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Evaluating the Proposed Curriculum of TEFL for First Intermediate Class Students in AL-Muthannah Governorate for the Second Semester/2007-2008

During the 1970s, communicative view of language teaching began to be incorporated into syllabus design. The central question for the proponents of this view was: what does the learner want/need to do with the target language? This lead to the emergence of a teaching method (or approach) called communicative language teaching (CLT) during the late 1970s and early 1980s focusing on the functions that must be incorporated into a classroom. According to Brown (2001:43) CLT is a unified but broadly based, theoretically well informed set of tenets about the nature of language and of language learning and teaching. Harmer (2001:84) states that the communicative approach is the name which was given to a set of beliefs which included not only a re-examination of what aspects of language to teach, but also a shift in emphasis in how to teach. The "what to teach" aspect of the CLT stressed the significance of language functions rather than
focusing solely on grammar and vocabulary. The "how to teach" aspect of the CLT is closely related to the idea that language learning will take care of itself, and that plentiful exposure to language in use and plenty of opportunities to use it are vitally important for a student's development of knowledge and skill.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Al-utroha L Sports Scinece
Standard levels for measuring the administrative work of sport unions in the Iraqi national union Olympic Committee

The sports institutions in general are affected and contact with sport in particular the environmental factor, whether political or economic, which makes them in constant need to consider their administrative applications to increase the confidence of their employees because of their suitability or consistency with the new reality according to the sports activities that relate to it, The stalemate in administrative and technical aspects of the administrative work method in the majority of the Olympic sports federations makes the achievement of most of the goals far from the present reality, and the selection of suitable alternatives to achieve the objectives by those who disagree with the concepts of modern dictatorial standards It leads to

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Catalysts for money laundering and control by the banks / analytical study in the province of Arbil measures

Receive money laundering phenomenon of interest to researchers and scholars on different intellectual orientation of economic or political or other, as this process is gaining paramount importance in light of business and increase the number of banks in the province of Kurdistan of Iraq and Erbil in particular and in the presence of openness developments chaotic economic and there are no factors encourage money laundering operation because of the presence of the hidden economy and the weakness of the banking and legal measures to combat them, and on this basis there is a need to examine money laundering operation in the province of Arbil, to indicate the presence or absence of a money laundering operation in working in the provin

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluating Water Damage Resistance of Recycled Asphalt Concrete Mixtures

Recycling process presents a sustainable pavement by using the old materials that could be milled, mixed with virgin materials and recycling agents to produce recycled mixtures. The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of water on recycled asphalt concrete mixtures, and the effect of the inclusion of old materials into recycled mixtures on the resistance of water damage. A total of 54 Marshall Specimens and 54 compressive strength specimens of (virgin, recycled, and aged asphalt concrete mixtures) had been prepared, and subjected to Tensile Strength Ratio test, and Index of Retained Strength test. Four types of recycling agents (used oil, oil + crumb rubber, soft grade asphalt cement, and asphalt cement + Su

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Influence of Turkish Soap Operas in the Behavior and Trends of the Iraqi Audience (A Field Study on Iraqi University's Students)

This research seeks the effects of dubbed Turkish TV series on Iraqi audiences. The chosen sample is about 600 Iraqi students at Baghdad and al-Anbar Universities. This study consists of four sections: section one deals with the theoretical framework of the study. Section two studies the dubbed Turkish TV series. The third section explores the role of mass media in forming tendencies, and the last section seeks the field study by analyzing the tendencies if Iraqi viewers of these series.
The goal of this study is to know the role these series played in affecting the behavior and attitudes of Iraqi people and how it can change their morals.
The research ends with the number of results like the negative effect of these series on the

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of monetary policy in the aggregate indicator of banking stability in Iraq: An applied research in the Central Bank of Iraq for the period (2010 - 2017)

