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Factores lingüísticos y extralingüísticos de la evolución semántica de los términos Linguistic and non-linguistic factors of the semantic evolution of terms
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La disciplina sémantica siendo una rama de la lingüística y relacionada con los significados que residen detrás de los vocablos sería muy intereseante ser estudiada y investigada, sobre todo cuando tratamos de penetrarnos dentro de la evolución semántica y los motivos por los que se suceden estos cambios. Pues, es injusto dejar de dar una definición aclaratoria sobre esta disciplina y sus componentes.

El significado de los léxicos que se forma por un conjunto de semas o rasgos significativos mínimos. Sin embargo, no todos esos semas son igualmente intervenidos por los hablantes de una comunidad lingüística, sino que hay algunos de ellos que siempre están presentes, mientras que otros varían. Es decir, el significado de una palabra no es siempre exactamente igual en todos los casos.

Los vocablos, a lo largo de la historia de la lengua, pasan por diversas estaciones semánticas en las que se diferencian los conceptos de los objetos y así como las acciones en este caso la denotación en muchos caso se mantiene pero surgen nuevas connotaciones del mismo concepto.

The updating of the dictionaries from time to another is a result of a series of causes of linguistic evolution, especially lexical changes, that occurs in every language due to several factors.. This evolution is always related to linguistic factors, polysemy, metonymy, metaphor, etc. And other non-linguistic factors, reasons for change by the appearance of new invented things caused by the technological evolution and development of the pattern of life, at the end, the specialization of word enriched the semantic field with new meanings that need designation, denotation and connotation

The present investigation   has objective to show the reasons for the change in the meaning of the words, whether linguistic or non-linguistic reasons.

The present investigation is divided into two parts: in the first part we have presented, the theoretical framework, the semantic discipline of its categories and the components of meaning and a summary view on linguistic change.

The second part has been a practice framework in which we have restricted the reasons for the semantic evolution of the words supporting them with sufficient examples that clarify the situations that involve change.


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Publication Date
Sat Dec 11 2021
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
Post-Fire Behavior of Non-Prismatic Beams with Multiple Rectangular Openings Monotonically Loaded
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The main objective of this paper is to study the behavior of Non-Prismatic Reinforced Concrete (NPRC) beams with and without rectangular openings either when exposed to fire or not. The experimental program involves casting and testing 9 NPRC beams divided into 3 main groups. These groups were categorized according to heating temperature (ambient temperature, 400°C, and 700°C), with each group containing 3 NPRC beams (solid beams and beams with 6 and 8 trapezoidal openings). For beams with similar geometry, increasing the burning temperature results in their deterioration as reflected in their increasing mid-span deflection throughout the fire exposure period and their residual deflection after cooling. Meanwhile, the existing ope

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 23 2023
Journal Name
Journal The College Of Basic Education / Al-mustansiriyah University
Numerical Solution of Non-linear Delay Differential Equations Using Semi Analytic Iterative Method
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We present a reliable algorithm for solving, homogeneous or inhomogeneous, nonlinear ordinary delay differential equations with initial conditions. The form of the solution is calculated as a series with easily computable components. Four examples are considered for the numerical illustrations of this method. The results reveal that the semi analytic iterative method (SAIM) is very effective, simple and very close to the exact solution demonstrate reliability and efficiency of this method for such problems.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 23 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
Numerical Solution of Non-linear Delay Differential Equations Using Semi Analytic Iterative Method
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Publication Date
Sun Jul 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Prevalence of Non-Dermatophytic Molds in Toenails among Diabetic Patients in Homs, Syria
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     Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a risk factor for fungal infections, including onychomycosis. The study aims to determine the prevalence of toenail onychomycosis in diabetic patients and its correlation with associated factors, identify the causative agents and compare the fungal culture findings with the real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) findings of diagnosing 6 fungal isolates. A total of 126 diabetic patients were included between November 2020 to June 2021. Nail samples were subjected to potassium hydroxide 20%. Culture was done on Sabouraud dextrose agar medium (SDA), both with and without cycloheximide. Identification of non-dermatophytic molds was based on colony characteristics, colony reverse, cello-tape flag meth

