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Osman Mazlumun şiirlerınde ve hoyratlarında kötümserlik duyguları The Pessimistic Feelings in Ottoman Madhalom 's Al- Khouairatand poetry
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Irak Türkmen edebiyatının divan şiirlerinde büyük simalardan sayılan , ve

Irak Türklerinin en içli şairi olan Osman Mazlum .Şiirleri yalnızlık hem ve kederle

dolu olan şairin , her zaman büyük bir üzüntüye kablandığı için bunun tüm

şiirlerinde yansıtmıştır . Her zaman kaderden şikayetci olan şiirlerinde (Mazlum)

mahlasını kullanmıştır . Şairin klasik edebiyatında önemli bir yeri vardır . Hoyrat

yoluyla edebiyata giren mazlum'un gönül yarası bu aşıkla dolunca feyizlenmeye

ve türlü nağmelerle seslenmeğe başladı . İşte bu güne kadar yazmış olduğu şiirler

o sesler hep ahang , terennüm ve tesavırıdır . Bende bu araştırmada ilk önce

şairin hayatına , edebi kişiliğine ve eserlerine baş vurduktan sonra şairin

kötümserlik ve acı duygularını da osmanlı şiirleriyle ve hoyratlarıyla yeni

Türkçeye çevirerekaçıkladım . Son olarak bu araştırmanın okuyucularına yararlı

olmasını dilerim .


Ottman belonges to the approach of melancholy in the modern Turkish poetry. He complained his miserable luck ,which accompanied him along his life. And he descended from great ancestries.

  He was born in 1922 in Kirkuk. His parents are Turkish, his father belonges to the Turkmen tribe Al-Biat. He entered Al-Kuttab (before school), and then he entered the primary school till finishing his high school. Then he joined college of law and he got  his Bachelor in arts in  1956 .He worked in offices of ministry of Justice and then he retired.

    Madhalom faced misteries and agonies in his academic, workable life, and other thing. He didn’t get the benefit of his bachelor in Law. The poet didn’t achieve his goals and expectations in spite of his certification, knowledge, and honesty. He  worked in agriculture and other jobs, but he was disappointed at every times. Accordingly, his writing was influenced by his pessimistic point of view. Sometimes his disappointment became firstly and deprived him of fulfilling his wishes, and in other times it pulled him back.

In Turkish literature, Madhalom considered as the last poet who used prosody in the language of court. He longed for Arabic prosody. He announced that in spite of prosody difficulty,t it was the best model for poetry. In addition to his poetry , he was distinguished by writing Al-Kwareet  which included Proverbs, wise sayings, and Ghazal. And he was the only one who joined Al-Kwareet to national meanings.

    He regarded as the poet of hopelessness and despair as much as the poet of home and society and this we can see in his poetry as well as in his chaste poems. In Al-Ghazal poems, he revealed the feelings of a lover and be contrastive of choosing rhetorical words and added an aesthetic touch. Then the poem be in touch with the heart and affecting.

The research deals with pessimistic feelings in addition to the poets' life, literary personality, and his  poetry of Ghazal. The researcher transformed his poems and hıs Khouairat from the  Ottoman language to  the modern Turkish in Latin .

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
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The Image of Woman by the Artist Jaber Alwan: احلام عبد الستار شنين
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The woman represents an existential dualism with the man along history. This existence has been manifested through the history of Art starting from the arts of the old civilizations until modernism. It must be said that the history of Art refers to her presence as an extension for this history in the oriental arts, and the Arab countries including Iraq.  The woman has varying outputs in terms of the content of her presence and the style of presentation. In her characterizations: maternity, fertility, femininity and others. The Iraqi artists adopted these fields among them the artist Jaber Alwan who formulated his style of presentation and its units depending on the feminine presence and his experience in her formal and stylistic fie

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
The study of the literature review of hybrid classification approaches to credit scoring
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Kuwait Journal Of Science
The effect of magnetic field variations on the spectral properties of tornado plasma
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At atmospheric pressure and at a frequency of 9.1 kHz, a constructed magnetically stabilized tornado gliding arc discharge (MSGAD) system was utilized in this study to generate a non-thermal plasma with an alternating voltage source from 2,4,6,8 to 10 kV. Argon gas was used to generate the arc plasma with an adjustable flow rate using a flow meter regulator to stabilize the gas flow rate to 2 L/min. A gliding plasma discharge is achieved by a magnetic field for the purpose of a planned investigation. The influence of the magnetically stabilized tornado gliding arc discharge parameters such as magnetic field and applied voltage on microscopic tornado plasma parameters was studied. The electron temperature1was measured using a Boltzmann plot

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Formation of Orientalist discourse, the tendency within the force, and metadata, and power.
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Began research of the foundations of Orientalist discourse based on force and metadata and authority, and the possibility of turning the West's view of the East as if made ​​radical changes in the structure of the West or in a relationship of power and authority between it and the east. We have adopted in our paper on the research categories of Edward Said and visions in the field of Orientalism in general, and especially his book entitled the name of this area, not forgetting, or leave the expansion to other sources, a researcher in this field, to enrich the research.

