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Osman Mazlumun şiirlerınde ve hoyratlarında kötümserlik duyguları The Pessimistic Feelings in Ottoman Madhalom 's Al- Khouairatand poetry
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Irak Türkmen edebiyatının divan şiirlerinde büyük simalardan sayılan , ve

Irak Türklerinin en içli şairi olan Osman Mazlum .Şiirleri yalnızlık hem ve kederle

dolu olan şairin , her zaman büyük bir üzüntüye kablandığı için bunun tüm

şiirlerinde yansıtmıştır . Her zaman kaderden şikayetci olan şiirlerinde (Mazlum)

mahlasını kullanmıştır . Şairin klasik edebiyatında önemli bir yeri vardır . Hoyrat

yoluyla edebiyata giren mazlum'un gönül yarası bu aşıkla dolunca feyizlenmeye

ve türlü nağmelerle seslenmeğe başladı . İşte bu güne kadar yazmış olduğu şiirler

o sesler hep ahang , terennüm ve tesavırıdır . Bende bu araştırmada ilk önce

şairin hayatına , edebi kişiliğine ve eserlerine baş vurduktan sonra şairin

kötümserlik ve acı duygularını da osmanlı şiirleriyle ve hoyratlarıyla yeni

Türkçeye çevirerekaçıkladım . Son olarak bu araştırmanın okuyucularına yararlı

olmasını dilerim .


Ottman belonges to the approach of melancholy in the modern Turkish poetry. He complained his miserable luck ,which accompanied him along his life. And he descended from great ancestries.

  He was born in 1922 in Kirkuk. His parents are Turkish, his father belonges to the Turkmen tribe Al-Biat. He entered Al-Kuttab (before school), and then he entered the primary school till finishing his high school. Then he joined college of law and he got  his Bachelor in arts in  1956 .He worked in offices of ministry of Justice and then he retired.

    Madhalom faced misteries and agonies in his academic, workable life, and other thing. He didn’t get the benefit of his bachelor in Law. The poet didn’t achieve his goals and expectations in spite of his certification, knowledge, and honesty. He  worked in agriculture and other jobs, but he was disappointed at every times. Accordingly, his writing was influenced by his pessimistic point of view. Sometimes his disappointment became firstly and deprived him of fulfilling his wishes, and in other times it pulled him back.

In Turkish literature, Madhalom considered as the last poet who used prosody in the language of court. He longed for Arabic prosody. He announced that in spite of prosody difficulty,t it was the best model for poetry. In addition to his poetry , he was distinguished by writing Al-Kwareet  which included Proverbs, wise sayings, and Ghazal. And he was the only one who joined Al-Kwareet to national meanings.

    He regarded as the poet of hopelessness and despair as much as the poet of home and society and this we can see in his poetry as well as in his chaste poems. In Al-Ghazal poems, he revealed the feelings of a lover and be contrastive of choosing rhetorical words and added an aesthetic touch. Then the poem be in touch with the heart and affecting.

The research deals with pessimistic feelings in addition to the poets' life, literary personality, and his  poetry of Ghazal. The researcher transformed his poems and hıs Khouairat from the  Ottoman language to  the modern Turkish in Latin .

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Tue Mar 18 2025
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Journal Of Physical Education
An Analysis of some motor variables of butterfly stroke and their relationship to success in the 50-meter butterfly race for national team swimmers (candidate category)
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Mon Jan 01 2024
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Pharmaceutical Sciences Asia
Effect of sub-minimum inhibitory concentrations of ceftriaxone on the Pseudomonas aeruginosa adhesion to human oral mucosal epithelial cells and biofilm formation to polystyrene in vitro
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
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Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    Adontomerus amygdali (Boucek, 1958) (Hymenoptera, Torymidae) is recorded for the first time in Iraq, parasitizing almond fruits wasp, Eurytoma amygdali Enderlein, 1907 (Hymenoptera, Eurytomidae) infesting fruits of almond trees Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D. A. Webb (=Amygdalus communis Linn.)   growing in Koysinjaq district, Erbil, Iraq. A short morphological description of this species is presented.