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 23 2022
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Structural Efficiency of Non-Prismatic Hollow Reinforced Concrete Beams Retrofitted with CFRP Sheets
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Non-prismatic reinforced concrete (RC) beams are widely used for various practical purposes, including enhancing architectural aesthetics and increasing the overall thickness in the support area above the column, which gives high assurance to services that this will not result in the distortion of construction features and can reduce heights. The hollow sections (recess) can also be used for the maintenance of large structural sections and the safe passage of utility lines of water, gas, telecommunications, electricity, etc. They are generally used in large and complex civil engineering works like bridges. This study conducted a numerical study using the commercial finite element software ANSYS version 15 for analysing RC beams, hol

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Buckling Analysis Of Damaged Composite Plates Under Uniform Or Non-Uniform Compressive Load
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The present study focused mainly on the buckling behavior of composite laminated plates subjected to mechanical loads. Mechanical loads are analyzed by experimental analysis, analytical analysis (for laminates without cutouts) and numerical analysis by finite element method (for laminates with and without cutouts) for different type of loads which could be uniform or non-uniform, uniaxial or biaxial. In addition to many design parameters of the laminates such as aspect ratio, thickness ratio, and lamination angle or the parameters of the cutout such as shape, size, position, direction, and radii rounding) which are changed to studytheir effects on the buckling characteristics with various boundary conditions. Levy method of classical lam

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Information Engineering And Applications
Development of Prognosis Factors in a Scoring System for Predicting of Breast Cancer Mortality
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Today, the prediction system and survival rate became an important request. A previous paper constructed a scoring system to predict breast cancer mortality at 5 to 10 years by using age, personal history of breast cancer, grade, TNM stage and multicentricity as prognostic factors in Spain population. This paper highlights the improvement of survival prediction by using fuzzy logic, through upgrading the scoring system to make it more accurate and efficient in cases of unknown factors, age groups, and in the way of how to calculate the final score. By using Matlab as a simulator, the result shows a wide variation in the possibility of values for calculating the risk percentage instead of only 16. Additionally, the accuracy will be calculate

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 10 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Risk Factors of Oral Cancer and Potentially malignant disorders (PMDs) – Developing a High / Low Risk Profiling System
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Background: Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) remains a lethal and deforming disease, with a significant mortality and a rising incidence in younger and female patients. It is thus imperative to identify potential risk factors for OSCC and oral PMDs and to design an accurate data collection tool to try to identify patients at high risk of OSCC development. 14 factors consistently found to be associated with the pathogenesis of OSCC and oral PMDs. Eight of themwere identified as high risk (including tobacco, alcohol, betel quid, marijuana, genetic factors, age, diet and immunodeficiency) and 6 low risk (such as oral health, socioeconomic status, HPV, candida infection, alcoholic mouth wash and diabetes) were stratified according to severit

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Levels of Some Blood Clotting Factors in COVID-19 Patients: Comparative Study Before and After Pfizer- BioNTech Vaccinations
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One of the health issues that a coronavirus can induce is blood clotting. Coronavirus can be prevented in a number of ways. Vaccination is one of the critical methods for preventing illness or lessening its impact. This study seeks to estimate a few blood coagulation variables. 147 samples were collected from the Baghdad Governorate in the autumn of 2021. The samples were split into three groups: COVID-19 patients, healthy individuals before and after receiving the (Pfizer-BioNTech) vaccine, and healthy individuals only. Prothrombin Time (PT), Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT), Protein C (PTN-C), Protein S (PTN-S), and International Normalized Ratio (INR) for 49 samples were measured and computed for each group. The results have shown th

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Prevalence of self-reported halitosis and associated factors in 15 years old male students in Karbala City-Iraq
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Background׃ Halitosis is a common condition and is most often caused by a buildup of bacteria in the mouth because of gum disease, food, or plaque. It can result in anxiety among those affected, it is also associated with depression and symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder. The aim of this study isto assess the prevalence of self-reported halitosis and associated factors (dental plaque, gingival condition and dental caries) in 15 years old male students in Karbala city in Iraq. Additionally, we studied adolescents’ concern with their own breath and whether anyone had ever told them that they had halitosis. Methods׃ A cross sectional observational survey was conducted to15 years old high school students from public and p

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