We went to Orientalism as a concept and based cognitive, and the work of the Orientalist, and the meanings of Orientalism, which suggests Balastala which was c

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Study Properties (Compressive And Tensile And Wear) For The Composite Materials Hybried
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  This study included prepared samples of epoxy reinforced by the novolac , aluminum , glass powder and epoxy reinforced by aluminum , glass powder and epoxy alone .They are used as reinforced materials of volum fraction amounting 40% .  The mechanical properties inclouded ( tensile , compressive and wear) where the wear test inclouded different applied loads (5,10,15) . From the results showed the epoxy reinforced by aluminum and glass powder has higher compressive strength (56.91) Mpa and higher tensile strength (132.2) Mpa .But the epoxy alone has higher wear rate and the epoxy reinforced by aluminum and glass powder which have higher elasticity of modulus from the tensile test (315.7) Mpa

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The concept of inconsistency and measuring the inverse relationship between overlap and contrast.
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The aim of this study is to clarify the relationship between the concept of  inconsistency and the measurement of the inverse relationship of overlap and contrast. The study will address the following points:

  1. Explaining the true nature of inconsistency and contrast, as understanding their relationship is essential for determining them.
  2. Examining the view of the scholars regarding their significance as approaches to understanding the relationship.
  • Identifying the relationship between inconsistency and contrast in terms of overlap and contrast.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 20 2024
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Comparison of the Optical Efficiency of Two Designs of the Maksutov–Cassegrain Telescope
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The research aims to develop the best possible design for the widely used Cassegrain telescope. The system consists of two models of different designs: (a) the telescope consists of a Maksutov lens, a spherical primary mirror, and a secondary mirror attached to the lens; (b) it consists of a Maksutov lens and a spherical primary mirror, plus a non-lens attached secondary mirror located between the lens and the primary mirror. The image was evaluated and analyzed using the analysis tools in Zemax software. The results of the two designs showed that the telescope whose secondary mirrors are not adjacent to the Maksutov lens produces high quality image that is almost free from aberration, and then comes the telescope whose secondary mirrors

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 23 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Mouth Rinse of Chlorhxidine on The Occurrence of The Cariogenic Microorganisms
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Twelve students rinsed their mouths once daily with ten ml. of 0.2 % aqueous solution of chlorhexidine gluconate for five days, and seven students served as a control group that used distilled water for rinsing. The result indicated that after one hour of treatment, an obvious sharp reduction in the viable counts of mutans streptococci, total aerobic bacteria, and to less extent the count of lactobacilli in saliva after one hr. of treatment. AnØ¢  increase in the number of these bacterial groups was clearly noticed three hrs. after the application of chlorhexidine and continued to increase later on. In spite of that increase, the bacterial numbers in saliva remained below the initial numbering in this study.

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Simulation of Core Displacement Experiments for the Determination of the Relative Permeability
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Computations of the relative permeability curves were made through their representation by two functions for wetting and nonwetting phases. Each function contains one parameter that controls the shape of the relative permeability curves. The values of these parameters are chosen to minimize an objective function, that is represented as a weighted sum of the squared differences between experimentally measured data and the corresponding data calculated by a mathematical model simulating the experiment. These data comprise the pressure drop across core samples and the recovery response of the displacing phase. Two mathematical models are constructed in this study to simulate incompressible, one-dimensional, two-phase flow. The first model d

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Publication Date
Sun May 07 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Study of Wear Effect on the Unsaturated Resin Reinforced By Rice Husk
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This study was performed by using the unsaturated polyester resin as matrix to the
composite materials with the rice husk as reinforced materials . The research included study
of wear test on the composite material The results show that the, wear is increased with the
increase of applied load and distance slipping and also with time increase . moreover the
shows that the higher value wear rate( 1.91gm/cm) from the load (20) N and the higher value
wear rate (1.43gm/cm) from the higher distance (4cm) and from the higher time (6min) higher
wear rate (5.33gm/cm).

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