Online communication on social networks has become a never-given-up way of expressing and sharing views and opinions within the realm of all topics on earth, and that is that! A basis essential in this is the limits at which "freedom of expression" should not be trespassed so as not to fall into the expression of "hate speech". These two ends make a base in the UN regulations pertaining to human rights: One is free to express, but not to hate by expression. Hereunder, a Critical Discourse Analysis in terms of Fairclough's dialectical-relational approach (2001) is made of Facebook posts (being made by common people, and not of official nature) targeting Islam and Muslims. This is made so as to recognize these instances of "speech" as pertaining to freedom of expression or to hate speech. It is concluded that the language of the posts and their semiotic details signify that the texts therein represent hate speech which may amount sometimes to call for genocide, and not a mere freedom of expression.
The experimental and numerical analysis was performed on pipes suffering large plastic deformation through expanding them using rigid conical shaped mandrels, with three different cone angles (15◦, 25◦, 35◦) and diameters (15, 17, 20) mm. The experimental test for the strain results investigated the expanded areas. A numerical solution of the pipes expansion process was also investigated using the commercial finite element software ANSYS. The strains were measured for each case experimentally by stamping the mesh on the pipe after expanding, then compared with Ansys results. No cracks were generated during the process with the selected angles. It can be concluded that the strain decreased with greater angles of con
... Show MoreIn this paper, the behavior of structural concrete linear bar members was studied using numerical model implemented in a computer program written in MATLAB. The numerical model is based on the modified version of the procedure developed by Oukaili. The model is based on real stress-strain diagrams of concrete and steel and their secant modulus of elasticity at different loading stages. The behavior presented by normal force-axial strain and bending moment-curvature relationships is studied by calculating the secant sectional stiffness of the member. Based on secant methods, this methodology can be easily implemented using an iterative procedure to solve non-linear equations. A comparison between numerical and experimental data, illustrated
... Show MoreIn this paper, a methodology is presented for determining the stress and strain in structural concrete sections, also, for estimating the ultimate combination of axial forces and bending moments that produce failure. The structural concrete member may have a cross-section with an arbitrary configuration, the concrete region may consist of a set of subregions having different characteristics (i.e., different grades of concretes, or initially identical, but working with different stress-strain diagrams due to the effect of indirect reinforcement or the effect of confinement, etc.). This methodology is considering the tensile strain softening and tension stiffening of concrete in additio
In this study, the turbulent buoyancy driven fluid flow and heat transfer in a differentially heated rectangular enclosure filled with water is quantified numerically. The two dimensional governing differential equations are discretized using the finite volume method. SIMPLE algorithm is employed to obtain stabilized solution for high Rayleigh numbers by a computational code written in FORTRAN language. A parametric study is undertaken and the effect of Rayleigh numbers (1010 to 1014), the aspect ratio (30, 40 and 50), and the tilt angle (10o to 170o ) on fluid flow and heat transfer are investigated. The results of the adopted model in the present work is compared with previously published results and a qualitative agreement and a good
... Show Moreأن الطرق اللامعلمية هي نوع من الطرق الاحصائية الاستدلالية التي يمكن استخدامها للتوصل إلى أستنتاجات لذا كان حرص المؤلف على أصدار هذا الكتاب والذي يعمل على توضيح ( لماذا ؟ ومتى ؟ وكيف ؟ ) تستخدم كل طريقة إحصائية . وبإمكان القاريء سواء أكان أستاذا ً جامعيا ً أو باحثا ً أو طالبا ً في الدراسات العليا ( الماجستير والدكتوراه ) أو طالبا ً في الدراسات الأولية أن يتتبع جميع الخطوات لحساب كل قانون إحصائي وبدءا ً من عملية إدخ
... Show MoreLocal and global bifurcations of food web model consists of immature and mature preys, first predator, and second predator with the current of toxicity and harvesting was studied. It is shown that a trans-critical bifurcation occurs at the equilibrium point
Drilling deviated wells is a frequently used approach in the oil and gas industry to increase the productivity of wells in reservoirs with a small thickness. Drilling these wells has been a challenge due to the low rate of penetration (ROP) and severe wellbore instability issues. The objective of this research is to reach a better drilling performance by reducing drilling time and increasing wellbore stability.
In this work, the first step was to develop a model that predicts the ROP for deviated wells by applying Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). In the modeling, azimuth (AZI) and inclination (INC) of the wellbore trajectory, controllable drilling parameters, unconfined compressive strength (UCS), formation
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