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The Allegorical Use of the Rituals of Hunting in Galway Kinnell's "The Bear"
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Galway Kinnell (1927-) is considered as one of the most important contemporary American poets who brought about a drastic change in the American poetry of the nineteen sixties. Kinnell's poetry is characterized by being simple in style and deep in content. Poetry for him is a means through which he perceives the inner levels of consciousness in an attempt to comprehend the depths of the American self. Therefore, he writes narrative poems in which the emphasis is not on the rhetorical effects, but on the inner transformations through which the poet goes.

"The Bear" (1968) is typical of Kinnell's introspective poetry. It takes the form of a journey in which the rituals of hunting are used allegorically to embody the state of the spiritual progress which the hunter achieves through his metaphysical sense of the suffering of his prey. Kinnell makes use of the spiritual connotations of the techniques of the Eskimo hunters to give full expression to the fatal fight in which man has to be involved to fathom the meaning of the unfathomable.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Poetics of Mourning and the American Elegy in Walt Whitman's "When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd"
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Walt Whitman adds a poetic twist to the relationship of man’s body, soul with the universe. His inspiration in writing his elegy, "When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd," draws on aesthetico-political resources. Major amongst these is his leaning towards the American Transcendentalist idea of the "Over-Soul".  The basic topoi in his poems is thus his identification of nature with the soul of man. The idea of the Over-Soul sheds light on the three stages of human loss: suffering, despair, and compensation. Whitman witnessed two political events, the outbreak of the civil war and Abraham Lincoln's death, which were of a particular importance to his life and work: they helped him shape a form and thematic concerns of his own. Buil

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Mask technique in the poem "Christ after the crucifixion" for Bder Shaker Al_Sayab
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Research summary

Perhaps the methods of mask that Arab poets resorted to in our time are due to the conditions of oppression and political and social repression that the Arab poet suffered from; So he strived to circumvent it, and it became a justification for hiding behind it. The research is available on a number of topics that lead to the definition of the mask technique and the beginning of its prevalence in Arabic literature after the Second World War, especially in recent decades by benefiting from historical stories, fairy tales and legends of all kinds. As well as defining the mask idiomatically and linguistically, and the beginning of its use in ancient religious rituals, and the special place it had in Greek plays. Poets

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Role of Informativity in Translating Poetry (A Case Study of Emily Dickinson's Slant of Light)
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Informativity, being an essential component of text/discourse, plays a significant role in highlighting the intended meaning and finally contributes to the overall process of rendering a text cross-culturally. It has, however, been overlooked by translators in doing their jobs. In poetic translation, informativity plays a particularly significant role as it sheds light on the ungraspable traits of meaning.

This study tries to explore this aspect in a translation of Emily Dickenson's Slant of Lights to see where the translator fell short in this aspect with attempts to produce an alternative translation taking into consideration the various orders of informativity. For this purpose, a model of informativity is forwarded t

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Use of Idioms in Advertisements
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The power of advertising is immense. Producers of commercial goods and services routinely pour vast sums into promoting their wares through the advertising media, knowing  that a successful campaign can win them vital market share , and that failure to advertise effectively can have devastating results . The function of advertising is promotional ; to draw our  attention. In order  to achieve this function it must reach its target  audience , then capture that audience with a message that is both attractive and memorable.

         From a linguistic point of view, the language of advertising must be informative, instructive , distinctive and persuasive . It must employ&nb

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 23 2023
Journal Name
Communications In Mathematical Biology And Neuroscience
The dynamic of an eco-epidemiological model involving fear and hunting cooperation
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In the present paper, an eco-epidemiological model consisting of diseased prey consumed by a predator with fear cost, and hunting cooperation property is formulated and studied. It is assumed that the predator doesn’t distinguish between the healthy prey and sick prey and hence it consumed both. The solution’s properties such as existence, uniqueness, positivity, and bounded are discussed. The existence and stability conditions of all possible equilibrium points are studied. The persistence requirements of the proposed system are established. The bifurcation analysis near the non-hyperbolic equilibrium points is investigated. Numerically, some simulations are carried out to validate the main findings and obtain the critical values of th

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 18 2023
Journal Name
Communications In Mathematical Biology And Neuroscience
Contribution of hunting cooperation and antipredator behavior to the dynamics of the harvested prey-predator system
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Fear, harvesting, hunting cooperation, and antipredator behavior are all important subjects in ecology. As a result, a modified Leslie-Gower prey-predator model containing these biological aspects is mathematically constructed, when the predation processes are described using the Beddington-DeAngelis type of functional response. The solution's positivity and boundedness are studied. The qualitative characteristics of the model are explored, including stability, persistence, and bifurcation analysis. To verify the gained theoretical findings and comprehend the consequences of modifying the system's parameters on their dynamical behavior, a detailed numerical investigation is carried out using MATLAB and Mathematica. It is discovered that the

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 16 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Analysis And Applications
Fear and Hunting Cooperation's Impact on the Eco-Epidemiological Model's Dynamics
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Due to the fact that living organisms do not exist individually, but rather exist in clusters interacting with each other, which helps to spread epidemics among them. Therefore, the study of the prey-predator system in the presence of an infectious disease is an important topic because the disease affects the system's dynamics and its existence. The presence of the hunting cooperation characteristic and the induced fear in the prey community impairs the growth rate of the prey and therefore affects the presence of the predator as well. Therefore, this research is interested in studying an eco-epidemiological system that includes the above factors. Therefore, an eco-epidemiological prey-predator model incorporating predation fear and

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Scopus (2)
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Analisis de la metáfora en la poema " Noche oscura del alma" de San Juan de la Cruz Analysis metaphor in the poem "Dark Night of the Soul" John of the Cross
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 Una joven cuenta cómo, en plena noche, aprovechando la tranquilidad de esa hora, sale a escondidas de su casa y va a reunirse con su enamorado. Envuelta en la oscuridad, se deja dirigir por la luz de su propio amor hasta el lugar de la cita, donde la pasión de los amantes culmina. A continuación, relajados por la brisa nocturna, los amantes se adormecen, primero, el amado velado por la amada, por último, ella misma.

Amor entre dos enamorados. Unión mística de alma y Dios , aunque , de hecho , podría servirnos de clara exposición temática el subtitulo con que el poema suele publicarse en la tradición , tanto manuscrita como impresa : Canciones del alma que se goza d

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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When the guard honey bees, Apis mellifera L., form a clump at the hive entrance or on the flight board, the oriental hornet, Vespa orientails L., either creeps toward the clump or hovers over it in order to take a bee. Once the hornet creeps, only few bees facing the hornet become alert, rock their heads and antennae, open their wings, and take a posture of defense. The rest of the clump stays listless without any signal of concern. However, the clump stays dense and the defending bees do not detach themselves neither from the rest of the clump nor from each other. For this reason, it is very difficult for the hornet to grab a bee unless the latter makes a “mistake” by detaching herself from other adjacent bees. If the hornet grabs s

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 31 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The semantic use of Emiri discourse in the story of Joseph
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   The term discourse is one of the terms that have attracted the attention of learners because it is indicative of the speech that is directly related to the addressee and the addressee through a common message between them. In the story of the study and the importance of research can be a widespread method, and then the choice of this story the story of Joseph (peace be upon him) in particular did not come The research presented in the introduction and the preamble and three topics, dealt with the definition of discourse, and the role of discourse in modern Quranic and linguistic studies, and in the first section dealt with the definition of the style of command language, terminology and command formu

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