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La vida literaria española ha visto unos cambios muy importantes después de la guerra civil (1936-1939), ya porque la sociedad se vio afectada mayoritariamente, de modo que la literatura de posguerra se ha concentrado en remontar el ánimo social español.

Blas de Otero (1916-1979) (1) ha representado una señal muy singular e importante del movimiento poético de los años cuarenta y cincuenta. La poesía de Otero apuntaba el camino social realista de lo sufría su sociedad, en cuanto la dirección general de la literatura española se dirigía hacia lo aceptable en el entorno social.

El localismo en la poesía de Blas de Otero forma un grito social peculiar, de modo que se nota el acercamiento del poeta a los lugares españoles, cantando alegría dentro la tristeza y la ruina de psicología del individuo español. Poesía humanizada, que dejaba a un lado, sin olvidar el rigor formal, el preciosismo elitista de la lírica garcilasista imperante entonces, planteaba, en medio de la desolación y el vértigo, temas tan estremecedores como el vacío religioso, el abandono de Dios, el absurdo de las muertes masivas, el dolor, la angustia, el destino, el absurdo de la vida y la muerte, etc., reservando un gran

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 26 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effect of small cardamom extracts on Mutans streptococci in comparison to chlorhexidine gluconate and de-ionized water (In vitro study (
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Background: Herbs are being widely explored to discover alternatives to synthetic antibacterial agents.Small Cardamom often referred to as queen of spices because of its very pleasant aroma and taste, have a history as old as human race. Most people use cardamom as a spice and are largely unaware of its numerous health benefits. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of water and alcoholic cardamom extracts on sensitivities, growth, and adherence of Mutans streptococci in vitro. Materials and Methods: In this study, saliva was collected from ten volunteers (College students 18-22 years). Agar well technique was used to study the sensitivities of Mutans streptococci to different concentrations of s

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 14 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effect of Black Cardamom Extracts on Mutans Streptococci in Comparison to Chlorhexidine Gluconate and De-ionized Water (In Vitro Study)
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Background: Spices and herbs have been used by many cultures to enhance the flavor and aroma of food and for their medicinal value. Black cardamom is one of these spices widely used in cooking because of its unique taste and powerful flavor. The aim of study was to test the effect of black cardamom on Mutans Streptococci in comparison to chlorhexidine gluconate (0.2%) and de-ionized water. Materials and methods: Dried fruits of black cardamom were extracted by using alcohol (70% ethanol). Saliva was collected from seven volunteers. Agar well technique with different concentrations of black cardamom extracts was used to test the sensitivities of Mutans Streptococci, as well black cardamom extracts effect on viable counts of Mutans Streptococ

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Study the Effect of Cardamom Extracts on Lactobacilli in Comparison to Chlorohexidine gluconate and De-ionized water (in vitro study)
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Background: Various herbal extracts are known to provide therapeutic benefits in the oral cavity when used topically. One of these herbs is cardamom which is a dried fruit of the tall permanent herbaceous plant, have its place in the family Zingiberaceae.
Objectives: Test the effect of green and black cardamom extracts on Lactobacilli in comparison to chlorhexidine gluconate 0.2% and de-ionized water.
Materials and methods: Dried fruits of green and black cardamom were extracted by using alcohol 70% ethanol. Saliva was collected from seven volunteers. Agar well technique with different concentrations of green and black cardamom extracts was used to test the sensitivities of Lactobacilli, as well the effects

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 15 2021
Journal Name
Drug Delivery And Translational Research
Breast intraductal nanoformulations for treating ductal carcinoma in situ II: Dose de-escalation using a slow releasing/slow bioconverting prodrug strategy
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Las formas no personales del verbo en español y su traducción al árabe Non-personal forms of the verb in Spanish and their translations into Arabic
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Las formas verbales: el infinitivo, el gerundio y el participio, son derivados verbales que se comportan como sustantivos, adverbios o adjetivos, respectivamente; aunque, dado su carácter verbal pueden también funcionar como verbos y, por tanto, como núcleos del predicado.

 El presente trabajo presenta una visión general sobre las formas no personales del verbo en español. Se debe recordar que las formas no personales del verbo tiene funciones y valores dentro de la oración.

  Este trabajo lo dividimos  en dos partes: la primera presenta  un breve marco teórico en que se explica las formas no personales del verbo y como se forman además de sus funciones.


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Publication Date
Wed Dec 26 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Application of the Surface- consistent DE convolution on a seismic data of Al-Najaf and Al-Muthanna Governorates in the south of Iraq
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This study deals with the application of surface-consistent  deconvolution  to the two-dimensional seismic data applied to the Block 11 area within the administrative boundaries of Najaf and Muthanna Governorates with an area of ​​4822 , the processed seismic data of line (7Gn 21) is 54 km long. The study was conducted within the Processing Department of the Oil Exploration Company. The gap surface- consistent deconvolution was applied using best results of the  parameters  applied  were: The length of the operator 240, the gap operator 24, the white noise 0.01%, the seismic sections of this type showed improvement with the decay of the existing complications and thus give a good continuity of the reflectors

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 26 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effect of small cardamom extracts on Mutans streptococci and Candida Albicans in comparison to chlorhexidine gluconate and de-ionized water (In vivo study (
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Background: Small cardamom or green cardamom is the dried fruit of the tall perennial herbaceous plant, Elettaria cardamomum Maton belonging to the family Zingiberaceae. The major use of small cardamom on world wide is for domestic culinary purpose and in medicine. This study was conducted to test the effect of small cardamom extracts on Mutans streptococci and Candida Albicans in comparison to 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate and de-ionized water in vivo. Materials and Methods: Mutans streptococci and Candid Albicans were isolated, purified and diagnosed according to morphological characteristic and biochemical test. In this experiments, the effect of control agents and small cardamom extracts as a mouth rinses was tested on the saliva

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Concept of Value in De Saussair Linguistics and their Extension in the Book (Arabic Language, Its Meaning and Structure) by Tammam Hassan
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This research was distributed into two sections, the first section was concerned with the concept of value for De Saussair and its methodological impact on his linguistic structural conceptions with respect of the distinction between synchronism and diachronism, the value role of linking function between the sounds and the though, the basing of his theoretical conception on the language being a form and not a material according to this principle and the value impact on the demonstration that the linguistic element acquires its functional importance from the relations inside the language system. It also stopped at the methodological impact of value on defining the analytical linguistic unit and the value role in semantics through the prin

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2005
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Ser y Estar
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Ser y Estar

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
“La recherche des surrealistes”
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Un groupe de poetes dont certains (Breton, Eluard, Aragon.etc)
selivra a des recherches plus positives en proclamant que tout ce qui
releve de la raison,de Lordre,de la contrainte entrave la realisation
integrale de Lhomme et limite les forces de la vie inconsciente dont il
faut explorer methodiquement le mystere interieur pour retrouver le
domaine total de Lhumain.Cette conquete peut se reussir non par la
litterature mais par des procedes scientifiques et inspires en partie de la
methode psychanalytique de (Freud);role des songes,des associations
spontanees des hasards du langage,etc.Mais tendis que le psychanalyste
veut ramener son malade a Letat normal,le surrealiste est persuade que
la folie,les hallucin

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