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Functional Shift of Present and Past Participles from No-minal Meaning to Adjectival Meaning: Функциональная транспозиция причастий в прилагательное
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This paper tackles in detail the functional shift of parts of speech, such as the shift of a verbal clause to an adjectival clause, along with the types of such a shift. The researcher identified the important features of participles, as well as the concept of participles, adjectives, and their types. Also, the most important changes that affect the participles during such shifts. Further, an exposition is made of the different producers through which a verbal clause is changed into an adjectival one in Russian.

      This type of functional shift in parts of speech is seen as a process of deriving most of the new words in contemporary Russian. Russian is very rich in new words, whether by way of processes of derivation or by borrowing and acclimatization of foreign words, or by making a functional shift of a certain part of speech into another; or, by other ways which would contribute to add to the stockpile of Russian words.


              Данная статья под названием" Функциональная транспозиция

причастий в прилагательное " посвящена объяснению проблемы функциональная транспозиция частей речи – причастие и  типы транспозиции, а так же основные характиристики и типы и причастие и прилагательное. В  нашей работе рассматриваютсясемантические и синтаксические изменения причастия при переносе в разряд прилагательных и при помощи их  объяснили динамичные способы измения при транспозиции. Переход одну часть речи в другую, является одним из важных методов образования болшинство новых слов в русском языке. Русский язык богата новыми словами  помощью способов словообразования , заимствования иностранных слов через другого языка и адаптация их функциональная транспозиция одну части речи в другой   и др., которые активно так или иначе обогащают словарного состава современного русского языка.



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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
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Biannual Journal By Department Of Linguistic And Translation Studies In Bayt Al Hikma
Metaphorical meaning of parts of the human body in Russian
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This article discusses some of the metaphorical use of language units. Here we will define the basic concepts and underline the causes of this phenomenon. Through research it is proven that through the application of names of some body parts achieves the variety of metaphorical meanings.

Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
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Vestnik Of Lobachevsky University Of Nizhni Novgorod
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2024
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Tikrit Journal For Dental Sciences
Aligning Archwires in Orthodontics: Exploring the Past, Present, and Future - A Comprehensive Narrative Review
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Orthodontic wires facilitate the required dental adjustments in the context of orthodontic therapy. The archwire has played a crucial role in orthodontic treatment, and the increasing emphasis on aesthetic preferences from patients, as well as the development of composite and ceramic brackets, have prompted investigations into aesthetic archwires that complement these brackets. Orthodontic wires are produced using a diverse range of materials. The utilisation of all available wire types can improve patient comfort, decrease chairside time, and shorten the overall duration of treatment. The individual clinician must possess comprehensive knowledge and comprehension of the various requirements and alternatives throughout the therapeut

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
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Power of language and carriers meaning in communication discourse: كاظم مؤنس عزيز
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It reveals speech communication whether it is legible audible or visible on a comprehensive formula inhabited open language on the modalities for reporting cases of the source say, making communication cognitive processes, is not to produce arguments as it is about the generation of the content of communication, so the contact of any kind remains practice for the cognitive action by the language in which it operates as a way agreed to their units between the poles of communication circle in the framework of a certain socio-cultural context, and that becomes the basis of the text of the message external referrals, making it feasible for multiple readings in semantic dimensions and deliberative

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Prepositions in the System of Analytical Unites of Modern Russian Language: Functional - Semantic Aspects: Отыменные предлоги В системе аналитических единиц русского языка: функционально-семантический аспект
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The present study deals with prepositions in the patterns of analytical unite of modern Russian language out of the functional -semantic aspects, which enhances the lexical semantics.  The study, also, sheds light on the prepositions of semantic derivation that adds value to the meaning of the unites, promotes the appearance of new forms that match the more important diverse complex analytical unit.

В статье рассмотрены отыменные предлоги в системе литических единиц русского языка с позиций функционального и семантического аспектов. Репрезентирована специфика функциониров

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 14 2023
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Functional enhancement and its reflection on industrial product systems
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The research tagged (functional enhancement and its reflection on industrial product systems) focused on the possibility of enhancing industrial products in terms of form and functionality in a way that they are able to meet the needs of the user through the impact of technology and modern technologies on the functional enhancement of industrial products and their effectiveness in achieving formal and functional design variables, and producing products Industrial products are highly efficient and durable in order to improve them in order to meet the needs of the user, the transfer of technology between life forms and industrial products is desirable because the functional enhancement processes that occurred in general on industrial produ

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 15 2022
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
The Intersectionality in I’ve Been Meaning To Tell You: A Letter to My Daughter: A Post-Colonial Perspective
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Intersectionality is a concept that focuses on social inequality towards black people and provides an analytical instruments for creating social justice issues in such a way in order to depict how social marginalization, or privilege occurs differently in various social positions. It does this by focusing on the interaction of multiple systems of oppression. Intersectionality is used to examines how the social factors; race, gender, and class can affect the people’s life especially the immigrants, black people, and refuges. This article will depicts how blacks in Canada are segregated and distinguished from white race. David Chariandy’s I’ve Been Meaning To Tell You: A Letter to My Daughter 2018 is analyzed through Kimberle Crenshaw

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 15 2002
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
The Intersectionality in I've Been Meaning to Tell You: A Letter to My Daughter: A Post-Colonial Perspective
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Intersectionality is a concept that focuses on social inequality towards black people and provides an analytical instruments for creating social justice issues in such a way in order to depict how social marginalization, or privilege occurs differently in various social positions. It does this by focusing on the interaction of multiple systems of oppression. Intersectionality is used to examines how the social factors; race, gender, and class can affect the people’s life especially the immigrants, black people, and refuges. This article will depicts how blacks in Canada are segregated and distinguished from white race. David Chariandy’s I’ve Been Meaning To Tell You: A Letter to My Daughter 2018 is analyzed through Kimberle Crenshaw

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 12 2017
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Functions of Repetition in Deeping the Esthetic Meaning in Television Drama
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The audio-visual arts are considered modern arts compared to theater, plastic arts, and music. It proved its distinguished presences among other arts. It was capable of forming a huge audience and took television from cinema, literature, theater, type of narration, and narrative instructor. Also, it took symbolism and metaphorical repetition from literature. As for the importance of the functions that repetition has the research concentrated on the importance of function of repetition in deeping the esthetic meaning in television drama. The research was limited by:1.Objective limit: functions of repetition in deeping the esthetic meaning in series of (Harem Al-Sultan).2.Place where it was showed: series of (Harem Al-Sultan) part four on

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
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The Problem of Meaning in Contemporary Iraqi Sculpture: عبد الله فوزي خورشيد
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The concept of meaning is one of the most important topics that have occupied the mind of the recipient and critic in all the arts, especially the plastic arts, where we find that the art of contemporary plastic art, in particular sculpture has multiple readings and many critics differed in terms of different reading and views of the same artistic achievement.

This research will identify the different works of contemporary Iraqi sculptors while presenting and studying their works, as well as (studying the problem of meaning) of the artistic achievements of the sculptors in particular. The various parties interested in Iraqi sculpture did not seize the problem of the objective and subjective meaning of contemporary Iraqi sculpture

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