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From Personal Issues to National Concerns: A Study in E.M Forster’s Where Angels Fear to Tread & Howards End
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            E.M. Forster (1879-1970) is one of the important novelists who dealt with the personal and social lives of the people in England during the early beginning of the twentieth century. During his literary career, he developed gradually his views about man and his position in society.

 In his first novel, Where Angels Fear to Tread (1902), the focus is laid on local and personal issues in the lives of the characters. It is limited to the relations between neighbours in small communities. Though the setting is shifted to Italy, Forster does not make full use of this shift to present cultural or racial conflicts; rather he limits his plot to the private troubles of some characters that have no wider interest in life. His characters are isolated from the larger currents of the social and political life, preoccupied with some personal problems that take all their time and energies. But Howards End (1910) shows a clear and important shift from the limited affairs of daily life to the more general and crucial affairs that concern the whole society. He deals with the political and economic issues which were very important in England at that time.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
توظيف الشخصية في القصيدة الجديدة/ حميد سعيد انوذجا
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This poem is regarded an important Harmonized structure in modern and Contemporary Culture to achieve aqualitative poem Comported with the other cultural structures inorder to discover the ego and aspiration in shaping distinctive voices.
The Iraqi poetry is affected tangibly by this poem because of the intellective vaccinating between Iraqi and Arab poets ingeneral and western cultures in particular as a result of the tranplahin movement and other important means.
The modern poet wood to ask some important characters to enrich his technician text inspite the fact that this is not a new way in Arab poetry but it takes avarant – criented to become outside the limits of rigid description within ongoing kinematic structure to be in

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
הדמות הספורית בספור ה " שבוי " של ( ס' יזהר ) מאת ח'אלד ח'ירי חוסיו אלג'נבי
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נסיון השביה בספרות המלחמה העברית יותר מביעה למרחק בסיכולוגי אצל הלוחם העברי ,
אני מעמד מול הנושא הזה , כי אני כותב בהמחקר הזה נסיון השבוי והשפעתו בציור הדמות אצל
הסופר '' יזהר סמילנסקי ) 1916 – 2006 ( " , סופר עברי יליד ישראל , נודע בכינוי תספרותי '' ס .
יזהר " מחשובי היצורים בספרות דור הפלמ''ח בפרט ובספרות העברית והכללית . חתן פרס ישראל
לספרות לשנת ) 1959 ( – כידד הגשם דמות ה '' אני '' וה '' אנחנו '' לגלה את ספל השבוי היחיד כ

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 16 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Housing finance and housing needs in Iraq with reference to some Arab experiences
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the financial resources represent a basic factor of production ;It is obvious that the housing sector needs the resources to finance the building operation to produce all the housing units. Finance is the cornerstone of any housing strategy , as its successes dependent on the success of the financing methods and the creation of charnels and effective methods for the provision of the required finances for both individuals and instantly concerned with the production of housing units. The kinds of financial institutions vary from one country to another according to the nature of the economic and financial system. The lending conditions also vary as well as the capital cost of the housing units needed The housing operations is concer

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 04 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Motivation of Students Toward Enrolling to Education College Departments in Tikrit University
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The research aims to identify motivated to join the Evening Studies students to the College of Education at the University of Tikrit sections. In addition to knowledge of the differences in the degree of motivation of students according to gender, specialty, educational stage. To achieve the objectives of the research scholar us a measure consisting of (34) paragraph formulated positively, have been applied to a stratified random sample strength (500) students.

    The results showed that the degree of motivation was very big on all areas of the college and class, reaching the percentage of response (84.3%), and professional motives came first prize as a percentage of (93.8%), in addition

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 17 1996
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم العراقية
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Halobacterium saccharovorum was isolated from local highsalinity souls named Al-Massab Al-Aam. A growth curve was determined. The average generation time during logarith- mic phase was 17.80±0.62 hr. Bacteriorhodopsin was 1808 lated from the purple membrane, its concentration was 4.8 mg/ml and H.W was 26000. The pattern of other membrane Bpoteins was studied and compared with those of other Boletes. Several unique proteins were isolated and their molecular weights were determined.

Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Digital Citizenship and its Relationship to the Level of Health Awareness of Corona Virus (Covid-19) among a Sample of Palestinian University Students: محمود عبد المجيد عساف
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The study aims to identify the degree of appreciation for the level of digital citizenship of a sample of Palestinian university students in the governorates of Gaza, and its relationship to the level of health awareness about the emerging coronavirus (covid-19). To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher followed a descriptive approach by applying two questionnaires; the first, which consists of 30 items, was used  to measure the level of digital citizenship.  The second, which consists of 19 items, was used to measure the level of health awareness. Both questionnaires  were applied on a sample of 367 students who were electronically selected using the manner simple randomness. Results have shown that the degr

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Cognitive Bias and Organizational Inertia are Two Functions of Strategic Change An Experimental Study in Amman Stock Market
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The research aims at considering the reality of cognitive bias and organizational inertia as determinants of strategic change in a sample of companies listed in Amman Stock Market. To achieve objectives of the research, a model consisting of two independent variables has been designed, namely:

(1) The cognitive bias resulting from (escalating commitment, analogy, previous assumptions, representative generalization, command and control, convergent thinking), and (2) Organizational inertia due to (Icarus discrepancy, power distribution, rooted organizational culture), and a dependent variable, strategic change in (leadership patterns, strategy, the organization per se). 

From the model two main hypotheses were derived;

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 09 2020
Journal Name
Academic Journal Of Legal And Political Research
Unilateral Contracts - A Comparative Study Under the American System and Iraqi Civil Law
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At a time when the general rules in the different legal systems require the presence of two parties to the contract, one of which is issued the first expression of the will and is called the offer, and the other is issued from the other and is called the acceptance. A special type of contracts emerged in the beginning of the last century called the “unilateral contracts”. The side sparked a major jurisprudential dispute, as well as the issuance of several contradictory judicial rulings on it. Hence, this research came to highlight this special type of contract. Key words: the definition of a unilateral contract, its distinction from other legal situations, and its effects.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 21 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis of Carbon Nano Rods from Plastic Waste (PP) Using MgO AS A Catalyst
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    In this research, CNRs have been synthesized using pyrolysis of plastic waste(pp) at 1000 ° C for one hour in a closed reactor made from stainless steel, using magnesium oxide (MgO) as a catalyst. The resultant carbon nano rods were purified and characterized using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD). The surface characteristics of carbon rods were observed with the Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). The carbon was evenly spread and had the highest concentration from SEM-EDX characterization. The results of XRD and FESEM have shown that carbon Nano rods (CNRs) were present in Nano figures, synthesized at 1000 ° C and with pyrolysis temperature 400° C. One of t

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 04 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Degree of Implementation of the Coronavirus Prevention Standards (Covid-19) In the Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia (A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN FAMILIES OF PEOPLE WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES AND FAMILIES OF ORDINARY PEOPLE)
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The study aims to identify the degree of implementation of the coronavirus prevention standards (covid-19) in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and compare it with the families of intellectual disabilities. The study population consisted of all families residing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. To achieve the objectives of the research, the analytical descriptive approach was employed. The study sample consisted of (372) families, among them (84) families with intellectual disabilities, and (288) families without intellectual disabilities. They were chosen from the Saudi community according to what is available for collection in a simple random way, using the standard criteria for the prevention of coronavirus (Covid- 19) Prepared by the resear

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