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Die sytaktische Struktur und semantische Bedeutung der konzessiven Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten im Deutschen und Arabischen Eine interpretierende Studie
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Die vorliegende Forschung erklärt ein sprachliches Phänomen im Deutschen und Arabischen, dessen Aspekte die Grund-Folge-Relation (Kausalität) im Allgemeinen sowie den wirkungslosen Gegengrund (Konzessivität) im Besonderen behandeln.

In diesem Kontext wird der Unterschied der verschiedenartigen Gründe der Kausalität im Deutschen, wie wirklicher Grund (kausal), möglicher Grund (konditional) und wirkungsloser bzw. unzureichender Gegengrund (konzessiv) gezeigt.

Die theoretischen Darlegungen der konzessiven Ausdrucksmittel in dieser Forschungsarbeit werden durch diverse praktische Beispiele aus der deutschen und arabischen Literatur fundamentiert.

Das Hauptziel dieser Forschungsarbeit liegt darin, gleichermaßen beim arabischen Deutsch-Lernenden und -Lehrenden das bewusste Erkennen der semantischen Bedeutung der konzessiven Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten im Arabischen zu erwecken und zu konsolidieren, damit sich im Endeffekt der Übersetzer bzw. die Übersetzerin aus dem Deutschen ins Arabische und umgekehrt effektiv und effizient der konzessiven Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten beider Sprachen bedienen können.

  1. Einführung

Die folgende Arbeit passiert sich auf die Untersuchung der Bestimmten Arten von Gründen, die die Kausalbeziehung ausdrücken. Die drei folgend genannten Grundbeziehungen können mit Hilfe des Verfahrens der Satzintentionen miteinander verknüpft werden. Diese Grundbeziehungen sind :

  1. Kausale Beziehung (im engeren Sinn)
  2. Konditionale Beziehung
  3. Konzessive Beziehung

Zur Erläuterung der Grundbeziehungen zwischen den drei Varianten kann gesagt werden, dass der Grund in den drei erwähnten Arten verschiedene kausale Beziehungen in Verbindung mit einem Fügewort auftritt und zwar entweder in Form einer Präposition mit einem Bezugswort, d. h. „Adverbialbestimmung“, oder einer Konjunktion mit einem Satzgefüge, d. h. „Adverbialsatz“.

Bevor wir ausführlich über die konzessive Beziehung bzw. Konzessivität sprechen, haben wir die Kausalität kurz zu erklären.                


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Publication Date
Thu Oct 25 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
دراسة تحليلية لتوسع مدينة السليمانية وحضرنة القرى المجاور
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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Human Development and Economic Growth: An Empirical study of Jordan
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 AbstractThis study aimed to demonstrate the impact of human development on economic growth in Jordan during the period (1980-2014), Where some  diagnoses tests were applied, the results of these tests concluded that the standard models used in the study were free of statistical problems, and hence ordinary least squares (OLS) standard has been used as a tool for analysis to get efficient and unbiased estimates to parameters according to the theory of Gauss Markov.

The results showed that there is a strong and positive impact of human development represented by the Human Development Index (HDI) on economic growth in Jordan represented by the average of real productivity of the Jordanian worker (

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Civil liability of the Bank for Deposits Received: A Comparative Study
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Because bank deposits, whether cash deposits or securities deposits, entail obligations on the bank, it is natural that violating these obligations results in the realization of its civil responsibility, and responsibility in its general meaning is culpability and liability. The source of this obligation was the agreement or the law, and the work of the rules of civil liability is based on the availability of three pillars, which are the error, the damage and the causal relationship between them, and as long as the bank deposit is a contract, the responsibility of the bank in the event of a breach of one of the obligations arising from this contract is definitely a contractual responsibility, but it may be imagined The establishment of t

