литературные произведения, написанные на языках иранской группы, древнейшая часть мирового культурного наследия. В течение "шести веков персидской поэзии" (10-15) были созданы литературные формы и жанры, составившие классический канон восточной — исламо-персидской литературы, основным языком которой стал персидский язык (фарси). К первым проявлениям литературной древнеперсидской традиции можно отнести клинописные надписи царей Ахеменидской династии (558-330 до н.э.) и созданный на родственном древнеперсидскому, авестийском языке, передаваемый устно священный свод зароастрийской религии Авеста (1 пол. 1 тыс. до н.э.). В нее входили: наиболее древняя часть — Гаты (17 ритмизованных молитв, авторство которых приписывалось основателю древнеиранской религии Заратустре); книга Яшт, отражающая архаические представления персов о связи общества с миром природы и одухотворении природных сил. В Авесте уже встречаются зародыши популярных фольклорных сказочных сюжетов и мифологические образы борьбы царства света и царства мрака, где решающая роль отводится человеку-богатырю. Следующий, среднеперсидский период (3-7 вв. н.э.), характеризуется появлением собственно литературных произведений на разных диалектах среднеперсидского языка — пехлеви, парфянском, согдийском и др. Среди сохранившихся памятников того времени — эпическое Сказание о Зарере, династийные хроники Книга деяний Арташира Папакана, дидактическая поэма Ассирийское дерево и коза. В среднеперсидский период была записана Авеста. Многие сочинения 3-7 вв. известны только по названиям, в том числе династийные хроники Книги царей, на основе которых впоследствии был создан иранский эпос Шах-намэ Фирдоуси(Абe-ль- Касима Фирдоуси – р.934 или 941 ум.ок 1020 г.). Так пишет поэт о своем жизненном опыте в оставленном им лирическом отрывке из стихотворения:
Pushkin's quotations in Chekhov's works are one of the means of expressing connections between texts, performing the most important constructive role: behind them Chekhov reveals a deep development of the plot-thematic structure, ideas and, more broadly, Pushkin's artistic philosophy.
The scientific relevance of our work is the analysis of the similarities between the literary texts of Pushkin and Chekhov, and touches on quotations in Chekhov's works.
Работа посвящена проблеме функционирования пушкинской традиции в прозе А.П. Чехова . Творчество Чехова занимает уникальное
... Show MoreIn the present paper, the features of democratization of vocabulary in the language of mass media are tackled. Particularly, the functions of this phenomenon in the context of language as an ontological reality are analysed. As well, the growing role of the language of the media, and the language of politics as an integral part pertaining to it, is noted. Further, attention is paid to the excessive saturation of the language of the media along with the literary language, by means of evaluation which may include negative results.
In this concern, scholars had different views, specifically in relation to the use of colloquial vocabulary along with some vernacular profess
... Show MoreПредметом нашего исследования является вводные слова и их значения в современном русском языке. И прежде чем углубиться в нашу научную работу нам было необходимо определить понятие вводных слов и их функция и место в системе русского языка. По словам В. Г. Лебедева и Л. С. Тюревы "Вводные слова вводятся в предложении, чтобы выражать отношение говорящего к высказываемой мысли, оценки ее содержа
... Show MoreThis paper tackles in detail the functional shift of parts of speech, such as the shift of a verbal clause to an adjectival clause, along with the types of such a shift. The researcher identified the important features of participles, as well as the concept of participles, adjectives, and their types. Also, the most important changes that affect the participles during such shifts. Further, an exposition is made of the different producers through which a verbal clause is changed into an adjectival one in Russian.
This type of functional shift in parts of speech is seen as a process of deriving most of the new words in contemporary Russian. Russian is very rich in new words, whether by way of processe
... Show MoreThis article examines the usage features of the phraseological units in Russian political discourse and the peculiarities of the phraseological units’ usage by politicians in their speeches. The main focus is on the expressive and pragmatic functions of using phraseological units in political texts due to their evaluative and expressive nature. The present article also examines the structural and stylistic changes of the phraseological units in political discourse. Moreover, the work provides examples from the speeches of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation S.V. Lavrov. As a result, the author comes to the conclusion that phraseological units make it possible to establish a contact be
... Show MoreThis study is dedicated to one of the most difficult topics in Russian - this is the science of idioms. A feature of the Russian speech application in recent decades has been the effective change in the lexical composition of the Russian language. This article illustrates the semantic, grammatical and stylistic structural characteristics of the linguistic units that appeared in Russian at the end of the 20th century - the beginning of the twenty-first century. This work defines these terms : terminology, linguistic unity, and terms that are used as synonyms. In this research , we will adhere to the conciliatory view of the problem and include not only the terminology in the language units, but also the terminological compositions, saying
... Show MoreThe present paper discusses morphological and syntactic structures of time in Russian language. The morphological and syntactic structures are considered part component of time category in Russian language.
The morphological categories of time are formed through a various types of expressions .Tenses generally express time relative to the moment of speaking. In some contexts, however, their meaning may be relativized to a point in the past ,present or future which is established in the discourse .Some languages have different verb forms or constructions and that are opposed in meaning not in syntactic category. Hence, the present study traces and compares the syntacti
... Show MorePolitical terminology differs from any other type of terminology not only in the presence of political terminology, but also in content, structure, functions and the recipient who perceives it. Taking this into account, it is inappropriate to consider the semantic difficulties of translating Russian-language political terms solely at the semantic level. In our opinion, it is inextricably linked with the lexical, syntactic and grammatical levels. If we combine all 4 levels, then the following translation techniques can be distinguished: lexical borrowing (transcription / transliteration, tracing); modulation; generalization / concretization; omission / addition; descriptive translation; conversion [Komissarov 2013]. One of the most
... Show MoreAннотация
В статье представлены явления полисемии и омонимии в специализированной терминосистеме, а именно в геодезической терминологии; определены предпосылки и причины возникновения полисемии и омонимии в профессиональном языке в области геодезии и кадастра; установлены различия и взаимосвязь между понятиями омонимия и полисемия; выделены главных типы полисемантических тер
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