictionary, specifically, (Intermediate lexicon Dictionary

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Water security in Basra Study economic reality and prospects for future water
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It  can be said that the Security of water  in  Basra from the visual task vital strategic issues of concern to the attention of researchers in various attributions and those interested in water, environmental, economic, social, cultural and political affairs ... etc. This view of the great importance of the issue of water in the occupied Basra, which is characterized by parochialism and scarcity, When looking at the sources of our daily lives and in our reality today. We find that millions of people living on the two main exporters Tabaaan oil and water. And depleted oil wealth However Manfred him the most attention because we entered it surpasses all other sources of income, but is not it a littl

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Disclosure of insurance services and its impact: On the performance of companies
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The objective of the research is to identify the nature of voluntary disclosure of insurance services and its impact on the financial performance of Iraqi insurance companies by knowing the relationship between increasing disclosure of financial services and financial performance indicators of insurance companies.In order to achieve this objective, the research was applied to a sample of the Iraqi insurance companies listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange (Al Amin Insurance Company, Al Ahlia Insurance, Dar Al Salam Insurance, Gulf Insurance, Al Hamra Insurance) and based on their published financial statements (2014-2015) ) And by analyzing the sample lists were connected to the research objectives.The main conclusion of the study is that in

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 17 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A kinetic Study of the Rate Reaction of Alkaline Phosphatase in Tuberculosis
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 Serum alkaline phosphatase activity has been investigated in three major types of tuberculosis (TB). These were Extra pulmonary primary, Acute miliary, and Primary tuberculosis. Activities were found elevated in these cases studied at basic PH and 37 C. The study concentrated an a comprehensive determination of the rate reaction kinetics of the enzyme reaction in both normal and TB sera. The pseudo first — order plot reflects both values of the first — order association constant (K I) and the half life time (t1/2) of the enzymatic reaction. The activation energy of the reaction (ES-complex formation) with Hill coefficient (n) were both estimated using Arrhenius and Hill plots respectively.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Modern Physics E
Investigation of halo structure of neutron rich 14B, 15C, 19C and 22N nuclei in the two body model
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The two body model of (Core+n) within the radial wave functions of the cosh potential has been used to investigate the ground state features such as the proton, neutron and matter densities, the root mean square (RMS) nuclear proton, neutron, charge and mass radii of unstable neutron-rich 14B, 15C, 19C and 22N nuclei. The calculated results show that the two body model with the radial wave functions of the cosh potential succeeds in reproducing neutron halo in these nuclei.

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Publication Date
Sun May 07 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Development Of Two Different Spectrophotometric Methods For The Determination Of Atropine Drug In Pure Form And Pharmaceutical Preparations
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Two methods have been applied for the spectrophotometric determination of atropine, in
bulk sample and in dosage form. The methods are accurate, simple, rapid, inexpensive and
sensitive. The first method depending on the extraction of the formed ion-pair complex with
bromphenol blue (BPB) as a chromogenic reagent in chloroform, use phthalate buffer of pH
3.0; which showed absorbance maxima at 413 nm against reagent blank. The calibration
graph is linear in the ranges of 0.5-40 µg.mL
with detection limit of 0.363µg.mL
. The
second method depending on the measure of the absorbance maxima of the formed charge-transfer complex with 2,3-dichloro-5,6-dicyano-p-benzoquinone (DDQ) at 457 nm against

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
משבר הזהות במודרניזם של יהושע עיון בנובלה " שתיקה הולכת ונמשכת של משורר "* Identity crisis in modernity of Yahoshaa Study of “continuous silence of the poet"
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   המשבר הוא מצב מצוי רב בחברת המדינות אחרי המלחמות  והשינויים הגדולים במאה העשרים, ומשבר הזהות הוא ממשברי המאה העשרים שזכה בהתעניינות רבה בכל תחומי המדעים האנושיים, ומהם תחום הספרות. ובספרות העברית היה הסופר א. ב. יהושע מהסופרים החשובים שהתעניין בנושא הזהות בישות הציונית, הוא התווכח בנושא ביצירותיו, ראיוניו ורוב הכנסים התרבותיים והפוליטיים שנכח אותם, הוא השתמש באסכולה ספרותית מאו

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of local tax revenues in financing local development: Case Study of Tebessa State for the Period[2010-2014[
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Local communities are in need of self-resources so that they can perform their multiple functions which serve the objectives of the local development, and tax revenues are considered as important sources of their funding. However, despite the efforts of the state to reform the fiscal system and to improve the management in the local administration, tax collection can increase when the state adopts a more effective policy to combat tax evasion and tax fraud. Accordingly, this research aims to shed light on the role of local tax revenues in the local development. A set of conclusions are drawn; the most important one is that Algeria, in order to achieve local development, has taken a set of reforms, which are still valid until now. The mos

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