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""The Story of the Slaughtered in the Poetry of Hava Pinhas-Cohen" תימת העקדה בשירתה של חוה פנחס כוהן" עוזר פרופ' ד''ר שיימא פאדל חמודי
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במחקר זה אבקש לעסוק בתימת העקדה בשירתה של חוה פנחס כוהן. סיפור העקדה נבחר לעמוד בבסיסה של המחקר ממספר סיבות. ראשית, כיון שהסיפור הוא סיפור משמעותי, מאורע חשוב במסורת היהודית. שנית, כיוון שעניינו אותי מערכות היחסים השונות בסיפור. מערכת היחסים בין יהוה לאברהם, מערכת היחסים בתוך המשפחה ומערכת היחסים בין יצחק לאברהם. במערכות היחסים הללו משכו את תשומת לבי גם אותם דברים שאינם כתובים בתנ״ך (לדוגמה: מה הייתה תגובת שרה האם למאורע? מה הרגיש יצחק כלפי אלוהים? ועוד דברים רבים).

שירה עברית מודרנית היא שירה שנכתבה מתקופתו של ר׳ "משה חיים לוצאטו"1 ועד דורנו אנו. התמקדתי במחקר במשוררת חוה פנחס כוהן. אכן, התרבות העברית התייחסה לסיפורי התנ״ך במגוון תחומים, אך בחרתי לעסוק בשירה כיוון שבתוך הספרות בכללה, השירה מיטיבה לבטא רגשות, היגדים ומחשבות בצורה תמציתית וישירה. השירה אינה זקוקה לאורך הסיפורי כדי לבטא את המסרים והתכנים אותם היא רוצה להעביר, בשירה הדברים נכתבים כך שהקורא מפנים אותם בשורות אחדות. נוסף על כך, מכיוון ששירה נכתבת בקצרה (לרוב), יש לשיר פעמים רבות יותר מרובד אחד, יותר מפרשנות אחת - מה שמוסיף לעומקו של השיר וליופיו.

אפתח את המחקר בסקירת הסיפור המקראי, תוך ניסיון להתמקד בנקודות משמעותיות בסיפור.. בעבודה זו סקירת הסיפור המקראי אינו מהווה אלא מבוא "בלתי נמנע" לניתוח השירה שיבוא לאחריו.

לאחר מכן אערוך ניתוח של גישת המשוררת לנושא - אנסה לבדוק את יחסה של המשוררת לסיפור העקדה. ניתוח זה יכלול ניתוח ספרותי של השירים כמקובל, אך יושם בו דגש על ניתוח זיקתם למקור המקראי.

לסיום אערוך דיון והשוואה בין המשוררים השונים ביחסם לדמות קין והבל. בדיון זה אחדד את ייחודו של כל משורר מבחינת הזדהותו האישית עם דמויות הסיפור ומבחינת זיקתו התוכנית למקור.

ייחודה ומשמעותה של עבודה זו מצויות, אם כן, בהבאת המפגש תנ״ך-שירה למודעות. הניתוח הספרותי של התנ"ך והניתוח ה"תנ"כי" של הספרות מאירים את המשמעות העמוקה העשויה לצמוח ממפגש זה.


           The present research depends on the analysis of the intellectual content of chosen poetic samples of poems wich address the story of the Slaughtered by the Israeli pen woman Hava Pinhas-Cohen. Remarks and the stand of views of critics of modern and contemporary Hebrew literature have been explained. 

     It has been mentioned, before indulging in the poems of the Israeli pen woman Hava Pinhas-Cohen that the subject matter of this research, self sacrifice, has been chosen for several reasons, including:

              This story is a moving one and an important event, not only in Hebrew traditions, but in the Islamic and Christian ones as well. Therefore, there has been a comparison between the three Devine Religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam concerning this story. 

 Kay words: Meqraee sacrifice – belive in chrishtain – belive Islam – Image of the belive.


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Publication Date
Wed Feb 02 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The evaluation effect of TiO2 nano particles on different bacterial strains isolated from water purification stations in Baghdad
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The antibacterial activities of some nanoparticles, makes them attractive as a new agents against pathogenic bacteria. In this research, the antimicrobial effects of Titanium dioxide-nano-particles against seven bacterial isolates (E.coli, Enterobacter aerogenes, Pseudomonas alcaligenes, Aeromonas veronii, Aeromonas hydrophila, Serratia marcescens and Staphylococcus aureus) being isolated from different Baghdad water purification stations investigated. The physiochemical characters, which influence the quality of the drinking water for the air and water, demonstrated.The characterization of nanoparticles investigated by using Scanning Electrone Microscope, FTIR, and UV-Visible Spectrophotometer. The activity of different concentration of

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Assessment of Dental Implant Site Dimensions And Alveolar Bone Density in The Mandible Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography
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Background: The quantity and the quality of available bone, influence the clinical success of dental implants surgery. Cone beam Computed tomography is an established method for acquiring bone images before performing dental implant. Cone beam computed tomography is an essential tool for treatment planning and post-surgical procedure monitoring, by providing highly accurate 3-D images of the patient's anatomy from a single, low-radiation scan which yields high resolution images with favorable accuracy. The aim of study is the Measurement of alveolar bone (height and buccolingual width) and density in the mandible among Iraqi adult subject using CBCT for assessment of dental implant site dimensions. Material and method: The study sample in