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Structure of sex and age for population in the district of Tuz Khurmatu for (1997-2012)
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The study of sex Structure and age characteristics of an important element of the
follow-up changes between different population groups, which are connected to a large degree
the demographic, social and economic characteristics, particularly since each population
group varying characteristics in terms of age, sex entail social, demographic, cultural and
economic implications, and from that the researcher has taken from Structure of sex and age
for population in the district of Tuz Khurmatu for (1997-2012 ) the subject of consideration
and maintain compared to see the contrast between them. Qualitative Research for installation
and the age of the urban and rural areas has touched the judiciary, as well as its respects

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
Trends in Contemporary Ceramic Art and the Overlapping of Stylistic Concepts (Installation Art and Assemblage as a Model)
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Contemporary arts have achieved, in accordance with the transition of concepts, a new logic in presentation and expression in general, and specifically in the field of ceramic art. The shift towards the logic of rejection and subversion of prevailing methods, which have been almost a constant foundation for a long period, has directly influenced the direction of visual arts in the contemporary world.
The growth and cultural transformations that the world has witnessed after the two World Wars have produced cognitive shifts based on strategies that diverge from the dominant culture. These approaches vary according to existential needs, as the language of art has become conceptual and a medium for contemporary culture with its rapid an

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Recycling of Chicken Egg Shells into Nanopowder: Synthesis, and its Properties
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Increase in unconventional resources of calcium (Ca+2) for fowls, aquaculture and native animals was improved. This work was planned to define the most polymorph of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) that take place in the two types of chicken eggshells (local and imported type). In this research, the comparative analysis of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) content was approved for nominated eggshells of native strain and imported chicken via Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM), Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Powder X-Ray Diffraction (PXRD) analysis. The results demonstrate that native and imported chicken eggshells comprise calcite morph that ha

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Surface Hardness Measurement of Stone and Improved Die Stone After the Addition of a Mixture of Chemical Additives with Different Proportion
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Background: Incorporation of chemical additives has long been a technique used to improve properties of the gypsum products. The purpose of this work was to study the effects of adding a combination of gum Arabic and calcium hydroxide to a type III dental stone and type IV improved die stone with different proportion. The effect on water/powder ratio, and surface hardness was determined. Material and method: Both material stone and die stone were blended with two proportion of additives so that each material was mixed twice but with different proportion of gum Arabic (0.1% and 0.2%) and calcium hydroxide (0.5 % and 0.3%). Data for hardness were subjected to two-way analysis of variance. Results: The results revealed that the chemical additi

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
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The innate art,is a major tributary in the art world, It is a bold achievement, has a special flavor, With self-identity, linked to the origins and roots of human ,That goes back to the past and the history and culture of peoples. This business is not limited to only aesthetic side, but is loaded with religious and magical experience, and have social functions, This creations stayed live, breathe, grow, and change with the transformation of society, these processors emerged, from local people have not been trained academically.Their Elvis came from community culture,Which are, Mesopotamian thoroughbreds.This culture that we desperately need today, in order to increase ourselves Iraqi force, In the face of the modern world, which is locke

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Immunohistochemical evaluation of BCL-2 and KI-67 proteins in colorectal adenoma.
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Background: Development of colorectal adenocarcinoma principally occurs via the adenoma- carcinoma sequence of a multiple step process of tumor progression. This results from an accumulation of genetic changes in cells of intestinal mucosa. The use of molecular biomarkers may further aid in determining the risk of changing to carcinoma.

Objectives: To evaluate the expression of Bcl-2 and Ki-67 in colorectal adenomas and correlate the observed levels with age, gender, histological

J Fac Med Baghdad

2014; Vol.56, No .2

Received Jan .2014

Accepted Mar. 2014

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
بناء معيار لقياس التعبير الشفوي لدى تلامذة المرحلة الابتدائية
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Given the importance of basic education (primary) being longer pillar in the construction of the individual's personality, as well as the importance of language and its role in the learning of students and development of cognitive, emotional and self-dynamic; therefore current research focuses on the study of building a standard oral expression can researchers and teachers alike measurement of oral expression among students, researcher has used to achieve this goal descriptive approach, it included standard on (10) paragraphs evenly distributed on the (5) key areas, and given (4) progressive alternatives according to the quality of the performance of the student and reached the highest score (30) and the lowest score (0).

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