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Moderne Lehrmethodenzum Hörverstehen im Deutschunterricht Schlüsselwort: Lehrmethode-Hörverstehen-Deutschunterricht Modern methods for teaching listening comprehension in German language
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Diese Forschungsarbeit versteht sich als ein Versuch zur Bestimmung einer der neuen Unterrichtsmethoden, die den Lernenden im Fach Deutsch besonders interessant vorkommen.Der Unterricht soll in einer Atmosphäre, die frei von Zeitdruck, Angst und Zensurdruck ablaufen lassen, damit werden die Studenten ermutigt, die Nutzung von Spiel zu ihrer eigenen Sache machen, um die Spielziele Spaß, Empathie, Zusammenarbeit und Kommunikation zu realisieren. Das Hauptlernziel des Fremdsprachenunterrichts ist es, Lernenden zu ermöglichen, in der Zielsprache zu kommunizieren.

Wir konzentrieren uns in diesem Beitrag auf eine wichtige sprachliche Fertigkeit, die den rezeptiven Fertigkeiten gehört, die ist das Hörverstehen.

Das Hörverstehen spielt eine zentrale Rolle bei der Erwerbung der Sprachkenntnisse für den Lernenden einer Fremdsprache.

Der Lernende kann die einzelnen Informationen aus den täglichen Kommunikationskontexten (Kurzgeschichte, Radioberichte, Dialoge) hörend verstehen, wenn diese Informationen langsam, deutlich gesprochen und in einfacher Sprache explizit präsentiert werden. Durch das Hören als rezeptive Fertigkeit werden das Verstehen,Interpretieren und Reflektieren von sprachlichen Feststellungen integriert.


    This research work is an attempt to determine one of the new teaching methods, which is particularly interesting for learners of German. Teaching should be conducted in an atmosphere free from time pressure, anxiety and stress of the test, thus encouraging the students to make use of games to their own cause to achieve communication. The main goal of foreign language teaching is to enable learners to communicate in the target language.

There are four main skills in the acquisition of the foreign language: reading, writing, listening and speaking. These skills are not isolated in communication, they are interrelated. According to communicative principles, the four skills are classified as receptive (information collection) and productive (information transfer). Listening and reading belong to the receptive skills, which means the learner is receives information when he listens and reading, while speaking and writing are structured as productive skills, that is, the learner becomes productive when he talks and writes.

There are three levels of comprehension in learning foreign language: selective, detailed and comprehensive comprehension.

One of the important results drawn in this study is that applying different language games in German language teaching is attractive to students. Excitement motivates students to develop their language skills. Games are also useful for foreign language teachers in the pursuit of their career in the field of education through active use of language.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 14 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Nonlinear MIMO-PID Neural Controller Design for Vehicle Lateral Dynamics model based on Modified Elman Neural Network
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This paper presents a new design of a nonlinear multi-input multi-output PID neural controller of the active brake steering force and the active front steering angle for a 2-DOF vehicle model based on modified Elman recurrent neural. The goal of this work is to achieve the stability and to improve the vehicle dynamic’s performance through achieving the desired yaw rate and reducing the lateral velocity of the vehicle in a minimum time period for preventing the vehicle from slipping out the road curvature by using two active control actions: the front steering angle and the brake steering force. Bacterial forging optimization algorithm is used to adjust the parameters weights of the proposed controller. Simulation resul

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Isotherms and Kinetics Study for Adsorption of Nitrogen from Air using Zeolite Li-LSX to Produce Medical Oxygen
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This research investigates the adsorption isotherm and adsorption kinetics of nitrogen from air using packed bed of Li-LSX zeolite to get medical oxygen. Experiments were carried out to estimate the produced oxygen purity under different operating conditions: input pressure of 0.5 – 2.5 bar, feed flow rate of air of 2 – 10 L.min-1 and packing height of 9-16 cm. The adsorption isotherm was studied at the best conditions of input pressure of 2.5 bar, the height of packing 16 cm, and flow rate 6 Lmin-1 at ambient temperature, at these conditions   the highest purity of oxygen by this system 73.15 vol % of outlet gas was produced. Langmuir isotherm was the best models representing the experimental data., and the m

