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Türkçe'de –Yor Ekinin Kullanışları
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Bu tez Türkçe'de -yor ekinin kullanışları başlığını taşımaktadır.

            Bilindiği gibi, bu ek Türkçe'de bir çok sayıda görev ve işlev yüklenebilmektedir. Bu ek Türkiye Türkçesinde en sık kullanılan şimdiki zaman ekidir. Bu ek hem şekil hem zaman ifade eder. Ayrıca da bu ekin çeşitli kullanışları verdır.

            Bu ekle ilgili kaymalar çok açık olup örnekleri de son derece fazladır

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of an Educational Program on Nursing Staffs' Knowledge about Uses of Steroids and Their Side Effects in Al-Diwaniya Teaching hospital
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Objective: To determine the effectiveness of the educational program on nursing staffs' knowledge about uses of steroids and their side effects.
Methodology: A pre-experimental study design (one group design: pre-test and post-test) was used. This study was conducted in Al-Diwaniya Teaching Hospital for the period from ( 28th May to 10 th June, 2020) on a non-probability (purposive) sample consisting of (30 nurses) working in Oncology unit. A questionnaire was built as a data collection tool and consisted of two parts:
First part: The demographic characteristics of the nursing staff (gender, age, level of education, years of experience in hospital, participation in training courses related to nursing care for a patients undergoing

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The impact of the Turkish intervention in northern Syria on the Syrian Turkish relations during (2011-2019)
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This study aimed to provide a theoretical framework for the impact of the Turkish intervention in northern Syria and the extent of its impact on the relations between the two countries.

It also sought to answer the study's main question: What is the impact of the Turkish intervention in northern Syria on Turkish-Syrian relations during the period 2011-2019 ?.   

In this study, the historical method, the descriptive method, and the systems analysis method were used, with the aim of arriving at an accurate and realistic understanding of the Turkish-Syrian relations.

The study reached a set of results, the most important of which was that the Syrian-Turkish relations are based on interests, and that all alliances and

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Plain Language Movement and Legal Translation : An Analytical Study of Two Translations of a Contract of Lease from Arabic into English
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The present paper addresses one of the most challenging topics in translation; namely legal translation in the framework of two different approaches; the classical (formal) and the more recent (functional). The latter approach is the outcome of the process of simplifying legal language known technically as Plain Language Movement. The advent of this movement dates back to the 1950s, in response to the widely-held complain about the awkwardness of the legal register. Within this framework, the salient features of legal language, at the various linguistic and textual levels, underwent reconsideration in favor of more publicly digested expressions. The paper then subjects two translations of a lease contract to analysis in the ligh

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Impact of Turkish water policy on developmentAgricultural sector in Iraq for the period (1990-2006)
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تسعى تركيا ضمن سياساتها المائية ومنذ زمن بعيد وبأصرار على تنفيذ المزيد من بناء السدود والمشاريع التخزينية المائية على حوضي دجلة والفرات، الامر الذي يؤدي بالضرورة الى تناقص معدل الواردات المائية لنهري دجلة والفرات الداخلة للاراضي العراقية .وبالتالي التأثير على مقومات التنمية الزراعية العربية بشكل عام والتنمية الزراعية بالعراق بشكل خاص ومن ثم تهديد الامن الغذائي الوطني.

لذا فأن البحث يهد

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Estudio traductológico del relativo "que" del español al árabe A study in the translation of relative pronoun (que) from Spanish into Arabic language
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The scope of the world of translation is an area filled with different types of translations, whether translations of scientific, social, political or economic in addition to the other types are endless, but the translation problematic grammatical that may confront us if we proceed to translate any subject are important issues that must Translator whether translators or interpreters that puts it into consideration and attaches great importance to the translation is very clear and without any ambiguity. One of these forms of grammatical task is to translate the relative pronoun (que) from Spanish into Arabic language, which revolves around the subject of this research.

    The relative pron

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 04 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Iraqi public's uses of digital television and cinema sites ( A field study ): Research extracted from a master's thesis
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The research problem revolves around the Iraqi public's use of digital television and cinematic websites، and their importance to the academic study and society، as it examines the public's relationship with these websites، usage habits، and the reasons for their interaction with them. And for the prevalence of this phenomenon of use، it was necessary to address the intensity، intentionality، and timing of use to theoretically root the subject of the study، which is one of the modern studies in Iraq and the Arab world. The survey approach، where the research was based on the theory of uses and gratifications that confer positivity and activity on the mass media audience.

     The researchers designed

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Language and Difference: Heidegger, Saussure, and Derrida
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Although the concept of difference is as old as the foundational concept of similarity, the modern (and contemporary) understanding of difference as a working notion that not only differentiates, but also approximates conflicting elements in an all encompassing system owes a great deal to the German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831). An idealist to the backbone, Hegel bequeathed to modern philosophy the postulation that the identity of an individual rests not in itself but in the relationship that individual‟s identity entertains with other members of society. In his classic Phenomenology of Spirit, Hegel explains how humans come to consciousness (pivotal concept in Idealism) through a strenuous, albeit apparently i

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Influence of Turkish Soap Operas in the Behavior and Trends of the Iraqi Audience (A Field Study on Iraqi University's Students)
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This research seeks the effects of dubbed Turkish TV series on Iraqi audiences. The chosen sample is about 600 Iraqi students at Baghdad and al-Anbar Universities. This study consists of four sections: section one deals with the theoretical framework of the study. Section two studies the dubbed Turkish TV series. The third section explores the role of mass media in forming tendencies, and the last section seeks the field study by analyzing the tendencies if Iraqi viewers of these series.
The goal of this study is to know the role these series played in affecting the behavior and attitudes of Iraqi people and how it can change their morals.
The research ends with the number of results like the negative effect of these series on the

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The importance of foreign direct investment in stimulating non-oil exports Of Iraq According to the Turkish experience
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Foreign trade is very important in global economies because of its impact on the sustainability of economic growth by stimulating economic activity, creating jobs and expanding production . On the other side , this policy is a major obstacle to many developing countries and the reason is due to the nature of the economies of those countries because they rely mostly on one or a few economic resources, which makes them rely mostly on exports to that resource while they import most of the needs of their  local market Which makes them in a spiral of underdevelopment ,  dependence and economic exposure, which requires them to break that cycle and the launch of economic development Perhaps one of the most important means to a

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Technical methods in foreign language teaching as a new method in foreign language learning
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Unter dem Titel " Technische Methoden im Fremdsprachunterricht als eine neueste Methode im Fremdsprachlernen, die Spiele als Muster"

versteht man, dass die Forschung  sich mit einer neuen Methoden im Fremdsprachunterricht beschäftigt. Von den neuen Methoden im Unterricht sind die Spiele. So man sieht  in den letzten Jahren viele Artikel zum Thema Spiele im Fremdsprschunterricht. Davon gehen wir aus, dass die Spiele im Unterricht eine groβe Rolle spielt, denn diese Methode macht Lust, Spaβ im Lernenprozeβ. Die Spiele im Unterricht bezeichnen als ein Mittel, um Unterricht etwas Schönes , Nützliches und Lebendigs zu sein. Die Spiele sind vielfälltig und unterscheidet sich nach den Themen und Materialien. In dieser F

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