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El Punto de Asimilación entre los Dramaturgos romances Echegaray e Ibsen
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José Echegaray, dramaturgo español, obtuvo premio Nóbel de literatura en (1904), político, orador, economista y dramaturgo. Con su obra "El gran Galeoto" en 1881, llegó a la cumbre de la  popularidad.

   Henrik Ibsen, dramaturgo noruega, creador del drama moderno, por sus obras realistas que abordan problemas psicológicos y sociales. Y a que fue el iniciador del teatro de tesis del teatro social. Ibsen, dramaturgo noruega, cuya obra influyó notablemente en el teatro europeo de finales del s. XIX y principios del XIX ; en gran parte en la obra de Echegaray, Galdós (1) y Benavente (2).

   Los presentes autores empezaron sus producciones bajo el romanticismo que fue poco a poco añadiendo ideas del naturalismo y el realismo dramático.

   En esta investigación he intentado hacer una comparación entre los dos dramaturgos para hacer saber al lector las funciones que tuvieron cada uno de esos dos famosos escritores de teatro. También cada uno de ellos tuvo obras muy beneficiosas para la sociedad.

    Echegaray se interesaba por las ideas y métodos de Ibsen; y eso ocurrió en la obra " El hijo de don Juan " que inspiró de un drama de Ibsen titulado "Espectros".

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-qadisiyah For Computer Science And Mathematics
Strongly (E,F)-convexity with applications to optimization problems
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In this paper, a new class of nonconvex sets and functions called strongly -convex sets and strongly -convex functions are introduced. This class is considered as a natural extension of strongly -convex sets and functions introduced in the literature. Some basic and differentiability properties related to strongly -convex functions are discussed. As an application to optimization problems, some optimality properties of constrained optimization problems are proved. In these optimization problems, either the objective function or the inequality constraints functions are strongly -convex. 

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of e-governance on achieving creative performance
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The research aims to investigate the relationship and impact of e-governance as an independent variable in achieving creative performance as a dependent variable. These variables have been studied in the Directorate of Passports Affairs, and seek to come up with a set of recommendations that help in promoting e-governance in the researched organization, and the researcher adopted the descriptive-analytical approach, included The sample (122) of the total (194) individuals distributed in several administrative levels (officers, associates, and administrative staff). By adopting the questionnaire, which included (49) paragraphs as the main tool for the collection of data and information, as well as personal interviews and field obs

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 05 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Splitting the e-Abacus Diagram in the Partition Theory
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In the partition theory, there is more then one form of representation of dedication, most notably the Abacus diagram, which gives an accurate and specific description. In the year 2019, Mahmood and Mahmood presented the idea of merging more than two plans, and then the following question was raised: Is the process of separating any somewhat large diagram into smaller schemes possible? The general formula to split e-abacus diagram into two or more equal or unequal parts was achieved in this study now.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 13 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Modern Probabilistic Model: Filtering Massive Data in E-learning
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So muchinformation keeps on being digitized and stored in several forms, web pages, scientific articles, books, etc. so the mission of discovering information has become more and more challenging. The requirement for new IT devices to retrieve and arrange these vastamounts of informationaregrowing step by step. Furthermore, platforms of e-learning are developing to meet the intended needsof students.
The aim of this article is to utilize machine learning to determine the appropriate actions that support the learning procedure and the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) so as to find the topics contained in the connections proposed in a learning session. Ourpurpose is also to introduce a course which moves toward the student's attempts a

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Review on E-Voting Based on Blockchain Models
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    Developing a solid e-voting system that offers fairness and privacy for users is a challenging objective. This paper is trying to address whether blockchain can be used to build an efficient e-voting system, also, this research has specified four blockchain technologies with their features and limitations. Many papers have been reviewed in a study covered ten years from 2011 to 2020. As a result of the study, the blockchain platform can be a successful public ledger to implement an e-voting system. Four blockchain technologies have been noticed from this study. These are blockchain using smart contracts, blockchain relying on Zcash platform, blockchain programmed from scratch, and blockchain depending on digital signature. Each bl

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Review: - Determination of vitamin E concentration in different samples
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Vitamins are a type of essential and important nutrient in the human body. It also plays an essential role in the health and protection of the human body. They share physiological functions with many chemicals, and their deficiency or increase endangers human health. Therefore, it is required to evolve and use modern methods to estimate the concentration of vitamins, even if their concentration is very low, and these include the vitamin E group tocopherols, tocotrienols, isomers, esters, and derivatives. They disagree not in their ability as anti-cancer agents but rather in their physiological as well as chemical relations, unlike vitamin A and vitamin D. The richest source of vitamin E is vegetable oil. Vitamin E, classified as a vitami

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Estudio lexicográfico sobre la Terminología de la Planta “Maíz” en Andalucía
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Andalucía, dentro del mapa lingüístico español, es una región con muchas variaciones dialécticas. En muchos casos contiene una gran variedad de términos propios de la zona, ya que en esta misma zona se pueden observar muchas subdivisiones dialectales.

En este trabajo, hemos seguido dos tipos de fuentes:

- Directa: Se trata de conseguir la información por medio de cuestionarios distribuidos a informantes de edades y localidades diferentes.

 - Indirecta: Consultando libros para conseguir información y datos básicos del tema, e información sobre las voces y nombres dialectales en la geografía estudiada.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Technique For Image De-blurring Using Adaptive Wavelet Lagrange Fuzzy Filter
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A new de-blurring technique was proposed in order to reduced or remove the blur in the images. The proposed filter was designed from the Lagrange interpolation calculation with adjusted by fuzzy rules and supported by wavelet decomposing technique. The proposed Wavelet Lagrange Fuzzy filter gives good results for fully and partially blurring region in images.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 06 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
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La multiplication des conflits internationaux ou non, inter-religieux et interethniques implique non seulement des attaques contre les populations civiles mais aussi, dans de nombreux cas, la destruction de biens de caractère civil, notamment des biens culturels. Les actes de vandalisme dirigés contre ces biens ou la destruction de ces biens sont particulièrement courants dans de tels conflits, les biens culturels pouvant être considérés comme des symboles de l'identité culturelle et de l'histoire de la partie adverse.

A ce égard, on remarque que l'humanité a lutte contre la guerre et à déployé de nombreux efforts pour en réduire les effets les plus destructeurs. Parmi les efforts les plus importants

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
La langue et la quête de l'identité dans l’œuvre d’Annie Ernaux
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Since her early beginning in 1974 in her novel "Les armoires vides", Annie Ernaux writing about life in all its various aspects remained her main goal. This novel gave the earliest signals of what would happen later on in her literary career. Indeed, her works showed abilities of echoing reality, her sufferance and experiences via the use of simple and clear language. Add to this, her writings are to be viewed as an expression of deep felt journey, and a continuous search due to the consequent changes coming out of her identity.

    We try here to give an answer to the question about writing as to whether being, to Ernaux herself, a need for the search about her social and feminist identity, or a pure literary work

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