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 09 2021
Journal Name
Review Of International Geographical Education
E-Learning Applications According To The Levels Of STEM Literacy For Teachers Of Physics At The Secondary Stage
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E-learning applications according to the levels of enlightenment (STEM Literacy) for physics teachers in the secondary stage. The sample consists of (400) teachers, at a rate of (200) males (50%), and (200)females (50%), distributed over (6) directorates of education in Baghdad governorate on both sides of Rusafa and Karkh. To verify the research goals, the researcher built a scale of e-learning applications according to the levels of STEM Literacy, which consists of (50) items distributed over (5) levels. The face validity of the scale and its stability were verified by extracting the stability coefficient through the internal consistency method “Alf-Cronbach”. The following statistical means were used: Pearson correlation coefficient,

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 13 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The contents of the opening article of electronic newspaper (Al-Nabaa): (Analytical study of duration 2015 for 2018)
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The study aimed to identify what (isis) (Daesh) have been touched in the opening article of Al-Nabaa newspaper

This objective is organized for asset of sub-targets it is the knowledge of media discourse and for those who are directed and methods of employing the strong content debt organization and we used the survay method to monitor and understand the content of opening anticale and the researcher took the numbers of the newspaper for years 2015-2018 consist of 157

The results of this study are :


*  Use religious texts from (Holly qoran) (Abbreission of the prophetic) Remove from its context and empby them in justifying in what use of vio

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 20 2023
Journal Name
Chalcogenide Letters
Calculation of the localized and extended energy states density for Ge60Se40-xTex alloy prepared by melting point method
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The DC electrical conductivity properties of Ge60Se40-xTex alloy with x = 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20). The samples were formed in the form of discs with the thickness of 0.25–0.30 cm and the diameter of 1.5 cm. Samples were pressed under a pressure of 6 tons per cm2 , using a ton hydraulic press. They were prepared after being pressed using a ton hydraulic press using a hydraulic press. Melting point technology use to preper the samples. Continuous electrical conductivity properties were recorded from room temperature to 475 K. Experimental data indicates that glass containing 15% Te has the highest electrical conductivity allowing maximum current through the sample compared to Lu with other samples. Therefore, it is found that the DC co

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 18 2021
Journal Name
Energy & Fuels
Synergistic Effect of Nanoparticles and Polymers on the Rheological Properties of Injection Fluids: Implications for Enhanced Oil Recovery
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New nanotechnology-based approaches are increasingly being investigated for enhanced oil recovery (EOR), with a particular focus on heavy oil reservoirs. Typically, the addition of a polymer to an injection fluid advances the sweep efficiency and mobility ratio of the fluid and leads to a higher crude oil recovery rate. However, harsh reservoir conditions, including high formation salinity and temperature, can limit the performance of such polymer fluids. Recently, nanofluids, that is, dispersions of nanoparticles (NPs) in a base fluid, have been recommended as EOR fluids; however, such nanofluids are unstable, even under ambient conditions. In this work, a combination of ZrO2 NPs and the polyacrylamide (PAM) polymer (ZrO2 NPs–PAM) was us

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Desalination And Water Treatment
Numerical modeling of performance of olive seeds as permeable reactive barrier for containment of copper from contaminated groundwater
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Sliding mode control based on high-order extended state observer for flexible joint robot under time-varying disturbance
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Abstract. In this paper, a high order extended state observer (HOESO) based a sliding mode control (SMC) is proposed for a flexible joint robot (FJR) system in the presence of time varying external disturbance. A composite controller is integrated the merits of both HOESO and SMC to enhance the tracking performance of FJR system under the time varying and fast lumped disturbance. First, the HOESO estimator is constructed based on only one measured state to precisely estimate unknown system states and lumped disturbance with its high order derivatives in the FJR system. Second, the SMC scheme is designed based on such accurate estimations to govern the nominal FJR system by well compensating the estimation errors in the states and the lumped

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 05 2020
Journal Name
Annals Of Tropical Medicine And Public Health
[CITATION] Direct and deferred retrieval of basketball for student of the college of physical education and sport sciences
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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Experimental Analysis for the Influence of Ignition Time on Combustion Characteristics of a Free Piston Engine Linear Generator
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Abstract<p>Free Piston Engine Linear Generator (FPELG) is a modern engine and promising power generation engine. It has many advantages compared to conventional engines such as less friction, few numbers of parts, and high thermal efficiency. The cycle-to-cycle variation one of the big challenges of the FPELG because it is influence on the stability and output power of the engine. Therefore, in this study, the effect of ignition time on combustion characteristics is investigated. The single-cylinder FPELG with spark ignition (SI) combustion type by using compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel type was set to run. LabVIEW is used to run the engine and control of input parameters. All experimental data</p> ... Show More
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