The research sought to demonstrate the effectiveness of monetary policy in banking stability by measuring the impact of monetary policy in the composite index of banking stability in Iraq for the period 2010/2017, as the stability of the financial system is one of the main objectives that the Central Bank is keen to achieve along with other objectives to ensure the performance Effective for all economic units, this is what prompted the central banks to give more attention in ensuring the safety, durability and stability of their financial systems, and the increasing interest by the Central Bank of Iraq in the subject of financial stability stems from its responsibility in ensuring a sound and stable financial system. Maintain it and mini

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of deficiencies in the standards and tools used for the management of the banking system in the emergence of the financial crisis by focusing on the Basel 1and 2

The banking industry, as a result of the great challenges it faced, required continuous development of the principles of management, control and mechanisms used. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has played a leading role in legalizing many of these developments and has been able to contribute significantly to establishing a common framework for banking supervision, The central role in the various countries of the world is based on coordination between the various regulatory authorities and thinking about finding mechanisms to confront the risks faced by banks, recognizing the importance of the banking sector in the stability of domestic and international banking systems or the danger of this sector in the emergence of F

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The use of ionic pumping method for improving the performance of vacuum micro-electronic valves: The use of ionic pumping method for improving the performance of vacuum micro-electronic valves

The use of electronic valves is commonly available. yet, the most
common is the techniques of communications as prod casting transmitter that
are used by these valves in addition to their use in communication tools as far
distance telephone, electronic measuring techniques , and others.
In this study, an attempt is endeavored for improving the efficiency of the
vacuum micro- valves(GI-19b) through activating their internal surfaces by the
use of ionic pumping which is used for treating valves which are out of order
(because of sedimentation some materials and oxide on its poles). The
existence of these materials and oxide increase the sum of current leakage
moving in between. The use of ionic pumpin

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Mann-Kendall Test for Temperature Trends in Some Selected Stations in Iraq

   In this paper, Mann-Kendall test was used to investigate the existence of possible deterministic and stochastic climatic trends in (Baghdad,Basrah,Mosul,Al-Qaim) stations. The statistical test was applied to annual monthly mean of temperatures for the period (19932009). The values of S-statistic were (62, 44, 52, 64) by comparing these values with the table of null probability values for S we get a probability of (0.002, 0.026, 0.010, 0.002) this result is less than α for the 95% confidence level (α = 0.05) indicating a significant result at this level of confidence. Concluded that an increasing trend in concentration is present at the 95% confidence level and the variance of the S-statistic is calculated and it is com

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 10 2022
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
Cognition Construction of First Language of Translator ‎Education in Iraq: A Correlation Study

The majority of Iraqi translator-student have problems at two main levels: the conceptual level and the productive level. From different perspectives, such problems are either related to ‘language’ or to ‘cognition’. This binary view is an indication to the implicit and interchangeable relationship between language and cognition. The relationship between cognition language and translator starts with the first language and its effect on the Iraqi translators. Identifying the effect is the aim of the present study. It is hypothesized that Iraqi students are negatively influenced by the problems and weaknesses of first language schema. This reflects the major claim and later concludes that first language instruction in the Iraq

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 14 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Women's Health And Reproduction Sciences
Role of Maternal Serum Glycodelin as Predictor of Ectopic Pregnancy in First Trimester

Objectives: Assessment of glycodelin (GD) as a marker for unruptured ectopic pregnancy (EP) in the first trimester of pregnancy. Materials and Methods: This case-control study was conducted during June 2016 to May 2017 in the Obstetrics and Gynecological Department of Baghdad University at Baghdad teaching hospital/medical city complex. In this study, 100 pregnant women in their first trimester of pregnancy were included after clinical and ultrasonic findings. Results: Based on the results, GD levels in EP were significantly lower than those with normal intrauterine pregnancy (1.58 ± 1.18 vs. 30.1 ± 11.9). In addition, using receiver operator curve analysis, the cut-off GD level of 9.5 and less had acceptable validity results (100

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