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El Punto de Asimilación entre los Dramaturgos romances Echegaray e Ibsen
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José Echegaray, dramaturgo español, obtuvo premio Nóbel de literatura en (1904), político, orador, economista y dramaturgo. Con su obra "El gran Galeoto" en 1881, llegó a la cumbre de la  popularidad.

   Henrik Ibsen, dramaturgo noruega, creador del drama moderno, por sus obras realistas que abordan problemas psicológicos y sociales. Y a que fue el iniciador del teatro de tesis del teatro social. Ibsen, dramaturgo noruega, cuya obra influyó notablemente en el teatro europeo de finales del s. XIX y principios del XIX ; en gran parte en la obra de Echegaray, Galdós (1) y Benavente (2).

   Los presentes autores empezaron sus producciones bajo el romanticismo que fue poco a poco añadiendo ideas del naturalismo y el realismo dramático.

   En esta investigación he intentado hacer una comparación entre los dos dramaturgos para hacer saber al lector las funciones que tuvieron cada uno de esos dos famosos escritores de teatro. También cada uno de ellos tuvo obras muy beneficiosas para la sociedad.

    Echegaray se interesaba por las ideas y métodos de Ibsen; y eso ocurrió en la obra " El hijo de don Juan " que inspiró de un drama de Ibsen titulado "Espectros".

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
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Features of the actor's performance in the ritual theater (Iraqi theater as a model): علي شخير نفل
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The features of the actor's performance in the ritual theater are of great importance and chief in theatrical work since the first emergence of the theater, as the features of the performance were embodied in all Iraqi theatrical performances, but they took personal privacy in some ritual performances because of their differences and similarities between the ritual theatrical performance and the ritual show Al-Khalis, who wanted the researcher to know the similarities and differences in the features of the ritual performance and in the theatrical performance, despite the many transformations that occurred in the theater and affected the features of the performance, but it remained an important and attractive link between the recipient, t

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
L’esprit de la contestation et de l’évidence chez Jacques Prévert
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Avec Jacques Prévert la poésie entre dans la vie quotidienne, avec des mots de tous les jours que comprennent même les enfants. Son recours à la langue parlée sert comme un outil pour exprimer sa contestation contre l’ordre établi. Adolescent pendant la première guerre mondiale, il était témoin du massacre de toute la génération précédente. Il manifeste une aversion profonde pour la guerre et les militaires. Il déteste également les prêtres, les politiciens et l’armée qui sont, pour lui, les responsables de l’amertume de la génération. À ce mouvement de la contestation d’une société, le poète répond par l’offre de valeurs positives qui changeront l’ordre du monde. Il propose d’ailleurs la vitalité c

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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Seit langer Zeit verbindet sich das Theater in Europa mit dem Begriff ''Dramatisches Theater''. Am Namen dieses Theaters erkennt man, dass es sich mit dem Drama beschäftigt. Um diesen Umstand näher zu erklären, braucht man, meiner Meinung nach, eine Erklärung des Begriffs 'Drama'.

,,Dieses Wort wird von dem griechischen- genauer gesagt, dorischen- Verb 'dran' (tun, handeln) abgeleitet und bedeutet Handlung”(1). Die Fixierung auf die Handlung bedeutet, dass alles, was der Zuschauer auf der Bühne sieht, vom menschlichen Verhalten abhängig ist. Dieses Verhalten wird als Experiment dargestellt. Das erinnert uns an Hegels Theorie: ,,Der Kern des Dramas war das menschliche Subjekt in einem Konflikt, einer ''dramatisc

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 19 2015
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Theatrical Visual System between the Cultural Identity and Globalization Culture Iraqi Theatre as Case Study: فرحان عمران موسى
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It seems that the features of the theatrical discourse , since its early establishment by the Greeks, were cultural features specifically confined to that society. Such features determined the direction of the theatrical discourse for this state instead of that state. There could be some sort of similarity among those features , nevertheless they remained within the general humanitarian framework . What achieved relatedness were those features and particularities that distinguished the theatrical community. Such features and particularities vary from one show to another. This is what we call " Local Specificity" .The Iraqi theatrical memory has always emphasized the concept of Experimentation through originality and renewal since the arr

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 03 2018
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The Interchange of Sign Transformation between Locality and Universality in the Iraqi Theatre, "Romeo and Juliet in Baghdad Show" - A Model
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The research deals with the interchange of the sign transformed from the universal to the local in the theatrical show through the direction processing in the production of a communicative artistic discourse and message, thus making the process of reading the speech and recognizing it by taking into account the cultural differences, customs and local rituals of each country, region, or area. The problem of the research was focused on answering the following question: What are the requirements for the sign in terms of its transformation between the universality and locality in the read-out?

               The importance of research is to determine the requiremen

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 15 2020
Journal Name
Fashions Between Form & Content In Shows of School Drama: محمود جباري حافظ -خــــــالد عبـــــاس شـــــايع
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Shows of school drama are consisted of visual elements ( Actor (Student ) , ( Fashions , Decoration , Lighting , Make Up , Accessories ) for these elements have privacy being penetrate inside education institutions ( School ) , besides to property of thought direction , teaching for school drama generally , from among these elements are fashions with their designs , colors and various shapes which address student directly by visual . They affect on him as form or content pursuant to movements or design tackles which are made under directive settings and aims of school drama show wholly . Accordingly , this current study presented question for problem of research . Which it is what is relation between form and content for drama fashions t

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Estudio en la traducción del lenguaje de los horóscopos en la prensa del idioma español al árabe A study in translating the language of the horoscope in the press from Spanish into Arabic
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        El horóscopo que es una predicción deducida de la posición de los astros del sistema solar y de los signos de Zodiaco, intenta no sólo predecir el futuro, sino también influir en el comportamiento del lector, orientándolo para que actúe adecuadamente y la invitación a actuar ante ese futuro que se aconseja mediante imperativos, perífrasis y otros recursos lingüísticos. Los horóscopos se caracterizan por su gran popularidad que existen en periódico o revista en columnas enteras dedicadas al tema, en donde se detallan la influencia que tendrá el día o el mes de cada uno de los signos correspondientes al zodíaco, siempre teniendo en cuenta la posici

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The Indonesian Mathematical Society
e*-Hollow-Lifting and Cofinitely e*-Lifting Modules
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Publication Date
Sat Apr 30 2022
Journal Name
European Journal Of Pure And Applied Mathematics
e*-Essential small submodules and e*-hollow module
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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Short Text Semantic Similarity Measurement Approach Based on Semantic Network
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Estimating the semantic similarity between short texts plays an increasingly prominent role in many fields related to text mining and natural language processing applications, especially with the large increase in the volume of textual data that is produced daily. Traditional approaches for calculating the degree of similarity between two texts, based on the words they share, do not perform well with short texts because two similar texts may be written in different terms by employing synonyms. As a result, short texts should be semantically compared. In this paper, a semantic similarity measurement method between texts is presented which combines knowledge-based and corpus-based semantic information to build a semantic network that repre

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