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Tanqua anomala (von Linstow,1904) specimens were recovered, from the lining wall of the gastro-intestinal tract of the dice snake Natrix tessellate tessellate (Laurenti, 1768) collected in Baghdad city, central Iraq. Measurements of the males, females and a comparison of the nematode with other studies tabulated. Reporting of Tanqua anomala from this snake represents the first record for Iraq as well as a new host record.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 03 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Morphological and Histological Study of the Forebrain (Cerebrum) in a Wild Bird Species (Columba livia domestica) (Gmelin, 1789)
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The present study deals with the morphological and histological aspects of the forebrain(Cerebrum) in the Columba livia domestica (Gmelin, 1789) to identify the histoarchitecture of its layers. This bird' has a large head found as perpendicular to the longitudinal axis. The morphological results reveal that for brain (Cerebrum) pear shaped, its outer surface is smooth without folds or deep grooves. Cerebrum is made up of two regions, the Pallium and the Subpallium. The Cerebral cortex includes four layers of hyperpallium (Wulst) , Dorsolateral corticoid area (CDL), Hippocampus, Piriform cortex. The internal cortex of cerebrum consists of Dorsal Ventricle ridge which includes the mesopallium, nidopallium, and archospallium. All these reg

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 29 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Zonation liquefaction hazard assessment by GIS and Geotechnical data in southern coasts of the Caspian Sea (Beach Amirabad)
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     Investigation of geotechnical vulnerability (liquefaction) and Zonation of the southern region of the Caspian Sea is my most important aim in terms of destructive earthquakes hazard potential. Past geologic events on the south coast of Caspian Sea indicates that destructive earthquakes lead to the death of numbers in this area. Remained evidence of seismic events happening indicates extensive landslides, liquefaction and soil subsidence in the residential and even natural area. Therefore, in this study determination of geotechnical vulnerability (liquefaction) intensity in southern coast of Caspian Sea against natural forces resulting from earthquakes and coastal construction via geographical information system e

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 30 2021
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Slump Test versus Straight Leg Raise Test in the Diagnosing of Lumbar Disc Herniation: A Prospective Comparative Study
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Background: The clinical examination is one of the best suitable methods for diagnosis of low backache. Backache is one disease that the signs, clinical examination finding, and the results on imaging modalities not always related. The straight leg raising (SLR) and slump tests, can be used for diagnosis of lumber disc herniation.

Objectives: To compare the result of the slump test and SLR test in the diagnosis of lumber disc herniation.

Subjects and Methods: A prospective comparative study conducts on 280 patients in Al-Kindy teaching and private clinics complaints of backache, aging between 18-70 years old with acute or recurrent backache, sciatica pai

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 06 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Emerging Technologies In Learning (ijet)
The Impact of a Scenario-Based Learning Model in Mathematics Achievement and Mental Motivation for High School Students
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Publication Date
Fri Mar 06 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Building HEC-RAS model to detect the areas of Water Cycle Interruption in river stream and their sections
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The purpose of this paper is to build a simulation model by using HEC-RAS software to simulate the reality of water movement in the main river of Basra City (South of Iraq) which is known as Siraji-Khoura River. The main objective of the simulation is to detect areas where the water cycle is interrupted in some stations of the river stream, as this river has become an outlet for the disposal of sewage, leading to pollution and causing weakness in some sections of the river & obstructing the water cycle that takes place between this river and Shatt al – Arab river. A field survey data of the river and its banks were adopted to derive the grades, longitudinal and cross sections of the river, these data included three-dimensional coordinates

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Scopus (6)
Crossref (1)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Nov 17 2024
Journal Name
Microbes And Infectious Diseases
Molecular detection and the frequency of a pore-forming toxin in Enterococcus faecalis isolated from urinary tract infections
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Background: Enterococcus faecalis is a causative agent for urinary tract infections (UTIs) in Iraq and worldwide, even though it is a commensal bacterium in human and animal intestines. It can cause different illnesses due to its ability to produce various virulence factors. A pore-forming toxin (cytolysin) is the most virulence factor in this bacterium. Objective: This study aims to molecularly investigate the frequency of cytolysin toxin among E. faecalis isolated from UTIs. Methods: A hundred and eighty urine specimens were collected from females diagnosed with UTIs. Traditional laboratory and molecular methods were used for bacterial identification and toxin detection using a modified DNA extraction method. Results: The findings reveal

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Facies Analyses and Diagenetic features development of Albian - Aptian Succession in the Wset Qurna oil field, Southern Iraq
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The Carbonate-clastic succession in this study is represented by the Shuaiba and Nahr Umr Formations deposited during the Albian - Aptian Sequence. The present study includes petrography, microfacies analyses, and studying reservoir characterizations for 5 boreholes within West Qurna oil field in the study area. According to the type of study succession (clastic – Carbonate) there are two types of facies analyses:-Carbonate facies analysis, which showed five major microfacies were recognized in the succession of the Shuaiba Formation, bioclastic mudstones to wackstone, Orbitolina wackestone to packstone, Miliolids wackestone, Peloidal wackestone to packstone and mudstone to wackestone identified as an open shelf toward the deep basin.

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