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Fri Dec 01 2023
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Tropical Journal Of Natural Product Research
Investigating the Impact of Phenolic and Terpene Fractions extracted from Prunus arabica on p53 Protein Expression in AMJ13 and SK-GT-4 Human Cancer Cell Lines
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Sat Jan 01 2022
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Revista Iberoamericana De PsicologÍa Del Ejercicio Y El Deporte
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Wed Jun 01 2016
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Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
La traducción de LJI ,Robinson Crusoe en la imaginación de los niños . Infants' literature (Robinson Crusoe) in children's imagination
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      La literatura infantil es uno de los géneros literarios que incluye varios estilos de la prosa, cuento,  poesía etc. Ha florecido en el siglo XX con la aparición de los autores que dedicaron la mayor parte de su tiempo para escribir sus composiciones para los niños, tomando de las leyendas y las historias populares y religiosas a fin de hacerla sencilla para ser correspondiente con sus edades. La traducción de la literatura infantil lleva a ampliar los horizontes y los conocimientos de los niños cuando conocen las costumbres y las tradiciones de los pueblos. Se sabe que hay muchas dificultades respecto al proceso de la traducirían en cuanto a la comprensión de l

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Thu Dec 28 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Simulation Study of Mass Transfer Coefficient in Slurry Bubble Column Reactor Using Neural Network
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The objective of this study was to develop neural network algorithm, (Multilayer Perceptron), based correlations for the prediction overall volumetric mass-transfer coefficient (kLa), in slurry bubble column for gas-liquid-solid systems. The Multilayer Perceptron is a novel technique based on the feature generation approach using back propagation neural network. Measurements of overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient were made with the air - Water, air - Glycerin and air - Alcohol systems as the liquid phase in bubble column of 0.15 m diameter. For operation with gas velocity in the range 0-20 cm/sec, the overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient was found to decrease w

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Mon Dec 20 2021
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Baghdad Science Journal
Crucial File Selection Strategy (CFSS) for Enhanced Download Response Time in Cloud Replication Environments
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Cloud Computing is a mass platform to serve high volume data from multi-devices and numerous technologies. Cloud tenants have a high demand to access their data faster without any disruptions. Therefore, cloud providers are struggling to ensure every individual data is secured and always accessible. Hence, an appropriate replication strategy capable of selecting essential data is required in cloud replication environments as the solution. This paper proposed a Crucial File Selection Strategy (CFSS) to address poor response time in a cloud replication environment. A cloud simulator called CloudSim is used to conduct the necessary experiments, and results are presented to evidence the enhancement on replication performance. The obtained an

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 18 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Biomarker Significance of Serum CXCL8, CXCL10 and CXCL16 in Breast Tumors of Iraqi Patients
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The biomarker significance of three chemokines (CXCL8, CXCL10 and CXCL16) was evaluated in sera of 45 breast cancer (BC) and 28 benign breast lesion (BBL) patients, as well as 20 control women. Clinical stage and tumor expression of estrogen (ER), progesterone (PgR) and human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER-2) receptors were considered in this evaluation. The results demonstrated that CXCL8, CXCL10 and CXCL16 showed a significant increased median in BC and BBL patients compared to control (CXCL8: 47.3 and 25.7 vs. 15.0; CXCL10: 37.6 and 30.7 vs. 13.1; CXCL16; 27.9 and 25.2 vs. 19.2 pg/ml, respectively). The increased levels of CXCL8 and CXCL16 were more pronounced in triple-negative and HER-2 positive p

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
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Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Distinguishing Shapes of Breast Cancer Masses in Ultrasound Images by Using Logistic Regression Model
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The last few years witnessed great and increasing use in the field of medical image analysis. These tools helped the Radiologists and Doctors to consult while making a particular diagnosis. In this study, we used the relationship between statistical measurements, computer vision, and medical images, along with a logistic regression model to extract breast cancer imaging features. These features were used to tell the difference between the shape of a mass (Fibroid vs. Fatty) by looking at the regions of interest (ROI) of the mass. The final fit of the logistic regression model showed that the most important variables that clearly affect breast cancer shape images are Skewness, Kurtosis, Center of mass, and Angle, with an AUCROC of

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