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"The wisdom of the Abraham son of Izra": "החכמה אצל המשורר אברהם בן עזרא"
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Abraham son of Izra, the poet, the philosopher, the grammarian, and the Turah exegesis, is considered one of the famous poets in the era of Islamic reign in Spain which is called the "Golden Era". He was taught all types of teaching which was rich in Jewish literary products. He learned Arabic and studied Arabic language and literature. He travelled a lot, and made tours within Spanish places, and even reached the North of Africa. He preferred living with Muslim rulers in the south of Spain, like the rest of the Jews who emigrated from the north of Spain to the South in search for freedom and to participate in higher positions of the Islamic Palace. He was influenced by Arabic culture, and even translated "The Message of Hay Son of Yaqdhan" by the philosopher Avicenna. He also was influenced by many various topic of poetry such as wine, riddles, chess, and disputes as in between wine and bread. He wrote about proverbs and many other purposes which were the craftsman's job amongst the Arabs.


     אברהם בן עזרא, אחרון המשוררים העבריים הגדולים של, תור הזהב. הוא משורר, פילוסוף, חכם, הוא קיבל חינוך מגוון ועשיר, רכש בקיאות ביצירות היהדות לדורותיה, למד את השפה הערבית והתוודע לתרבות ערב וספרותה. שנים רבות חי במקומות שונים בספרד הנוצרית, זמן מה לאחר שעזב, הוא עבר לא הדרום המוסלמי. כמו שאנו יודעים שלטו בספרד חליפים ערביים וביניהם לבין  היהודים שררו יחסים של כבוד והערכה. השלטון המוסלמי היה סובלני יחסית כלפי היהודים. הוא כתב שירים בסוגים שונים ביין, שהוא אחת סוגי השירה שהופיעה בתקופת ההיא בהשפעת השירה הערבית ובמיוחד שיר היין הערבית.



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Publication Date
Sat Jun 27 2020
Journal Name
Asian Journal Of Civil Engineering
Using measured mile method to quantify the loss of labor productivity in Iraqi construction site
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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Ability of Staphylococcus aureus to Establish Biofilm on Acrylic, Plastic, and Metallic Denture Materials
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       Staphylococcus aureus is a common pathogenic agent due to its ability to cause various types of infections, ranging from mild skin infections to sever systemic diseases. One of the most virulence factors of this bacterium is its ability to from biofilms on solid surfaces by anchoring the planktonic cells and by producing a protective layer of extra polymeric substances. Biofilm formation is controlled through many genes. The most important ones are icaA and icaD. Dentures are prosthetic devices that are made of different materials to replace lost teeth. The aim of this study is to examine the ability of different types of denture materials to support the biofilm formation of S. aureus at phenotypic level by detecting ba

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Radiation Research And Applied Sciences
Theoretical formula for the cosmic-ray muon attenuation coefficients of Pb, Cu, Zn, and Al
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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Difficulties of Rendering Both “Imra’a” امرأة and “Zawj” زوج in the Glorious Qur’an into English
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Women are considered important characters and subjects of discussion in the Glorious  Qur’an. Some are portrayed in a positive light while others are condemned . Most women in the Glorious Qur’an are represented as either the mothers or wives of certain leaders and prophets. But the lexical items “Imra’a” امراة and “zawj” زوج occur in the Glorious Qur’an with different meanings depending on the context where they occur.

     Translation of the Glorious Qur'an has always been a problematic and difficult issue. Since the Glorious Qur'an is regarded as miraculous and inimitable (i'jaz al-Qur'an), Muslims argue that the Qur'anic text should not be separated from its

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 10 2015
Journal Name
British Journal Of Applied Science & Technology
The Use of Cubic Bezier Interpolation, Biorthogonal Wavelet and Quadtree Coding to Compress Color Images
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In this paper, an efficient method for compressing color image is presented. It allows progressive transmission and zooming of the image without need to extra storage. The proposed method is going to be accomplished using cubic Bezier surface (CBI) representation on wide area of images in order to prune the image component that shows large scale variation. Then, the produced cubic Bezier surface is subtracted from the image signal to get the residue component. Then, bi-orthogonal wavelet transform is applied to decompose the residue component. Both scalar quantization and quad tree coding steps are applied on the produced wavelet sub bands. Finally, adaptive shift coding is applied to handle the remaining statistical redundancy and attain e

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Effect of Using Online Automated Feedback on Iraqi EFL Learners’ Writings at University Level
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Feedback on students’ assignments can be done in many different ways. Nowadays, the growing number of students at universities has increased the burden on the instructors to give feedback on students’ writings quickly and efficiently. As such, new methods of modern online automated feedback tools, such as Hemingway app and ecree,are used to assist and help instructors. Hence, this research is an explanatory study to examine the effect of using the online automated feedback on some Iraqi EFL learners’ writings at the university level. The study comprised 60 students enrolled in an English language course at the University of Anbar. They were divided randomly into two groups, experi

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Publication Date
Thu May 11 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Window Size Changing on Satellite Image Segmentation Using 2D Fast Otsu Method
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     Multispectral remote sensing image segmentation can be achieved using a multithresholding technique. This paper studies the effect of changing the window size of the two dimensional (2D) fast Otsu algorithm that presented by Zhang. From the results, it shown that this method behaves as a search machine for the valleys (an automatic threshold), between the gray levels of the histogram with changing the size of slide window.  

Keywords Image Segmentation, (2D) Fast Otsu method, Multithresholding, Automatic thresholding, (2D) histogram image.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Public Health Research & Development
Comparative Study of Hepcidin and Some Inflammatory Parameters in Pregnant Women at the Three Trimesters
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Publication Date
Mon Oct 30 2023
Journal Name
Digest Journal Of Nanomaterials And Biostructures
Concentration effect on the vibrational and electronic properties of MgXZn7-XO7 wurtzoids nanostructure via DFT
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In the present work, the ternary compound MgxZn7-x O7Wurtzoid with variable Zn and Mg contents was analyzed using density functional theory with B3LYP 6-311G**basis set. The electronic and vibrational properties of MgxZn7-xO7 wurtzoids, were investigated, including energy gaps, bond lengths, spectral properties, such like infrared spectra and Raman. IR and Raman spectra were compared with experimental longitudinal optical modes frequency results. The theoretical results agree well with experiments and previous data. It has been found that the energy gap is increasing with the increased Mg concentration, and that the longitudinal optical position exposes a UV shift movement with an increase in the concentration.

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 16 2010
Journal Name
J Bagh Coll Dent
Traumatic injuries to the incisors among patients attending pedodontic clinic of Baghdad dental teaching hospital
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