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Moderne Lehrmethodenzum Hörverstehen im Deutschunterricht Schlüsselwort: Lehrmethode-Hörverstehen-Deutschunterricht Modern methods for teaching listening comprehension in German language
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Diese Forschungsarbeit versteht sich als ein Versuch zur Bestimmung einer der neuen Unterrichtsmethoden, die den Lernenden im Fach Deutsch besonders interessant vorkommen.Der Unterricht soll in einer Atmosphäre, die frei von Zeitdruck, Angst und Zensurdruck ablaufen lassen, damit werden die Studenten ermutigt, die Nutzung von Spiel zu ihrer eigenen Sache machen, um die Spielziele Spaß, Empathie, Zusammenarbeit und Kommunikation zu realisieren. Das Hauptlernziel des Fremdsprachenunterrichts ist es, Lernenden zu ermöglichen, in der Zielsprache zu kommunizieren.

Wir konzentrieren uns in diesem Beitrag auf eine wichtige sprachliche Fertigkeit, die den rezeptiven Fertigkeiten gehört, die ist das Hörverstehen.

Das Hörverstehen spielt eine zentrale Rolle bei der Erwerbung der Sprachkenntnisse für den Lernenden einer Fremdsprache.

Der Lernende kann die einzelnen Informationen aus den täglichen Kommunikationskontexten (Kurzgeschichte, Radioberichte, Dialoge) hörend verstehen, wenn diese Informationen langsam, deutlich gesprochen und in einfacher Sprache explizit präsentiert werden. Durch das Hören als rezeptive Fertigkeit werden das Verstehen,Interpretieren und Reflektieren von sprachlichen Feststellungen integriert.


    This research work is an attempt to determine one of the new teaching methods, which is particularly interesting for learners of German. Teaching should be conducted in an atmosphere free from time pressure, anxiety and stress of the test, thus encouraging the students to make use of games to their own cause to achieve communication. The main goal of foreign language teaching is to enable learners to communicate in the target language.

There are four main skills in the acquisition of the foreign language: reading, writing, listening and speaking. These skills are not isolated in communication, they are interrelated. According to communicative principles, the four skills are classified as receptive (information collection) and productive (information transfer). Listening and reading belong to the receptive skills, which means the learner is receives information when he listens and reading, while speaking and writing are structured as productive skills, that is, the learner becomes productive when he talks and writes.

There are three levels of comprehension in learning foreign language: selective, detailed and comprehensive comprehension.

One of the important results drawn in this study is that applying different language games in German language teaching is attractive to students. Excitement motivates students to develop their language skills. Games are also useful for foreign language teachers in the pursuit of their career in the field of education through active use of language.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 21 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
"An analytical study of The New Urbanism in the urban suburbs
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                 The research deals with the concept of a New Urbanism as an urban development strategy in the suburbs of cities or in its centers that are affected by pedestrian-oriented design and the possibility of walking, as well as integrating economic classes through the diversity of housing and its costs, and this works to facilitate access to jobs and services while providing more diverse neighborhoods and reducing the use of cars , As designing separate houses in the suburbs and increasing car trips poses a threat to the environment and the quality of urban life, and thus the new urban provides a good strategy for developing

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Necessity of College of Education for Woman from the Point of view of Students
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The Necessity of College of Education for Woman from the Point of view of Students

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
محاولة جادة لتأطير نظرية اصحاب المصالح في دراسات إدارة الاعمال
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تتميز هذه الورقة بتناولها موضوعاً يخشى الكثيرون الخوض فيه للملابسات الدائرة حوله، وهو اصحاب المصالح كموضوع مهم في الفكر الستراتيجي. فخاضت في مفاهيمه العامة وتصنيفاته ومنظوراته، ووجدت في مفهومه بأنهم اولئك الذين يمكن تمثيلهم بالمجاميع او الوحدات المستقلة التي ترتبط بمنظمة الاعمال عبر شبكة علاقات مؤثرة مختلفة الابعاد والاتجاهات، واذا ما حدث أي خلل في توازن هذه العلاقات، قد ت

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
High Commitment Management and their Impact in Organizational Excellence Afield Research for opinions a sample of managers in the company general Alfurat for chemical industries \Babylon
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In its theoretical framework, this study dealt with the subjects of high commitment management and organizational excellence, as the study came in response to the growing developments and changes in the fields of management. It includes an analysis of correlation and effect between high commitment management, which has been attracting a lot of attention recently due to the intensifying rivalry between organizations because of certain external factors like globalization and world markets liberation, and its effect in achieving organizational excellence.

The practical framework, on the other hand, dealt with the analysis of correlation and effect between the study's variables. The problem

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Thu Dec 13 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Contemporary Risk Factors of High Blood Pressure for Youth Group (18-24) Years for Students of Technical Institute in Baquba and University of Diyala
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Objective: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between high blood pressure and
different variables, such as (weight, smoking, amount of salt and water taken daily, and number
of hours of natural sleep per person) for young people.
Methodology: The study was conducted on students at the student community of the Technical
Institute in Baquba and the University of Diyala during the period from September 2015
until June 2016. The patients ranged in age from 18-24 years. All data were collected through
a questionnaire that included the main reasons and periodic follow-up of the disease.
Results: The total number of samples was 450.The results showed that 33% of all samples
have high blood pressure. The rel

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 13 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The evaluation of the role of the information system in reducing tax evasion
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This research attempts to evaluate the role of the information system by highlighting its importance in providing date and information to the tax administration the process of tax accounting for those who are subject to income tax whether they are individuals or companies where the effective information system provides accurate and reliable information in a timely manner.

At the theoretical part of the research, the research approaches the problem of the research represented in that whether the information system, applied in the General Commission for Taxes, is capable of achieving its role in reducing the phenomenon of tax evasion. The existence of a set of things which in the Commission may lead to increase tax evasion by taxpa

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
New Patterns of Diplomacy in the Light of Information and Communication Technology
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        The concept of information and communication technology between countries has become a well-known concept in the international community, and in light of this diplomacy has played an important and vital role in the field of international relations, through which all matters of interest to different countries are addressed, and their common interests are reconciled as well as divergent views. In light of this, the information and communication technology revolution has become a factor whose impact cannot be overlooked on the international system and international law in general, and that this development in information and communication technology has helped facilitate relations

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Green Regulatory Tapes and Their Reflections on the Job Development - A Study for the Sample of Employees in the Nineveh Directorate for Bridges & Roads
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The performance of job effectively requires narrowing the meaningful routine activities and attempting employing the job procedures in favor of public welfare through adding the green impact as well as removing them from the red tapes which reflect the firmness of procedures, to enable the job parties to make their job independently, and pushing them to gain priority in the competition layer. This is not attaining easily amidst the regulatory problems expressed by the complication of procedures, the thing which make identifying the problem of the study through the following question:

Should we make the complex of procedures and their firmness a way to adopt the idea of the green regulatory tapes supportin

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Comparison of Practical Investigations for CO Emissions Emitted From Single Cylinder S. I. Engine Fueled With Different Kinds of Hydrocarbon Fuels and Hydrogen
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Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), Natural gas (NG) and hydrogen were all used to operate spark ignition internal combustion engine Ricardo E6. A comparison of CO emissions emitted from each case, with emissions emitted from engine fueled with gasoline as a fuel is conducted.

The study was accomplished when engine operated at HUCR for gasoline n(8:1), was compared with its operation at HUCR for each fuel. Compression ratio, equivalence ratio and spark timing were studied at constant speed 1500 rpm.

CO concentrations were little at lean ratios; it appeared to be effected a little with equivalence ratio in this side, at rich side its values became higher, and it appeared to be effected by equivalence ratio highly, the results s

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
أستخلاص الدهون من عظام الأبقار والأغنام والدجاج ودراسة محتواها من الأحماض الدهنية.: أستخلاص الدهون من عظام الأبقار والأغنام والدجاج ودراسة محتواها من الأحماض الدهنية.
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The aim of present investigation was Litilizing cow, sheep and chicken bones that included both hollow and flat to produce fat. The extraction rat was increased propotionally with rising temperature and extraction time for both cow and sheep bones. The lowest extraction rat form hollow and flat bones for cow and sheep was 12.66, 6.55, 6.93 and 7% respectively at 60°C for 3 hours. The highest extraction rat for hollow cow bones was 21.90% at 90°C for 5 houers, values for flat cow bones, hollow and flat sheep bones was 15.04, 16.4 and 12.8% respectively at 100°C for 5 hours. While, hollow and flat chicken bones resulted lowest extraction rate, thus thermal treatment was conducted only at 90 °c and showed propotional increase with incre

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